Build comprehensive stakeholder profiles to maximize the overall value your project brings to them.

Leverage our stakeholder research services to build an enabling IT service

As your business grows and your IT requirements change, you will need to understand people using the day-to-day functionalities of your system. These people could be customers or staff, but both can be referred to as stakeholders.

In simple terms, a stakeholder is any individual, group, or organization that will be impacted by changes to your IT service delivery approach. Each stakeholder will have their own needs and expectations when using your services, and through stakeholder research, you can understand these needs and build a fulfilling and enabling IT service.

Internal stakeholders

An internal stakeholder refers to all employees, ranging from executives to administration staff. Every single person within your organization needs a minimum level of IT service to fulfill their job role, making these requirements vital to understand when aiming to maximize enterprise productivity.

Above these general stakeholders are the key stakeholders - heads of department and corporate executives who have more political capital with key business decisions. In most cases, these key stakeholders will gather a consensus on the needs of employees in their department before communicating this to the IT department.

External stakeholders

External stakeholders are mostly your customers, suppliers, investors and regulators. Each one of these stakeholders will have a different expectation of you with varying levels of impact depending on their business stake.

  • Customers – Perhaps the most critical group of stakeholders is your customer base. These are the people who consume your services and expect a minimum level of service throughout the transaction process.

    Customers will passively assess every aspect of your business, ranging from brand image to the attractiveness of your product or service propositions. When it comes to digital services, customers expect responsive experiences with minimal effort required to extract value. If they encounter problems, your customer service competence will be scrutinized, possibly having a knock-on effect through negative word of mouth if they have a terrible experience. Understanding what your customers want will be of enormous benefit in improving your services, allowing you to build tailored experiences that cater to their needs.

  • Suppliers – Your suppliers are directly dependent on your success for their own profitability and sustainability. This could include physical goods or digital services on which your services are built.

    If they sense a downward trend in your business operations, they may decide to increase prices, reduce staff hours, or withdraw from the partnership altogether. This could increase your operating costs, indirectly affect your service quality through understaffing or cause you to lose a vital business supply altogether, negatively affecting your enterprise. Because of this, it’s crucial to maintain an understanding of your supplier relationships, so you can work around their requirements.

Understand your stakeholders with Trianz

Our expert team of stakeholder research consultants assesses all the key points to help you clearly define the roles of individual stakeholders in your business. We understand the importance of maintaining healthy stakeholder relationships, both internally and externally. That’s why we work with you to build comprehensive stakeholder profiles, so you can maximize the overall value your project offers. Once you understand their wants and needs, you have all the information you need to build better digital services for your internal and external stakeholders.

Schedule a consultation with us, so we can understand your specific needs.

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