In 2001, we embarked on a journey to create a unique and powerful statement of value to clients summed in three simple phrases - Business Impact Created, Predictability in Execution, and Unique Client Experiences. Since then, all aspects of Trianz and its ecosystem have been shaped to deliver this and consistently in every client setting.
In 2013, we sensed new paradigms taking shape and spent serious time with our clients understanding how it impacted them. We applied ourselves to creating the right portfolio before digital transformation became fashionable. We followed this up by crafting the right service model from strategy through technology implementation and managed services, the right technology partnerships and building the right culture required for multidisciplinary collaboration this new shift We saw the change.
Our business theme, ‘Accelerating Digital Evolution,’ reflects our commitment to helping business and technology leaders drive transformations through simple yet effective techniques. Our portfolio is concentrated around, Cloud-Infrastructure, Analytics, Digitalization & Security- this is all we do. We bring a holistic understanding of issues and opportunities, holistic teams and an experience of over 2,500 successful global client engagements powered by innovative, futuristic methodologies.
Twenty years and counting; with an ecosystem engineered around our focus on Digital Evolutions, we see challenges and opportunities through the client’s eyes, we replace consulting speak and complexity with simplicity and focus on results throughout. Simplifying this daunting task of digital evolutions, partnering in the journey and delivering impact is what
We are trusted by our Clients and our 2018 Client Satisfaction Survey results speak to this- Trianz has been rated #1 among firms our clients work with for 2 years in a row.
Awards and Recognitions
Ranked among Forbes ‘America's Best Management Consulting Firms’ for 3rd consecutive year
Featured Among Top 25 Case Studies in New ISG Book on Digital Excellence
Positioned as a Vanguard Challenger in ALM Intelligence report on IT Service Operations Consulting 2019
CEO Today Showcased Trianz' Cloud and Digital Capabilities