Case Studies Analytics

By extracting powerful insights from data to optimize your decision making, your organization can take a significant step forward with business analytics. We help our clients get future-ready with our advanced analytics services and data science consulting that not only yields actionable insights but also presents new opportunities for innovation.

Cloud, Infrastructure


Client Overview One of the leading insurance companies specializing in auto, home, and umbrella coverage. Renowned for its customer-centric approach, it offers a wide array of coverage options and services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clients, with a strong emphasis on convenience and personalized service. Business Challenge The current cloud architecture of the client lacks sufficient security and scalability. Most servers are still on-premises, and critical business applications built on legacy systems are not easily scalable to handle increasing traffic demands. There is a continuously rising cost associated with managing on-prem resources. Additionally, there are challenges in managing existing ESK clusters in standalone AWS accounts, as they do not conform to the required security protocols. Trianz Solution Approach Trianz's leverages its proprietary cloud transformation platform Concierto's discovery capabilities to meticulously assess over 600 On-Prem and 50+ AWS Cloud resources. The solution emphasizes a detailed workload analysis from both On-Prem and AWS Cloud, providing tailored migration recommendations. By harnessing Concierto's hyper-automation, the strategy is finely tuned to suggest either Re-Host or Re-Platform options, ensuring optimal AWS Infrastructure Licensing and precise rightsizing. Application architects contribute with a hands-on assessment, delivering an in-depth analysis of application stacks, pinpointing improvement opportunities, and devising modernization strategies that align with a DevSecOps model. The outcome is a detailed recommendation report for Move Groups, blending insights from Concierto Migrate with a manual architectural review. The approach is rounded off with the deployment of a Landing Zone Accelerator for Cloud Foundation Services, the migration of brownfield workloads using Concierto Migrate, and a bespoke AWS Account Vending Automation, complete with a self-service portal. This holistic approach not only streamlines the migration process but also sets the stage for ongoing innovation and growth in the cloud environment. Technology Components TCO Analysis was performed by considering the following attributes: EC2 Instances for App Servers EC2 Instances for DB Servers EBS Storage AWS CloudWatch EFS Storage for File Servers Foundational Services (AWS VPC, ALB, Security Hub, CloudTrail, KMS, AWS Config) The ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) estimate for migrating servers to the AWS Cloud was determined. ARR is considered based on a one-to-one or AWS equivalent mapping of on-premises servers with EC2 Instances. As part of the final estimate summary, we have projected the monthly cost and total cost for 12 months. Transformational Outcomes The Trianz solution provided a secure and scalable landing zone and cloud foundational services that adhere to the insurance regulations. The solution has also facilitated a faster migration and a reduced total cost of ownership by 30%. Moreover, the solution has enhanced the client's resiliency by configuring highly available and disaster recovery environments. These transformational outcomes have improved the client's operational efficiency, agility, and competitiveness in the market. Conclusion By partnering with Trianz, a leading insurance service provider overcame the challenges of an insecure and non-scalable cloud architecture. Utilizing Concierto's proven assessment methodologies and tools, Trianz facilitated the client's transition to AWS cloud, resulting in significant improvements in security, scalability, cost-efficiency, and resiliency. This solution not only modernized the client's IT infrastructure and business processes in a compliant and efficient manner but also enhanced their ability to adapt to evolving market conditions and customer needs with increased agility and innovation.

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Client Overview A global medical technologies and services conglomerate that spearheaded a paradigm shift in healthcare solutions, revolutionizing patient care through the development of cutting-edge technologies and fostering strategic partnerships with industry leaders. The client delivers advanced, patient-centric solutions that address the evolving needs of the healthcare sector, ensuring improved outcomes and enhanced efficiency in medical practices worldwide. Business Challenge Facing a divestiture, the Client needed to establish a distinct IT infrastructure swiftly. The objective was to significantly scale migration activities, expedite the divestiture process, and develop a future-state model for managing cloud and infrastructure operations. This involved migrating from the parent company to the Client's AWS and Azure tenants within a stringent TSA timeline to avoid penalties. Trianz Solution Approach Trianz conducted a thorough planning and discovery phase, which covered move groups, wave plans, target state design, and target landing zone deployment. Trianz also developed comprehensive application discovery and assessment reports, which captured and analyzed metrics for resource utilization, application dependencies, and performance metrics. This helped Trianz to gain a clear understanding of the Client's IT infrastructure, map out the interdependencies among the applications and servers, and plan the migration waves based on the business importance and difficulty of the workloads. Trianz monitored the performance of the servers and virtual machines to determine the exact amount of cloud resources required, and to provide the appropriate infrastructure sizing and migration strategy recommendations. Trianz used its proprietary Concierto cloud platform to automate the data collection and analysis process, and to offer insights into the resource utilization, capacity planning, and cost optimization of the cloud infrastructure. Concierto also assisted in identifying the best cloud services and configurations for each workload based on the performance needs and best practices. Trianz delivered a Concierto Migrate Assessment Report, which provided cost estimates for running workloads on AWS environments and recommended a Rehost and Re-platform migration strategy based on the evaluation of the workloads. Rehosting involved moving the servers and virtual machines to the AWS cloud without any significant changes, while Re-platforming involved adapting the applications to leverage the native cloud services and features. Trianz also assessed the feasibility and advantages of using AWS services such as AWS Database Migration Service, AWS Server Migration Service, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS CloudEndure to streamline the migration process. Based on the application-level R-strategy recommendations, Trianz performed workload migrations from the on-premises environment to the AWS cloud and Azure to AWS cloud, using Concierto's powerful hyper-automation capabilities. Trianz employed Concierto Migrate to orchestrate the migration workflows, automate the migration tasks, and monitor the migration progress and status. Concierto Migrate also ensured the data quality, security, and compliance of the migrated workloads, and conducted post-migration validation and testing to confirm the functionality and performance of the applications on the AWS cloud. Technology Components TCO Analysis was performed by considering the following attributes: EC2 Instances for Apps and DB Servers EBS Storage AWS CloudWatch EFS Storage for File Servers Foundational Services (AWS VPC, ALB, Security Hub, CloudTrail, KMS, AWS Config) The Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) estimate for migrating servers to the AWS Cloud was calculated. This ARR is based on a one-to-one or AWS equivalent mapping of on-premises servers to EC2 Instances. As part of the final estimate summary, we have projected the monthly cost and total cost for 12 months. Transformational Outcomes By migrating workloads from on-premises and Azure to AWS cloud, the client achieved a 40% cost reduction and 50% faster migration of ~4,000 workloads with the help of Trianz. The client also automated server provisioning with pre-installed software, which reduced new customer onboarding time by approximately 75%. Additionally, the client achieved a 15% reduction in TCO by optimizing their cloud architecture and operations. Conclusion As a leading provider of cloud transformation services, Trianz played a vital role in the client's successful transition to AWS cloud. Trianz leveraged its expertise and experience in cloud assessment, migration, optimization, and management to deliver a robust and scalable solution that met the client's business objectives and technical requirements. Using its proprietary Concierto.Cloud platform, Trianz enabled the client to accelerate and simplify the migration process, automate cloud operations, enforce security and compliance policies, and monitor and optimize cloud performance and costs. By partnering with Trianz and using Concierto.Cloud, the client was able to transform their IT infrastructure and achieve significant business benefits.

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Digital Apps


CLIENT OVERVIEW Big Behavior is full service digital agency comprised of award-winning experts in website design and iOS and Android app development. They design and build custom software, databases, and API's. They are dedicated to helping businesses grow by providing online marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and website maintenance plans. Big Behavior is based in Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Los Angeles California, and service clients around the world. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE Multi-tenant design for Intelligent Virtual Call Center Agents platform Construct a business model for estimating cloud consumption per campaign and client. Feasibility of platform design based on cloud-native services along with integration compatibility with third-party call-center and CRM solutions. Platform design for unified portal for clients and administrators. Control plane design for client and campaign onboarding-based provisioning. Roadmap and effort estimate for platform build. THE APPROACH Focus on creating the set of guiding principles to ensure that platform assessment yield successful outcomes that aligned to original goals and objectives Conducting holistic assessment combining below methods: Evaluate the platform's technical architecture, performance, security, and scalability. Evaluate the platform through the lens of the user experience, assessing usability, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction. Evaluate the platform based on its ability to achieve its Intelligent Virtual Call Center Agents goals and objectives. Conduct details feature analysis for client and admin portals, voice bot, transcription, and dialog scripts against cloud-native services. Create cost estimation for all cloud-native services identified for platform build. Theme of Trianz Services Analysis of pilot functionality for the platform to identify and map to cloud-native services. Feature analysis for client and admin portals, voice bot, transcription, and dialog scripts against cloud-native services. Perform required cost estimation for cloud-native services. Integration design with CRM for outbound lead nurturing and third-party call center for transfer to live agent DevOps design for orchestrating deployment per client of the high-volume outbound campaign for Development and Production accounts per campaign TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Call center software CRM software Transcription software Key-value database Second-level Cache Security Solutions DevSecOps solutions Storage Integration Network Monitoring and Load Balancer Backup and Disaster Recovery Transformational Effects Business model and case for Intelligent Virtual Call Center Agents platform based on cloud-native managed services. Landing zone design for organizational cloud operations Roadmap for end-state architecture of the platform. Clear understanding of areas for cost savings and how they are achieved. Design for security, operational, and DevOps posture with cloud-native solutions Design that enables fault tolerance and disaster recovery capabilities Published: 2023-12-22

