Jenkins Enterprise
Businesses across the world are seeking new avenues of shortening time to market and lowering costs, while increasing stability and security levels. Shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency, and more dependable releases that are in close alignment with business objectives are the needs of the hour. The idea is to keep building, keep improving, keep matching pace with and efficiently manage what users want.
CloudBees, the Enterprise Jenkins Company, adds enterprise-class security, stability and manageability to businesses. Arguably the world’s most trusted platform for DevOps, Jenkins is a leading, open source system which helps development teams to securely build, test, deploy and manage their workloads on its extensible server, while automating the software
Building on Jenkins’ strengths, Trianz helps clients to increase the quality of their applications being developed and enables continuous delivery at scale, both on-premises and on
Continuous integration with Jenkins
Continuous delivery
Agile methodology