IT infrastructure is the foundation for all modern enterprise operations, making proper management integral to the smooth running of your business. This infrastructure supports service delivery to customers and helps employees become more productive by hosting internal business applications. A robust IT operations management system operating across the multi-cloud is needed to orchestrate and maintain your infrastructure in the long run.

Trianz has partnered with the Nutanix platform to deliver just that: multi-cloud IT operations management, system orchestration, and health monitoring. Nutanix is a hyper-converged infrastructure management system that integrates compute, storage, virtualization, and networking in a unified platform. With Nutanix, enterprises can modernize their data center by removing administrative barriers between cloud platforms to get full infrastructure visibility.

Nutanix controls your infrastructure along with any workloads or applications that you run. Monitor and configure your IT resources for optimal availability, performance, and scalability within the Nutanix dashboard. The Nutanix platform allows you to break free from vendor lock-in with an effortless app and data migration between platforms, giving you the freedom to choose between performance and cost management.

Trianz Nutanix Offerings

Trianz partnered with Nutanix to deliver hyper-converged IT operations management functionality to our clients. We are part of the Nutanix Services Partner (NSP) program, offering a comprehensive range of services.

Nutanix Implementation Services

Nutanix Implementation Services

Before adopting Nutanix, you will need to map out your existing infrastructure and identify relevant platform services in line with your business requirements. Our experts will create an adoption roadmap for Nutanix, identifying servers, networking hardware, databases, and business applications that can be managed by the platform. From here, we develop the integrations needed to orchestrate these services with Nutanix, while also suggesting improved processes or solutions enabled by the Nutanix platform.

Nutanix Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Deployment

Nutanix Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Deployment

Convergence is the art of moving towards uniformity, and Nutanix brings uniformity to your IT operations with hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI). The Nutanix platform works to standardize your IT resources, enabling orchestration and monitoring across different vendors in a single user interface. Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV) is an obfuscation layer that offers platform- and software-agnostic management for your cloud. Trianz will load services into Nutanix AHV, where you can monitor and configure your IT resources with the assistance of machine learning (ML) for optimal performance and availability.

Nutanix Hyper-Converged Data Storage

Nutanix Hyper-Converged Data Storage

Data storage is incredibly important, as your business services need constant access to function properly. Nutanix offers hyper-converged data storage with intelligent data handling and automated remediation. Corrupt data can be replaced on-the-fly by Nutanix thanks to data backups. Always-on optimization can compress, de-duplicate, and categorize your datasets to minimize costs and maximize performance. Trianz experts can help you develop a hyper-converged data solution on Nutanix, resulting in a self-healing, disaster-resistant data warehouse that your enterprise can rely on.

Nutanix Application Failover Implementation

Nutanix Application Failover Implementation

Hyper-converged infrastructure on Nutanix presents enormous benefits for business applications. By loading your virtual machines (VMs) and compute nodes from multiple clouds into Nutanix, you can create policies that orchestrate application or service failovers. The moment an app or service goes down, Nutanix will create a duplicate using the Last Known Good Configuration (LKGC) with the exact parameters and data connections prior to failure. Nutanix platform allows you to virtually eliminate service downtime and provide consistent service availability and performance to customers.

Nutanix Desktop-as-a-Service

Nutanix Desktop-as-a-Service

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is the future for employee workspace provision. By adopting VDI, you can provide a consistent and reliable desktop experience aligned with your existing cloud security and compliance policies. Nutanix offers Desktop-as-a-Service through Xi Frame, delivering both full desktop experiences and sandboxed applications via HTML5. Trianz can help you adopt Xi Frame, with VDI hosting support available through the Nutanix cloud, AWS, Azure, and GCP. Sandboxed app delivery will be enabled via Xi Frame across office software, CAD, animation and video editing, along with full Windows and Linux virtual desktop experiences.

Nutanix Zero-Trust Cybersecurity Configuration

Nutanix Zero Trust Cybersecurity Configuration

Zero trust is founded on the belief that enterprises should not automatically trust users, connections, or processes, regardless of their origin. Instead, each action on your network is carefully vetted to maximize cybersecurity, preventing all access until full verification is achieved. Trianz can help you adopt this new security paradigm on Nutanix, creating a watertight enterprise network that is incredibly resilient against threats. We accomplish this using the Nutanix Flow Microsegmentation service, applying zero trust across servers, user accounts, networking, and business software for full security and compliance.

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