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Digital Apps


Client Overview A leading media and entertainment firm is pioneering in the media sector with its innovative approach to movie production. Striving to maintain its cutting edge, it sought to enhance its production processes, focusing on efficiency and creativity in pre-visualization, a critical phase in movie creation. Business Challenge The traditional pre-visualization process in movie production is notably time-consuming and cost-intensive. It involves multiple iterations of scripting, character design, and scene setting before actual filming begins. The client aimed to streamline this process, seeking a solution that would reduce costs and enhance creative flexibility, allowing for easy revisions and alterations in the movie's script, setting, and character designs. Trianz Solution Approach To address these challenges, the client partnered with Trianz, an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner specializing in GenAI solutions. Trianz proposed a comprehensive solution leveraging the power of Generative AI (GenAI) to transform the end-to-end movie production process. Script Creation and Revision: Utilizing the script generation LLM on Amazon EC2 instances, the solution automated the scriptwriting process, converting a book into a movie script. This GenAI tool facilitated easy modifications to the script based on new prompts, allowing for dynamic changes in context, location, and more, enhancing creative freedom and reducing manual effort. Character Design and 2D Avatars: The next phase involved creating detailed character descriptions and generating 2D avatars using a text-to-image generation model on AWS Bedrock. This step provided a visual representation of characters early in the production process, fostering better decision-making and creative planning. 3D Avatar and Scene Generation: Leveraging a combination of visual development platform for virtual production, 3D modeling tool, and other tools, the solution enabled the creation of 3D avatars and scene generation. This integration of advanced software and GenAI technologies on AWS infrastructure allowed for realistic and flexible pre-visualization of movie scenes. Technology Components AWS EC2 & AWS Infrastructure: Hosted the core GenAI models, providing scalable compute resources. GenAI Tool for Scriptwriting: Automated scriptwriting and revisions. GenAI Model for 2D Avatar Creation: Enabled rapid 2D avatar creation. 3D Modeling Software & GenAI Tools: Used for 3D avatar creation and scene generation, integrating seamlessly with the GenAI outputs to produce high-quality visualizations. Transformational Outcomes Cost Reduction: The GenAI-driven solution significantly reduced the costs associated with the pre-visualization phase by automating several processes that traditionally required manual labor. Enhanced Creativity and Flexibility: The ability to quickly revise scripts, change character appearances, and alter scenes enabled a more dynamic creative process, leading to richer storytelling and visual experiences. Time Efficiency: What used to take months in the pre-visualization process can now be achieved in a fraction of the time, allowing for faster decision-making and iteration. Innovative Production Process: By being one of the first in the industry to adopt a GenAI-driven approach to movie production, the client is setting a new standard for innovation and efficiency in media and entertainment. Conclusion The partnership between the client and Trianz has set a new benchmark in the movie production industry. By harnessing the power of GenAI technologies within the AWS ecosystem, the client has optimized its pre-visualization process and opened new avenues for creative storytelling and production efficiency. This effort serves as a testament to the transformative potential of GenAI in revolutionizing the technology, media & entertainment, and telecommunication industry.

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Digital Apps


Client Overview A financial services company, known for its commitment to exceptional customer service and innovation, sought to revolutionize its contact center operations. Facing the challenges of managing high call volumes while ensuring personalized customer interactions, the company aimed to leverage technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its live call agents performance and post-call information and documentation processing. Business Challenge The firm's contact center faced several challenges, including inefficiencies in handling customer inquiries, difficulties in understanding customer sentiment during calls, and a time-consuming post-call information and documentation processing . These challenges hindered the company’s ability to deliver personalized customer experiences and operate with optimal efficiency. Trianz Solution Approach Partnering with Trianz, the firm embarked on integrating Generative AI (GenAI) solutions powered by AWS to address these challenges head-on. The proposed solution / use case focused on two main areas: Live Call Agent Enablement: Real-time Translations and Transcriptions: Leveraging AWS services, the system provided instant translations and transcriptions during calls, enabling agents to understand and serve customers in multiple languages effectively. Sentiment Analysis and Behavioral Cues: GenAI tools analyzed customer sentiment and behavior in real-time, allowing agents to adjust their approach dynamically for a more personalized interaction. Intelligent Recommendations: Based on the ongoing conversation, customer history, and sentiment, agents received real-time prompts on products, solutions, or responses likely to meet customer needs and enhance satisfaction. Post-Call Enablement: Call Summarization: Automatic summarization of call transcripts, highlighting key points and action items, significantly reduced manual documentation efforts. Customer Email Preparation: GenAI-generated draft emails based on call summaries and historical data expedited follow-up communications, ensuring consistency and accuracy. Sentiment Analysis and Reporting: Comprehensive sentiment analysis of calls, combined with insights from historical interactions, informed continuous improvement in service strategies and agent training. Technology Components The solution utilized a wide range of AWS technologies, including Amazon Transcribe for real-time transcriptions, Amazon Translate for instant language translation, Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis, and custom GenAI models for intelligent recommendations and content generation, all seamlessly integrated within the compamy’s existing contact center infrastructure. Transformational Outcomes Enhanced Customer Experience: Real-time GenAI capabilities enabled personalized, efficient, and linguistically inclusive customer interactions, significantly improving customer satisfaction. Increased Operational Efficiency: Automation of post-call documentation and follow-ups allowed agents to focus more on customer interaction rather than administrative tasks, increasing overall call handling capacity. Data-Driven Insights: Sentiment analysis and behavioral insights informed strategic decisions around service offerings, agent training, and customer engagement strategies, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Conclusion The financial services company’s partnership with Trianz to integrate GenAI solutions within its contact center operations resulted in a paradigm shift in how customer interactions were managed and analyzed. By leveraging the power of AWS-powered GenAI, the company not only achieved operational efficiencies, but also elevated the customer service experience to new heights, setting a new benchmark in the financial services industry for customer engagement and support.

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CLIENT OVERVIEW Founded in 1978, DSN Software is a prestigious, privately-owned software development firm with an enduring legacy that spans nearly half a century. Their mission is to empower modern dental and specialized practices through intelligent software solutions that not only enhance management strategies but elevate the entire patient experience. DSN serves thousands of dental specialty practices across the United States. Their commitment to innovation is deeply ingrained in their DNA, driving continual efforts for streamlining workflows and structure of online information efficiently. Their state-of-the-art software offers features that revolutionize practice management – a meticulously designed EMR module, comprehensive reporting, and more. These features don’t merely follow the trend, they define it, setting new standards for the digital, cloud-based practices of today. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE DSN Software was interesting in achieving short-term goal by standing up imaging components of SoftNeta composed of PACS and DICOM Viewer to demonstrate highly scalable practice management solution. Trainz discover earlier that DSN can benefit from migration to the cloud and achieve it short-term goal at the same time. Trianz presented benefits of migration to DSN Software and upon agreement started their cloud transition journey. THE APPROACH Conduct bottom-up software-driver discovery Top-down analysis of practice management platform and SoftNeta components Enable demo environment in the sandbox Empowering the customer with ability to present cutting-end practice management platform at tradeshows. Create and estimate the modernization roadmap of “To-Be” end-state architecture in the cloud. Non-intrusive modernization options at each layer of Compute, Storage and Databases to achieve lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) THEME of TRIANZ SERVICES Software-driven discover approach leveraged Concierto to identify infrastructure dependencies and capacity requirements. Expert-driven validation and assessment of current infrastructure usage Application module at a time Refinement and depiction of the current-state architecture for the SoftNeta components and Practice Management platform Help understand the benefits of cloud-native services. Design end-state architecture of the landing zone and end-state architecture Perform analysis of downstream and upstream dependencies to ensure frictionless migration planning. Build a business case for Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Practice management platform Imaging components of SoftNeta Databases Application Servers Object Storage Content Delivery Network Low-Latency Network Security suite of solutions Load balancers Transformational Effects Right-sized end-state architecture and landing zone design Clear understanding of areas for cost savings Eliminating underutilized resources and optimizing licensing costs Design for security and operational posture with cloud-native solutions Design that enables fault tolerance and disaster recovery capabilities Published: 2023-12-22

