What Defines a Sound Infrastructure Strategy?
As digitalization marches forward, infrastructure becomes a dynamic and critical part of the digital transformation equation. There are numerous rapidly evolving strategies and technologies that make IT infrastructure more cohesive but also more complex, such as hybrid cloud, hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI), software-defined networking (SDN), server virtualization.
Managing your IT infrastructure proactively, predictably, and efficiently on cloud or on-prem requires a strategic approach.
The scope of infrastructure strategy includes physical hardware and facilities (including data centers), data storage and retrieval, network systems, legacy interfaces, and software to support the business goals of an enterprise. Of course, no strategy is complete without policy, testing, operations, upgrades, maintenance, as well as hiring and training.
A sound infrastructure strategy and a more cohesive IT infrastructure – when implemented correctly – will reap significant benefits for the IT department and beyond. It can bring much-needed agility and cost optimization, even as infrastructure management evolves.

Why Is Infrastructure Strategy Important?
Today’s CIOs are responsible for efficiently managing the infrastructure that supports overall organizational business goals. Part of this responsibility includes increasing business value by streamlining information retrieval and reporting, providing proactive and agile responses to leverage information and technology, and quickly adapting to allow enhanced end user experiences. To implement these strategies successfully, however, requires a new look at IT infrastructure strategy.
It is important to make sure your IT infrastructure strategy resources are ready to make the most of the hybrid cloud. The involvement of leaders becomes critical during the conceptualization of these initiatives. Even though cloud technologies require new investments and write-off of yet-to-depreciate on-prem investments, leadership must align to the degree of making cloud the infrastructure paradigm for everything.
Trasers(Trianz Research) data on cloud technology trends suggests that 73% of what we call digital champions have their top management fully aligned and invested in leveraging infrastructure on the cloud.
Alignment of Top Management in Leveraging Cloud

Source: Trasers(Trianz Research)
Components of Infrastructure Management Strategy
The IT infrastructure management provides structure and control of the components responsible for diverse technical operations. These components focus on the hardware, software, network, data center and storage, virtual environmental access, and wireless and wired setup.
Systems management, network management, and storage management are contained within these components, and a comprehensive strategy harnesses the maximum potential of each for the benefit of the business.

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