The client is a Fortune 100 network and telecommunications equipment company with a number of global customers that have large, long-term contracts where revenues are spread out over time. The sales commissions were paid out in synch with revenue recognition in the financial systems. This resulted in lower, short term commissions for such deferred revenue deals and a skewed sales focus. With commission calculations and payments systemically connected to their revenue, the client was challenged to determine the best way to accelerate commissions while staying aligned with compliance controls and GAAP. Complicating matters were the disparate processes and different business owners of deal documentation and life cycle.

The client partnered with Trianz to develop an incentive program for deferred revenue deals in the targeted fiscal year and motivate sales with advanced commission payments for the duration of each deal. A team of Trianz consultants assessed and validated the end-to-end process for tracking eligible deals through payout of commissions on a global basis. Trianz domain consultants collaborated with the client to define a framework for program’s development and definition with the following key operating requirements in mind:

  • 1,094 legal professionals who dealt with worker’s compensation claims were included
  • Operational process design had to leverage existing touch points and systemic processes
  • Global variations had to be accommodated within the overall process design
  • Commissions had to reconcile with GAAP accounting for early commissions payout
  • Existing IT infrastructure was to be leveraged, when possible
  • Manual processes needed to have a migration path to a future systemic solution
  • Documentation had to define policy rules and requirements, controls, approvals, and data/reporting


Proactive and reactive support was needed to manage IT infrastructure on AWS, as well as govern associated policies, processes, contracts, and documentation


  • Established sound, auditable program processes, and controls on time.
  • Transitioned into a pilot phase to enabling the process execution against eligible deals, for pay out in Q1 of the target fiscal year.
  • Designed pilot phase with resource, budget, and ramp-up requirements to properly manage the program.
  • Executed the pilot by processing orders and calculating payments with a thorough QA review to ensure financial integrity.
  • Developed a communication and training program for the worldwide roll-out.
  • Created fundamental processes and policies that are aligned with long-term strategies and initiatives, adding long-term value beyond the scope of the initial program definition and implementation.


  • Successfully changing sales incentives caused an immediate uptick in order volume for differed revenue deals
  • This approach paved the way to further rollout of commissions programs covering annuity, usage and XaaS deal models
  • Documentation of high-level system gaps to support future system enhancement requests
  • Assurance of proper revenue documentation and treatment identified through contract reviews, order matching, system checking, and interviews with the client’s stakeholders

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