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CLIENT OVERVIEW Docupace is a technology company built for the financial services and wealth management industry. For over 20 years, they’ve dedicated their resources to solving the most frustrating and time-consuming problems that advisors, broker-dealers, and RIAs face on a daily basis. Docupace is based in Los Angeles, CA. Their team creates the leading universal workflow and document management automation software choice for financial service and wealth management firms and their advisors everywhere. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE Understanding and estimating potential cloud consumption Plan with milestones for progressive transition to AWS Cloud end-state design for each platform with-in the portfolio Impact of change per platform Roadmap and effort estimates required to migrate or modernize. Optimized posture of security, operations, DevOps with cost-saving THE APPROACH Software-driven discovery of the infrastructure supporting current platform. Top-down analysis of their platform portfolio to understand the R pathway for each platform and components. Cloud compatibility analysis for current security, operations, and DevOps Perform required cost estimation for cloud-native services. Licensed optimization - eliminate hardware-dependent (ECS) or vendor solutions (Graylog) in favor of cloud-native services (S3 and CloudWatch) THEME OF TRIANZ SERVICES Considering customer preferences and requirements, Trianz proposed an applications portfolio assessment combining software-driven, bottom-up analysis using followed by top-down analysis performed by cloud experts. Software-driven discover approach leveraged Concierto to identify infrastructure dependencies and capacity requirements. Expert-driven validation and assessment of current infrastructure usage application module at a time Performing top-down analysis of their application portfolio to understand the R pathway for each application. Refinement and depiction of the current-state architecture for each of the platform and it’s components. Mapping current security, operations, and Devops posture for AWS Performing cost comparisons between best-of-breed and cloud-native solutions Cloud compatibility and feasibility of eliminating legacy licensed components in favor of cloud-native services. TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Container Orchestration Enterprise Database Second-level Cache Security Solutions DevSecOps solutions Storage Integration Network Monitoring and Load Balancer Backup and Disaster Recovery Transformational Effects Business case for cloud migration and modernization Landing zone design for organizational cloud operations Phased roadmap with right-sized end-state architecture for each phase. Clear understanding of areas for cost savings and how they are achieved. Eliminating underutilized resources and optimizing licensing costs Optimization for storage and security solutions Design for security, operational, and DevOps posture with cloud-native solutions Design that enables fault tolerance and disaster recovery capabilities Published: 2023-12-22

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Migration of On-Premises Workloads and Applications to AWS, Coupled with Managed Cloud Operations, for an Independent Marketing Organization and Distributor with Expertise in Insurance Products CLIENT OVERVIEW Asset Marketing Systems Insurance Services, LLC (AMS) is a distributor of insurance products with an expertise in Fixed Index Annuities, Fixed Annuities, Life and Long-Term Care Insurance. They are referred to in the industry as an Field Marketing Organization (FMO) or Independent Marketing Organization (IMO). Insurance carriers utilize FMOs to promote and distribute their products and services to you, the producer. AMS is a foremost insurance marketing organization dedicated to the success of independent agents. AMS empowers agents to effectively compete against direct writers with world-class support services and resources. Through deep industry expertise and relationships, AMS provides independent agents unparalleled access to the nation’s leading insurance carriers and products. The company’s carrier appointments, advanced quoting and enrollment platforms streamline processes for agents to quickly deliver optimal coverage options that meet customer needs. AMS offers a comprehensive range of specialized solutions spanning P&C, commercial, life, health, employee benefits and more to equip agents for growth. Ongoing training, marketing funds, sales automation tools, and dedicated support equip producers to operate efficiently while delivering highly consultative customer experiences. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE AMS faces challenges related to limited reliability, scalability, security, and high costs of its on-premises infrastructure. They seek to overcome these challenges by taking the first step towards digital transformation by migrating their workloads to AWS and establishing robust steady-state operations in the cloud. This will enable them to achieve improved reliability, scalability, security, cost optimization, and simplified operations. THE APPROACH Focus on creating the set of guiding principles to ensure that IT & Application landscape assessment yield successful outcomes that aligned with AMS goals and objectives Deep dive and holistic Cloud migration assessment combining the below methods: Platform-driven (Concierto.Cloud) automated discovery of the ASM IT landscape Experts-driven review of the AMS platform's technical architecture, performance, security, and scalability requirements Build recommendations for cloud transition Migration and licensing analysis from On-Prem to AWS Modernization pathways leveraging AWS services Delivered the comprehensive assessment report that consists of the following Cloud end-state transition design Transition Planning with DevOps, security, and operations posture Total Cost of Ownership Use Concierto-generated assessment report to collaboratively identify the application(s) for transition to the cloud. THEME OF TRIANZ SERVICES Design and Deploy Overall cloud architecture including Landing Zone setup and AD Integration Automated Migration of VM's to AWS leveraging Concierto Concierto-led Cloud Infrastructure management for OS, Network, Storage and Database layers Continuous service improvements for Managed CloudOps Insurance industry expertise TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS AWS Services used: Control Tower, Landing Zone and VPC AWS Direct Connect AWS Customer Gateway Active Directory Migration EC2 for Application and SQL DB hosting Transformational Effects Cost Savings Better Business Agility Simplified Backup, Recovery, Failover and Monitoring Improved Data Management Increased Efficiency and Productivity Enhanced Customer Efficiency Improved Security and Risk Management Published: 2023-12-27

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Cloud, Analytics


Client Profile Restaurant Brands International (RBI) is a global fast-food company and one of the world's largest quick service restaurants chains managing over 29,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries. The company owns a few of the world's most prominent and iconic quick service restaurant brands, that are independently operated and serving their respective guests, franchisees and communities for decades. RBI was looking to enable analytics for omni-channel sales and marketing by migrating and integrating data from various source systems (3rd Party vendors, customer data platforms, POS systems et. al.) and accelerate analytics centric innovation in customer, store and product initiatives. They were looking to implement strategic initiatives targeting several “ground-up” analytics capabilities to enhance business growth, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and retention. Business Challenges Existing data platform had fragmented datasets and needed to be modernized through integration of near real-time data to understand customer behavior, patterns, preferences and develop personalized campaigns. Customer data and insights were not being used effectively for product innovation. Effective loyalty data usage for enhanced customer engagement was lacking. There was a need to consolidate customer purchase history, guest survey and/or call center records to share insights to restaurants on issue root-cause and enable resolution. Minimal integration existed with 3rd party delivery aggregators to understand speed and fulfilment. Advanced analytics use cases could not be enabled due to the lack of robust data foundation. Solution Highlights The analytics platform was modernized on the pillars of AWS’s Well Architected Framework. A comprehensive data foundation (Data Lake) implementation integrated data from heterogenous sources. Designed and implemented the customer identification and segmentation solutions and built the Customer 360 golden record to generate 360-degree view of the customer. The team applied architecture patterns like serverless and event-based computing, leveraging the AWS Lambda service for event driven code execution. This enabled near-real time automated data processing & data propagation from source to AWS S3 storage, Redshift using AWS Glue and Informatica jobs. Data Encryption was enabled using AWS KMS service. Anonymized sensitive data using Hash Key functions. Implemented application and platform monitoring using AWS CloudWatch. It was used to monitor Glue job status through CloudWatch logs as well as for monitoring Infrastructure like EC2 instances for CPU and memory availability and utilization, triggering events to SNS topic in failure scenarios. Great Program Management, overall supervision of literally 50+ tracks we are running, and Kiran is on the top of all. He has been managing the entire program, resources, milestones, communications at various levels and ‘war room’ specialist. Trianz always thinks pro-actively on projects risks, missed milestones and put pro-active measures in place to mitigate the risk. Director, Data & Analytics TCO Analysis Realized significant cost gains of over 30% by analyzing the current spend and recommended switching to Reserved Instances for EC2 & EMR servers. Reduced the turnaround time for issue identification and resolution by 20% leveraging automated monitoring and notifications of cloud resources. Transformational Effects End-to-end data storage and automated data ingestion framework using AWS services that enabled a flexible, scalable & secure platform. The modernized analytics platform enabled 15+ unique data products like Customer 360, Store 360, Product 360, Prime+Profitability among others that are giving the business teams valuable insights and helping them improve customer loyalty and engagement and retention. Integration of 3rd Party aggregator data and POS data has enabled rich insights into delivery times and customer order patterns. Enabled Metrics like ACR, SOS etc., for Business and franchisee teams in making quicker decisions on improving speed of service. Published: 202-11-24

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Client Profile The client is a Fortune 100 global leader in property and casualty insurance having presence in more than 29 countries and economies around the world. Trianz was approached by this giant insurance company who wanted to leverage cloud infrastructure to build a new secure, FEDRAMP and NIST compliant cloud IT platform. This included the Cloud build setup, DEVOPS build and DB Migration (from DB2 to PostgreSQL to Redshift). Trianz performed Application discovery to assess the existing applications and servers before taking the decision on the required infrastructure. Trianz created the landing zone templates and added security rules according to the FedRamp and NIST compliant. Trianz has utilized the existing Landing zone setup to create new OU’s and deployed the new rules into it. Trianz rehosted the workloads from On Premise (DB2) to AWS Cloud and modernized the legacy databases to AWS Aurora (PostgreSQL) DB instances. Trianz had implemented the automation mechanism for post-migration activities such as automated backup, restoration and other database management tasks. Business Challenges Existing Landing zone setup was not properly deployed. AWS Organization configuration, creation of OU & Account structure also not configured up to the mark. Database migration to the AWS Cloud was challenging to establish connectivity. Scaling of on-premises applications was too challenging and was not able to modernize the environment. Security of on-premises applications involves implementing appropriate security controls, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access management mechanisms Existing setup was done manually and Lack of automations to update the LZ setup. TCO Analysis Establishing a landing zone and configuring it to support the cost, operational, and security governance capabilities we will need. We can see the Good percentage of Reduction in the overall cost compared to the On-Prem to Cloud. Optimal spend on cloud subscriptions (Pay as you go Model). DB migration to the Cloud was faster with near zero downtime. Solution Highlights Trianz did analysis on the existing the Landing zone setup to understand the control tower and account structure. We have provided the solution to make the current Landing Zone setup to the compliant environment. Trianz implemented the AWS Accelerator solution to deploy the New Landing Zone setup in an automated way using the AWS CodePipeline. Multiple issues occurred during the deployment of Landing zone due to the existing LZ setup. Amazon CloudWatch was utilized to monitor the overall deployment process. Transformational Effects FEDRAMP AND NIST Compliant Landing zone deployed in the Customer AWS env. Preventive and Detective Security Rules, Guardrails are enabled in all the accounts. Deployed the defined Policies and IAM roles to access the services in the environment. Configured the IAM roles to SSO to grant the access to their respective roles. Configured the CodePipeline to update/upgrade LZ setup or Control tower rules in automated way. Defined a workflow on the Database Migration and Replication to Redshift using DMS. Published: 2023-06-16

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CLIENT OVERVIEW Trasers is a leading go-to source for digital transformation data and insights research provider, that provides role and various industry insights leveraging the power of 1.5 million data points. Trasers is dedicated to the study and dissemination of knowledge and insights on business transformation due to digitalization across private and public sectors. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE Trasers, a provider of global business transformation insights, developed an immersive and digitally advanced report engagement and viewing platform to empower business leaders. However, the existing implementation of the platform fell short in meeting customer expectations regarding performance, scalability, and security due to the platform's omnichannel nature. The organization wanted to establish a managed infrastructure environment by partnering with an MSP provider who would extend proactive and reactive support to manage the former’s platform, application deployment and production. THE APPROACH Trianz conducted a series of workshops with client's business and IT stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of their challenges. To ensure a thorough assessment, Trianz's subject matter experts conducted a detailed analysis of the client's current platform infrastructure, focusing on various aspects such as Cloud Adoption, Networking, Operating Systems, Databases, Release Automation, Compliance, Security, and Backup & Disaster Recovery. Based on the findings from the analysis and considering the future scalability and performance requirements of the platform, Trianz proceeded with the deployment of the application on the AWS cloud. As part of the deployment, an Amazon S3 intelligent data lake and BDM-MDM suite were implemented, effectively integrating multiple data sources to generate Trasers reports. Furthermore, the web, mobile, and desktop applications underwent rigorous security validation to identify and address any vulnerabilities. Additionally, the performance of the core application was optimized by integrating it with microservices and chatbot endpoints. Trianz implemented comprehensive security measures, including boundary defense, CIS hardening, endpoint security, credential management, multi-factor authentication (MFA), monitoring, auditing, logging, certificate and key management, and vulnerability management. These measures ensured the platform's protection against potential threats and vulnerabilities, in line with industry-leading security standards. TRIANZ CLOUD MANAGED SERVICES Trianz provided service activities that included proactive and reactive support to manage the operating system and middleware. As part of the managed service engagement, Trianz was responsible for the following 24/7 support services: Incident Management Network Operations Server Monitoring & Maintenance Server Backup / Restoration Database Administration Database Archival/Backup, Restoration & Purging Log Monitoring & Management Security Operations The Trianz managed services encompasses a clearly defined scope, outlining specific roles and responsibilities for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 associates. TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Front end technologies: Mobile native android, Swift for iOS application Backend Applications: Drupal, Micro Services AWS Services: EC2, Elastic Load Balancer, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Relational Database Service (RDS), S3, Route53 TECHNOLOGY EFFECTS Trianz successfully implemented a robust and reliable Trasers' platform architecture on AWS, utilizing a managed services model. Leveraging AWS's capabilities, the architecture adopted a Microservices-based approach, resulting in enhanced stability, scalability, and security. This approach facilitated higher productivity through features such as content negotiation, authentication, and scaffolding code, while also ensuring the architecture remained flexible and highly available. As a result, the events load was significantly reduced, and the core Drupal server witnessed improvements. The overall performance and efficiency were notably enhanced, contributing to a highly available research platform. Furthermore, the implementation optimized costs, improved SLAs (Service Level Agreements), and effectively met client’s security requirements. The managed services team at Trianz delivered cost-effective IT support services, serving as an arm to monitor, maintain, and manage the client's application infrastructure, ensuring swift response to any issues that arise. Throughout the continuous 24/7 management and maintenance of application infrastructure on AWS, the client benefited from uninterrupted operations, experiencing zero downtime and achieving 100% availability. This allowed Trasers to concentrate on enhancing its core research offerings and furthermore application features for its customers. Published: 2023-05-31

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Trianz enabled a scalable integration platform leveraging the AWS Cloud capabilities and enabled the business connectivity between multiple systems. Background and Business Challenge One of a large mutual life insurance company in the United States is looking to modernize their existing policy administration systems. In order to address significant IT risks such as network security, technical debt, etc., posed by the aging policy administration systems (PAS) for Institutional Annuities (IA) as they approach end-of-life, and to support business growth, the client has conducted the due diligence and research with industry analysts and other insurers to modernize the current system to a vendor-bought product. Being a trusted partner, client engaged Trianz to develop the key integration components and its deployment. Trianz Approach Trianz performed the due diligence focused on assessing the client’s existing AWS blueprint and established the foundational architecture for Integration between multiple systems. Trianz conducted a POC followed by the development of the Integration components. The integration architecture layer is designed to be vendor-agnostic and reusable. The design was based on client-approved AWS services with recommendations from the Cloud Governance team. Technology Components AWS VPC RDS. Glue S3 Lambda Cloud Watch Code Build KMS Transformational Effects The new platform allows to offer additional business capabilities via configurable workflow, a self-service portal, enhanced correspondence, and reporting layer. Established seamless connectivity between systems to facilitate smooth business transactions. Enabled the operations with clear dashboards and Logging mechanism. Eliminated the IT risk and significantly simplified the technology ecosystem with a cloud-based vendor-supported platform, and integration architecture layer. Published: 2023-03-15 Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Client Overview An independent supply chain management and distribution arm of a large QSR leader has set a goal to become a software platform organization, rather than focusing only on a single concept. They plan to launch a SaaS platform that expands their support for multiple concepts in the QSR industry by utilizing their current experience and expertise in supply chain operations. They aim to start by modernizing the platform to meet specific geographic clients' needs and then scaling it to a flexible, scalable, subscription-based model. The client is partnering with Trianz to create a responsive web, mobile, and tablet analytics application that provides a great user experience and serves as a one-stop-shop in a single view. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE To transform the powerful Supply Chain Management platform into a modern SaaS platform that provides best-in-class, industry-leading offerings. This includes developing: A modern SaaS product experience based on the latest user-centric design to help improve supply chain management that customers would buy and pay for Assist and guide the overall transition to becoming a SaaS platform, and focusing on solving QSR industry pain points in managing the supply chain with strong customer support. The MVP focuses on multiple regions and concepts while considering the needs of new potential concept customers. THE APPROACH To achieve this goal, Trianz laid out the product vision of a SaaS product. PRODUCT VISION The Product Vision covers many distinct concepts that includes: A product experience that is well-aligned with current and future customer expectations to help manage supply chains. Evolving the platform from today’s product in phases with minimal initial costs and consolidated technology usage. Building greenfield while taking benefit of leveraging existing capabilities A flexible, configurable, and scalable multi-tenant architecture that can support a growing customer base. Trianz conducted an initial assessment to document the SaaS-based architecture and roadmap and created an initial MVP that included multi-tenant support for multi-regions and concepts, with the creation of a new platform based on a sound user experience to help improve productivity in managing supply chains. They built a configurable platform that allows for the seamless onboarding of new customers combined with speed to launch to enable organizational agility. Trianz built the right technology architecture that can support flexible attributes in a database for concept customization, connect to any systems, provide security, availability, reliability, and scalability. They designed the architecture to take advantage of horizontal and vertical scalability, with centralized logging and monitoring for resource utilization. The platform architecture is focused on multi-tenancy, configurability, and facilitates iterative improvements for the complete end-state vision of the platform. To achieve the highest modularity and rapid evolution, the platform application architecture hinges on three key areas: modular services, micro-apps, and deployment strategy. Core to the platform is the value proposition of an end-to-end multi-tenant capability isolating the data for each concept across components of the architecture building trust across concepts. The platform brings data from multiple sources together, with a consumption model built on a commercial construct. Tenant data security and configurability are core to the overall business use case. Trianz delivered an end-state platform architecture focused on deploying a secure and scalable SaaS infrastructure that provides tenant isolation for data at rest. The MVP scope delivered the much-needed foundational capabilities required to deliver the product vision. TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS TypeScript - Angular, HTML 5, SCSS C# - .NET CORE AWS Cognito as IdP AWS WAF, CloudFront, S3, Route 53, ACM, Secrets Manager, Parameter Store OAuth 2 – ConnectID AWS ECR, ECS, Lambda, ELB, NAT Gateway AWS SQS AWS CloudWatch and CloudTrial AWS Control Tower AWS CDK, CloudFormation, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, Code Deploy Aurora, RedShift TRANSFORMATIONAL EFFECT As a result, the independent supply chain management and distribution arm was able to benefit from a modern SaaS product user experience that optimized customer retention and recurring revenue, with an intuitive user experience that improved usability for performing tasks. The platform operates with 99.95% uptime, with zero technology debt, and consolidated technologies. The developer operations for the application were also benefited by reduced cycle time and improved time to market for new features. A modern SaaS product user experience that optimizes customer retention and recurring revenue The application serves intuitive User Experience with improved usability to perform tasks The platform operates with 99.95% uptime with zero technology debt (.Net Core X) and consolidated technologies (PostgreSQL) The developer operations for the application are benefitted by reduced cycle time and improved time to market for new features Published: 2023-04-03

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Client Overview FlyRemit is a digital remittance management solution for outward remittance. As one of India's leading remittance management platforms, the company aims to make all modes of overseas payments hassle-free by ensuring smooth documentation, compliance, and payments. Business Challenge FlyRemit was looking to gain a competitive advantage in the financial services market by achieving operational efficiency for their AWS infrastructure. Trianz was enlisted as an AWS Managed Service Provider to manage and monitor FlyRemit's AWS environment, applications, and services on a 24/7 basis. To manage the scope of the project, Trianz was to deliver Cloud Ops with certified and skilled SMEs capable of identifying and troubleshooting performance issues across their AWS resources. The Solution Trianz' team of on-shore/off-shore system engineers and solution architects conducted a comprehensive study of FlyRemit’s AWS infrastructure. After defining the processes, workflows, and SLA responsibilities, Trianz provided FlyRemit with a client support portal for streamlining communication and documentation. Scope of Managed Services AWS Support System Monitoring Network Monitoring Database Administration User Management Log Monitoring Security Operations Backup & DR Proactive Managed Services DR and HA Infra for Db and application layer has been planned and shared the costing and architecture diagram to the client Recommended WAF to protect applications from DDOS attacks Proactive uptime monitoring has been set for client URLs Periodic Well-Architected Framework Reviews and suggest cost optimization improvements Critical Managed Services Activities Scheduled daily EBS snapshot backups to handle disaster recovery Managing Role-Based Access Controls Routine disk frees up tasks. Log aggregation and reporting Review VPC flow logs Review Database permissions sets Manage Database schedule jobs Data Synchronization across Servers Database Archival/Backup, Restoration & Purging Database Security/User Provisioning AWS Services Used Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Amazon EC2 Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Elastic Block Store (EBS) AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) AWS CloudTrail AWS CloudWatch Transformational Effects Improved Operational efficiency: Performance monitoring, health checks, and automation ensured the platform's efficiency. Reduced Downtime: With proactive and improved monitoring, unexpected downtimes were eliminated. Compliance: By leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) security and compliance framework, Trianz maintained regulatory needs for the infrastructure.safeguarding the access credentials and restricting access to information to authorized personnel only. Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Actions: Ensured incident reporting accuracy by providing root cause analysis and documentation for problem management operations. Published: 2022-08-02 Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Digital Apps


Creating a Functional Salesforce Environment Trianz was approached by one of the world’s largest payment card companies. The enterprise required application support and maintenance (ASM) for a range of Salesforce-based business-to-employee (B2E) tools. The goal was to reduce IT workloads and response times, while adhering to a strict service level agreement (SLA) to deliver better internal services. Business Challenges The payment card company had a high dependency on its internal IT team. This included application support, service desk requests, and general answers to employee queries. Furthermore, the company was dealing with segmented sales channels such as direct and third-party distributors (TPD). This setup drove complexity in the sales process with different audiences for different sales channels. The client’s Salesforce business analysts (BA) were not readily available to provide responses. As sales operations depended on such responses, the company was missing sales and growth opportunities during the downtime. Finally, a range of unstructured operational functions were running on this Salesforce instance. At a foundational level, these functions contained defects that required long-winded workarounds, causing a detriment to sales workflow and process efficiency. The Trianz Approach The existing Salesforce environment was inconsistent and unpredictable, leading to incorrect execution of sales workflows, ultimately affecting the bottom line. First, the client wanted to implement a strict service level agreement (SLA) model for B2E service delivery via Salesforce. This would drive consistency and predictability in execution, supporting sales operations. Next, documentation was written to clearly define Salesforce processes. Internal teams could reference these documents to understand and learn processes, with employee self-service being the ultimate goal. All documents are centralized in an internal knowledge base, with search and index functionality to help employees find the right information faster. Another important step was the creation of visualized reports and dashboards. The visualizations would provide a weekly and monthly snapshot of all sales operations data, giving stakeholders the insight needed to steer the sales ship. The top priority was monitoring team performance to help employees achieve sales targets. Transformational Effects Overall, the new SLA was clear and actionable, leading to much greater service level compliance. With clear expectations defined for service delivery, the strict SLA model greatly reduced sales operational challenges. Salesforce application support requests were resolved quickly, with faster ticket resolution times and query responses. The client also gained new proactive and predictive analytics capabilities to see and sort problems before they impact sales operations. New email monitoring capabilities allowed user prioritization based on business needs. This means high priority requests with a detrimental impact on sales operations are resolved first. Lower priorities are redirected to the new self-service option to reduce the IT burden. Trianz provided continuous 24/7 support for the client’s B2E Salesforce applications. During this time, our Salesforce engineers improved operational process maturity to increase efficiency and reduce low-level tasks via automation. This resulted in the client consistently delivering high sales volumes on its payment card network, while gaining confidence to scale operations in the future. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Cloud, Infrastructure


Client Overview One of the leading insurance companies specializing in auto, home, and umbrella coverage. Renowned for its customer-centric approach, it offers a wide array of coverage options and services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clients, with a strong emphasis on convenience and personalized service. Business Challenge The current cloud architecture of the client lacks sufficient security and scalability. Most servers are still on-premises, and critical business applications built on legacy systems are not easily scalable to handle increasing traffic demands. There is a continuously rising cost associated with managing on-prem resources. Additionally, there are challenges in managing existing ESK clusters in standalone AWS accounts, as they do not conform to the required security protocols. Trianz Solution Approach Trianz's leverages its proprietary cloud transformation platform Concierto's discovery capabilities to meticulously assess over 600 On-Prem and 50+ AWS Cloud resources. The solution emphasizes a detailed workload analysis from both On-Prem and AWS Cloud, providing tailored migration recommendations. By harnessing Concierto's hyper-automation, the strategy is finely tuned to suggest either Re-Host or Re-Platform options, ensuring optimal AWS Infrastructure Licensing and precise rightsizing. Application architects contribute with a hands-on assessment, delivering an in-depth analysis of application stacks, pinpointing improvement opportunities, and devising modernization strategies that align with a DevSecOps model. The outcome is a detailed recommendation report for Move Groups, blending insights from Concierto Migrate with a manual architectural review. The approach is rounded off with the deployment of a Landing Zone Accelerator for Cloud Foundation Services, the migration of brownfield workloads using Concierto Migrate, and a bespoke AWS Account Vending Automation, complete with a self-service portal. This holistic approach not only streamlines the migration process but also sets the stage for ongoing innovation and growth in the cloud environment. Technology Components TCO Analysis was performed by considering the following attributes: EC2 Instances for App Servers EC2 Instances for DB Servers EBS Storage AWS CloudWatch EFS Storage for File Servers Foundational Services (AWS VPC, ALB, Security Hub, CloudTrail, KMS, AWS Config) The ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) estimate for migrating servers to the AWS Cloud was determined. ARR is considered based on a one-to-one or AWS equivalent mapping of on-premises servers with EC2 Instances. As part of the final estimate summary, we have projected the monthly cost and total cost for 12 months. Transformational Outcomes The Trianz solution provided a secure and scalable landing zone and cloud foundational services that adhere to the insurance regulations. The solution has also facilitated a faster migration and a reduced total cost of ownership by 30%. Moreover, the solution has enhanced the client's resiliency by configuring highly available and disaster recovery environments. These transformational outcomes have improved the client's operational efficiency, agility, and competitiveness in the market. Conclusion By partnering with Trianz, a leading insurance service provider overcame the challenges of an insecure and non-scalable cloud architecture. Utilizing Concierto's proven assessment methodologies and tools, Trianz facilitated the client's transition to AWS cloud, resulting in significant improvements in security, scalability, cost-efficiency, and resiliency. This solution not only modernized the client's IT infrastructure and business processes in a compliant and efficient manner but also enhanced their ability to adapt to evolving market conditions and customer needs with increased agility and innovation.

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Client Overview A global medical technologies and services conglomerate that spearheaded a paradigm shift in healthcare solutions, revolutionizing patient care through the development of cutting-edge technologies and fostering strategic partnerships with industry leaders. The client delivers advanced, patient-centric solutions that address the evolving needs of the healthcare sector, ensuring improved outcomes and enhanced efficiency in medical practices worldwide. Business Challenge Facing a divestiture, the Client needed to establish a distinct IT infrastructure swiftly. The objective was to significantly scale migration activities, expedite the divestiture process, and develop a future-state model for managing cloud and infrastructure operations. This involved migrating from the parent company to the Client's AWS and Azure tenants within a stringent TSA timeline to avoid penalties. Trianz Solution Approach Trianz conducted a thorough planning and discovery phase, which covered move groups, wave plans, target state design, and target landing zone deployment. Trianz also developed comprehensive application discovery and assessment reports, which captured and analyzed metrics for resource utilization, application dependencies, and performance metrics. This helped Trianz to gain a clear understanding of the Client's IT infrastructure, map out the interdependencies among the applications and servers, and plan the migration waves based on the business importance and difficulty of the workloads. Trianz monitored the performance of the servers and virtual machines to determine the exact amount of cloud resources required, and to provide the appropriate infrastructure sizing and migration strategy recommendations. Trianz used its proprietary Concierto cloud platform to automate the data collection and analysis process, and to offer insights into the resource utilization, capacity planning, and cost optimization of the cloud infrastructure. Concierto also assisted in identifying the best cloud services and configurations for each workload based on the performance needs and best practices. Trianz delivered a Concierto Migrate Assessment Report, which provided cost estimates for running workloads on AWS environments and recommended a Rehost and Re-platform migration strategy based on the evaluation of the workloads. Rehosting involved moving the servers and virtual machines to the AWS cloud without any significant changes, while Re-platforming involved adapting the applications to leverage the native cloud services and features. Trianz also assessed the feasibility and advantages of using AWS services such as AWS Database Migration Service, AWS Server Migration Service, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS CloudEndure to streamline the migration process. Based on the application-level R-strategy recommendations, Trianz performed workload migrations from the on-premises environment to the AWS cloud and Azure to AWS cloud, using Concierto's powerful hyper-automation capabilities. Trianz employed Concierto Migrate to orchestrate the migration workflows, automate the migration tasks, and monitor the migration progress and status. Concierto Migrate also ensured the data quality, security, and compliance of the migrated workloads, and conducted post-migration validation and testing to confirm the functionality and performance of the applications on the AWS cloud. Technology Components TCO Analysis was performed by considering the following attributes: EC2 Instances for Apps and DB Servers EBS Storage AWS CloudWatch EFS Storage for File Servers Foundational Services (AWS VPC, ALB, Security Hub, CloudTrail, KMS, AWS Config) The Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) estimate for migrating servers to the AWS Cloud was calculated. This ARR is based on a one-to-one or AWS equivalent mapping of on-premises servers to EC2 Instances. As part of the final estimate summary, we have projected the monthly cost and total cost for 12 months. Transformational Outcomes By migrating workloads from on-premises and Azure to AWS cloud, the client achieved a 40% cost reduction and 50% faster migration of ~4,000 workloads with the help of Trianz. The client also automated server provisioning with pre-installed software, which reduced new customer onboarding time by approximately 75%. Additionally, the client achieved a 15% reduction in TCO by optimizing their cloud architecture and operations. Conclusion As a leading provider of cloud transformation services, Trianz played a vital role in the client's successful transition to AWS cloud. Trianz leveraged its expertise and experience in cloud assessment, migration, optimization, and management to deliver a robust and scalable solution that met the client's business objectives and technical requirements. Using its proprietary Concierto.Cloud platform, Trianz enabled the client to accelerate and simplify the migration process, automate cloud operations, enforce security and compliance policies, and monitor and optimize cloud performance and costs. By partnering with Trianz and using Concierto.Cloud, the client was able to transform their IT infrastructure and achieve significant business benefits.

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CLIENT OVERVIEW Founded in 1978, DSN Software is a prestigious, privately-owned software development firm with an enduring legacy that spans nearly half a century. Their mission is to empower modern dental and specialized practices through intelligent software solutions that not only enhance management strategies but elevate the entire patient experience. DSN serves thousands of dental specialty practices across the United States. Their commitment to innovation is deeply ingrained in their DNA, driving continual efforts for streamlining workflows and structure of online information efficiently. Their state-of-the-art software offers features that revolutionize practice management – a meticulously designed EMR module, comprehensive reporting, and more. These features don’t merely follow the trend, they define it, setting new standards for the digital, cloud-based practices of today. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE DSN Software was interesting in achieving short-term goal by standing up imaging components of SoftNeta composed of PACS and DICOM Viewer to demonstrate highly scalable practice management solution. Trainz discover earlier that DSN can benefit from migration to the cloud and achieve it short-term goal at the same time. Trianz presented benefits of migration to DSN Software and upon agreement started their cloud transition journey. THE APPROACH Conduct bottom-up software-driver discovery Top-down analysis of practice management platform and SoftNeta components Enable demo environment in the sandbox Empowering the customer with ability to present cutting-end practice management platform at tradeshows. Create and estimate the modernization roadmap of “To-Be” end-state architecture in the cloud. Non-intrusive modernization options at each layer of Compute, Storage and Databases to achieve lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) THEME of TRIANZ SERVICES Software-driven discover approach leveraged Concierto to identify infrastructure dependencies and capacity requirements. Expert-driven validation and assessment of current infrastructure usage Application module at a time Refinement and depiction of the current-state architecture for the SoftNeta components and Practice Management platform Help understand the benefits of cloud-native services. Design end-state architecture of the landing zone and end-state architecture Perform analysis of downstream and upstream dependencies to ensure frictionless migration planning. Build a business case for Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Practice management platform Imaging components of SoftNeta Databases Application Servers Object Storage Content Delivery Network Low-Latency Network Security suite of solutions Load balancers Transformational Effects Right-sized end-state architecture and landing zone design Clear understanding of areas for cost savings Eliminating underutilized resources and optimizing licensing costs Design for security and operational posture with cloud-native solutions Design that enables fault tolerance and disaster recovery capabilities Published: 2023-12-22

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CLIENT OVERVIEW Docupace is a technology company built for the financial services and wealth management industry. For over 20 years, they’ve dedicated their resources to solving the most frustrating and time-consuming problems that advisors, broker-dealers, and RIAs face on a daily basis. Docupace is based in Los Angeles, CA. Their team creates the leading universal workflow and document management automation software choice for financial service and wealth management firms and their advisors everywhere. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE Understanding and estimating potential cloud consumption Plan with milestones for progressive transition to AWS Cloud end-state design for each platform with-in the portfolio Impact of change per platform Roadmap and effort estimates required to migrate or modernize. Optimized posture of security, operations, DevOps with cost-saving THE APPROACH Software-driven discovery of the infrastructure supporting current platform. Top-down analysis of their platform portfolio to understand the R pathway for each platform and components. Cloud compatibility analysis for current security, operations, and DevOps Perform required cost estimation for cloud-native services. Licensed optimization - eliminate hardware-dependent (ECS) or vendor solutions (Graylog) in favor of cloud-native services (S3 and CloudWatch) THEME OF TRIANZ SERVICES Considering customer preferences and requirements, Trianz proposed an applications portfolio assessment combining software-driven, bottom-up analysis using followed by top-down analysis performed by cloud experts. Software-driven discover approach leveraged Concierto to identify infrastructure dependencies and capacity requirements. Expert-driven validation and assessment of current infrastructure usage application module at a time Performing top-down analysis of their application portfolio to understand the R pathway for each application. Refinement and depiction of the current-state architecture for each of the platform and it’s components. Mapping current security, operations, and Devops posture for AWS Performing cost comparisons between best-of-breed and cloud-native solutions Cloud compatibility and feasibility of eliminating legacy licensed components in favor of cloud-native services. TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Container Orchestration Enterprise Database Second-level Cache Security Solutions DevSecOps solutions Storage Integration Network Monitoring and Load Balancer Backup and Disaster Recovery Transformational Effects Business case for cloud migration and modernization Landing zone design for organizational cloud operations Phased roadmap with right-sized end-state architecture for each phase. Clear understanding of areas for cost savings and how they are achieved. Eliminating underutilized resources and optimizing licensing costs Optimization for storage and security solutions Design for security, operational, and DevOps posture with cloud-native solutions Design that enables fault tolerance and disaster recovery capabilities Published: 2023-12-22

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Migration of On-Premises Workloads and Applications to AWS, Coupled with Managed Cloud Operations, for an Independent Marketing Organization and Distributor with Expertise in Insurance Products CLIENT OVERVIEW Asset Marketing Systems Insurance Services, LLC (AMS) is a distributor of insurance products with an expertise in Fixed Index Annuities, Fixed Annuities, Life and Long-Term Care Insurance. They are referred to in the industry as an Field Marketing Organization (FMO) or Independent Marketing Organization (IMO). Insurance carriers utilize FMOs to promote and distribute their products and services to you, the producer. AMS is a foremost insurance marketing organization dedicated to the success of independent agents. AMS empowers agents to effectively compete against direct writers with world-class support services and resources. Through deep industry expertise and relationships, AMS provides independent agents unparalleled access to the nation’s leading insurance carriers and products. The company’s carrier appointments, advanced quoting and enrollment platforms streamline processes for agents to quickly deliver optimal coverage options that meet customer needs. AMS offers a comprehensive range of specialized solutions spanning P&C, commercial, life, health, employee benefits and more to equip agents for growth. Ongoing training, marketing funds, sales automation tools, and dedicated support equip producers to operate efficiently while delivering highly consultative customer experiences. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE AMS faces challenges related to limited reliability, scalability, security, and high costs of its on-premises infrastructure. They seek to overcome these challenges by taking the first step towards digital transformation by migrating their workloads to AWS and establishing robust steady-state operations in the cloud. This will enable them to achieve improved reliability, scalability, security, cost optimization, and simplified operations. THE APPROACH Focus on creating the set of guiding principles to ensure that IT & Application landscape assessment yield successful outcomes that aligned with AMS goals and objectives Deep dive and holistic Cloud migration assessment combining the below methods: Platform-driven (Concierto.Cloud) automated discovery of the ASM IT landscape Experts-driven review of the AMS platform's technical architecture, performance, security, and scalability requirements Build recommendations for cloud transition Migration and licensing analysis from On-Prem to AWS Modernization pathways leveraging AWS services Delivered the comprehensive assessment report that consists of the following Cloud end-state transition design Transition Planning with DevOps, security, and operations posture Total Cost of Ownership Use Concierto-generated assessment report to collaboratively identify the application(s) for transition to the cloud. THEME OF TRIANZ SERVICES Design and Deploy Overall cloud architecture including Landing Zone setup and AD Integration Automated Migration of VM's to AWS leveraging Concierto Concierto-led Cloud Infrastructure management for OS, Network, Storage and Database layers Continuous service improvements for Managed CloudOps Insurance industry expertise TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS AWS Services used: Control Tower, Landing Zone and VPC AWS Direct Connect AWS Customer Gateway Active Directory Migration EC2 for Application and SQL DB hosting Transformational Effects Cost Savings Better Business Agility Simplified Backup, Recovery, Failover and Monitoring Improved Data Management Increased Efficiency and Productivity Enhanced Customer Efficiency Improved Security and Risk Management Published: 2023-12-27

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Cloud, Analytics


Client Profile Restaurant Brands International (RBI) is a global fast-food company and one of the world's largest quick service restaurants chains managing over 29,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries. The company owns a few of the world's most prominent and iconic quick service restaurant brands, that are independently operated and serving their respective guests, franchisees and communities for decades. RBI was looking to enable analytics for omni-channel sales and marketing by migrating and integrating data from various source systems (3rd Party vendors, customer data platforms, POS systems et. al.) and accelerate analytics centric innovation in customer, store and product initiatives. They were looking to implement strategic initiatives targeting several “ground-up” analytics capabilities to enhance business growth, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and retention. Business Challenges Existing data platform had fragmented datasets and needed to be modernized through integration of near real-time data to understand customer behavior, patterns, preferences and develop personalized campaigns. Customer data and insights were not being used effectively for product innovation. Effective loyalty data usage for enhanced customer engagement was lacking. There was a need to consolidate customer purchase history, guest survey and/or call center records to share insights to restaurants on issue root-cause and enable resolution. Minimal integration existed with 3rd party delivery aggregators to understand speed and fulfilment. Advanced analytics use cases could not be enabled due to the lack of robust data foundation. Solution Highlights The analytics platform was modernized on the pillars of AWS’s Well Architected Framework. A comprehensive data foundation (Data Lake) implementation integrated data from heterogenous sources. Designed and implemented the customer identification and segmentation solutions and built the Customer 360 golden record to generate 360-degree view of the customer. The team applied architecture patterns like serverless and event-based computing, leveraging the AWS Lambda service for event driven code execution. This enabled near-real time automated data processing & data propagation from source to AWS S3 storage, Redshift using AWS Glue and Informatica jobs. Data Encryption was enabled using AWS KMS service. Anonymized sensitive data using Hash Key functions. Implemented application and platform monitoring using AWS CloudWatch. It was used to monitor Glue job status through CloudWatch logs as well as for monitoring Infrastructure like EC2 instances for CPU and memory availability and utilization, triggering events to SNS topic in failure scenarios. Great Program Management, overall supervision of literally 50+ tracks we are running, and Kiran is on the top of all. He has been managing the entire program, resources, milestones, communications at various levels and ‘war room’ specialist. Trianz always thinks pro-actively on projects risks, missed milestones and put pro-active measures in place to mitigate the risk. Director, Data & Analytics TCO Analysis Realized significant cost gains of over 30% by analyzing the current spend and recommended switching to Reserved Instances for EC2 & EMR servers. Reduced the turnaround time for issue identification and resolution by 20% leveraging automated monitoring and notifications of cloud resources. Transformational Effects End-to-end data storage and automated data ingestion framework using AWS services that enabled a flexible, scalable & secure platform. The modernized analytics platform enabled 15+ unique data products like Customer 360, Store 360, Product 360, Prime+Profitability among others that are giving the business teams valuable insights and helping them improve customer loyalty and engagement and retention. Integration of 3rd Party aggregator data and POS data has enabled rich insights into delivery times and customer order patterns. Enabled Metrics like ACR, SOS etc., for Business and franchisee teams in making quicker decisions on improving speed of service. Published: 202-11-24

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Cloud, Analytics


Client Profile Trianz was approached by a leading global healthcare provider that wanted to leverage cloud infrastructure to build a new secure, scalable, and industry-compliant cloud IT platform. This included migrations and Its internal teams would use this platform for large-scale and complex analytics in the US and EU geographic areas. Business Challenges Infrastructure is too complex to manage and maintain their physical servers, storage, networking equipment, and data centers Scaling of on-premises applications was too challenging and was not able to modernize the environment Security of on-premises applications involves implementing appropriate security controls, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access management mechanisms Lack of automations to run the operations Complex Software Updates and Patching Solution Considerations Trianz proposed to perform workload migrations to AWS cloud using rehost strategy by architecting a new secure, scalable, and industry-compliant cloud IT platform. This solution helps the client internal teams to use secured platform for large-scale and complex analytics in the US and EU regions. TCO Analysis 25% reduction in operational expenditure (OpEx) for cloud infrastructure, including virtual machines (VMs), storage, networking, and data transfer costs Optimal spend on cloud subscriptions Application migration to cloud with near zero downtime Solution Highlights Migration Trianz follows cloud adoption roadmap (prepare, assess, plan, deploy, modernize, manage &maintain) to support healthcare client's cloud transformation journey. Governing principals, such as billing management, cost optimization, security operations, etc.., established early in the cloud journey roadmap to ensure successful adoption. Streamlined the migration process to validate the deployments/migrations before we take them to the production environments. Trianz has leveraged an enterprise migration tool (Carbonite) for workload migrations to AWS cloud with near zero downtime Operational Excellence Migrated large-scale and complex analytics application from US and EU geographic to AWS cloud with Zero downtime Transformational Effects Robust and scalable Analytics platform running on AWS Cloud Analytics platform is now scalable to huge data ingress in future, flexible to future technology trends. Workflow based Migration Planning Automation and Governance Workflow based Migration Execution Enabled Automations for Patch Management Enabled Fin-Ops for cloud spend planning, budget forecasting, controls and alerts, comparative analytics between clouds, and triggers for controlling spend Published: 2023-07-17

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Cloud, Analytics


Yancoal Seeks to Evolve Their Analytics Capabilities With the recent wave of digital evolution in the natural resources industries, Australia’s largest pure-play coal producer Yancoal, was looking to maximize new opportunities by expanding their growth strategy. Specifically, the enterprise was aiming to enhance their business agility through advanced analytics and improve the efficiency of their mining operations, particularly in the area of logistics. What Was Yancoal Looking to Achieve? The enterprise sought to reduce costs, implement operational efficiencies and shared services, and provide all customers with the certainty of product quality and delivery. In order to achieve these goals, Yancoal was interested in building a strategic data ecosystem to store and analyze operational data in line with the industry best practices. This data ecosystem would support and enhance their current business operations, while simultaneously accommodating newer technologies and business strategies via futureproofing. The projected business value that Yancoal hoped to actualize included better supply and demand management, reduced fuel consumption, increased energy efficiency and consequently enhance their reputation as one of the few eco-conscious enterprises in the coal industry. In order to strategically implement the appropriate solutions, the company partnered with Trianz’ team of analytics experts. How the Trianz Approach Upgraded Yancoal’s Analytics Platform Trianz’ consultants sat down with Yancoal’s leadership to first understand their unique business needs and challenges before collaborating with Amazon Web Services (AWS) on the ideal solution. Through a thorough analysis of the client’s existing data warehouse, Trianz and AWS created migration blueprints that addressed their specific requirements, significantly improving the outcomes of the transformation. The Trianz subject matter experts created a well-integrated AWS Cloud platform to host the client’s new operational analytics systems. By working with a single vendor, Yancoal was confident that their new platform would be fully supported in the long term, because AWS provides inbuilt updates and integrations. Enabled new integrations with Yancoal's Environment Health & Safety system (EHS) system and created workloads using AWS Glue, AWS Athena and AWS Transfer family services. Finally, by engaging Trianz as their managed services partner, Yancoal was able to streamline ongoing operations support to maintain and enhance the capabilities of their analytics platform. This would ensure swift communication and issue resolutions, increasing the availability and resilience of the platform. Cloud analytics brings disproportionate benefits when it comes to costs and process efficiencies through process automation and improved decision-making. These are outcomes that would not be otherwise realizable without the support of cloud analytics service providers. Setting up the Operational Analytics Platform on AWS Yancoal’s analytics platform was built by Trianz on the pillars of AWS’s well-architected framework. The team implemented AWS Transit Gateway, Managed Active Directory and Single Sign-On, deployed infrastructure as code, enabled automation using DevOps including continuous integration and development, and used services like CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and Terraform for migration. The Trianz team further applied architecture patterns like serverless and event-based compute, leveraging the AWS Lambda service for event-driven code execution. This enabled near real-time automated data processing and propagation from source to AWS S3 Storage using AWS Glue jobs. The team also leveraged lean architecture principles for data architecture design, such as data virtualization, by storing data on S3 buckets, and using AWS Athena to perform interactive queries. This eliminated the need for multiple extract-transform-load (ETL) and data movement operations, saving substantial data processing and storage costs. Trianz implemented application and platform monitoring using AWS CloudWatch. It was used to monitor Glue job status through CloudWatch logs, as well as to oversee infrastructure like EC2 instances for CPU and memory availability and utilization, triggering events to SNS topic in failure scenarios. The team made use of a market-leading data visualization tool, Tableau, to deliver key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics through rich visualizations, enabling accurate and timely insights into day-to-day operations. How Trianz Helped Yancoal Realize Their Business Goals Yancoal’s engagement with Trianz enabled them to overhaul their data and analytics capabilities by working together to construct a solid operational analytics platform. They were able to achieve their key goal of proactive supply chain management to reduce costs, enhance services, and improve their carbon footprint through increased operational efficiency. Trianz also delivered significant business impact by implementing automated, real-time, and consistent reporting, as well as standardizing data. Because Yancoal also engaged Trianz as a managed services partner, the team was also able to deliver key metrics such as 100% data and dashboard availability with no downtime, 100% response and resolution, and significantly increased customer experience. TCO Analysis Performed Monitoring of the cloud resources using Concierto.Cloud and CloudWatch automation reduced the manual effort by 20% Enabled Automation to automatically raise tickets/Incidents in Concierto.Cloud to optimized the SLA breaches and assign to the L2,L3 support teams for resolution. The Transformational Effects and Impact Thanks to the high levels of automation that were integrated into Yancoal’s analytics capabilities, the company experienced an annual cost reduction of at least AUD 300,000, a manual effort reduction of at least 50% in report generation, and sharply reduced month-end report durations. The additional integrations expanded the capabilities of the Operational Analytics platform and provided Yancoal with consistent & trusted insights into their EHS data. This enabled power users on the business teams to create reporting views in Athena which they then leveraged for creating data visualization dashboards for end user consumption. Finally, Trianz’ implementation of the AWS solution empowered Yancoal to transform into a data-driven enterprise whose robust analytics platform now provides timely, trusted, and actionable insights. Republished: 2023-07-10 Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Cloud, Infrastructure


Overview On a mission to transform healthcare through data and advanced analytics, a leading HealthTech innovation company, approached Trianz to manage its AWS infrastructure. Trianz, an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner and Managed Services Provider, was enlisted to manage client’s AWS environment to achieve optimal levels of efficiency in Infrastructure, Network and Security Operations, and maintain high availability and reliability. What Was Client Looking to Achieve? Client sought a strategic solution provider to maintain and ensure its cloud platform operations run optimally and continuously. Maintaining 24/7 infrastructure support and availability was crucial as the cloud platform is responsible for consolidating a patient’s complete medical and behavioral profile through aggregating their medication, lab, genomic, device, EMR, and wearable data. To manage the health and availability of the platform, client selected Trianz for continuous monitoring and support, ensuring security controls, and maintaining HIPAA/HITECH regulatory compliance requirements. How the Trianz Approach Ensured Client’s Analytics Platform Remained Secure and Compliant On-boarding & Assessment: Trianz consultants sat down with client’ leadership to understand their unique business needs and challenges. The Trianz subject matter experts then performed a detailed assessment of client’s AWS footprint in the areas of Cloud Adoption, Networking, Operating Systems, Databases, Release Automation, Compliance, Security, Backup & Disaster Recovery. Define Scope & SLAs: All the audit outcomes were categorized into buckets depending on the criticality & client’s Priority. Then the scope of managed services was defined, and roles & responsibilities were identified for Level 1/2/3 associates. Standard Operating Procedures were outlined and were presented to clients’ leadership team. Trianz adopted AWS and standard industry best practices for security and compliance to implement agreed security controls. In addition, internal security policies and procedures were jointly evaluated to safeguard access credentials and restrict access to information to authorized personnel. Engagement: Concierto, a Trianz multi-cloud operations platform and ticketing engine, has been onboarded to manage the client’ AWS Environment proactively 24/7. In addition, client could also reach Cloud Operations Center (Trianz CLOC) for additional support. Managed Services Activities Trianz Device Managed Services provided service activities that included proactive and reactive support to manage the operating system and middleware. As part of the managed service engagement, Trianz was responsible for the following 24/7 support services: Incident Management Network Operations Server Monitoring & Maintenance Server Backup / Restoration Database Administration Database Archival/Backup, Restoration & Purging Log Monitoring & Management Security Operations Technology Components Managed Services Platform (Concierto): During the lifecycle of the managed services engagement, Trianz used the Concierto Support Portal for client communication, user administration, catalog incident, change & event management, and infrastructure health checks and compliance. High-level features of the cloud portal included: Planned Activity (PA) Approval Workflow for Change Management Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Approval Workflow for Problem Management Scheduled Activities Infrastructure Monitoring Document Repository Reporting of SLA / Availability Information AWS Services: Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, AWS WAF, AWS Certificate Manager, AWS Shield, AWS IAM, AWS Security Hub, Key Management Service, Redshift, Amazon Connect, Lex, Pinpoint, Amazon VPC, Amazon EC2, Amazon EC2 autoscaling, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon s3, Amazon EBS, Amazon Route53, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon CloudTrail, AWS Config, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon RDS, AWS Lambda. Transformational Effects By successfully allocating resources between an on-shore/off-shore team of Level-1 Cloud Operations Engineers, a Systems Engineer, a Senior Systems Engineer, and a Solutions Architect. Trianz managed services team provided the cost-effective IT support arm to monitor, maintain, and manage client’ IT infrastructure for rapid issue response. During the 24/7 management and maintenance of the AWS infrastructure, client experienced zero downtime and 100% availability, better enabling the HealthTech company to focus on providing earlier diagnosis, better treatment outcomes, and improving the quality of life for patients through advanced analytics. Published: 2023-03-09 Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Reward360 Global Services is a premier Loyalty Technology and Solutions Company. It wanted to develop a PCI-DSS compliant rewards management platform for banks in the country. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE To design and build a loyalty management platform on the public cloud that would not only comply with stringent auditing requirements but also be scalable to other businesses TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Linux, Apache/Nginx/PHP/NodeJS/Angular, MySQL/MongoDB, Redis Cache, Memcached, Elastic Search, Content Delivery Network, Queue service, Application Load Balancers, Web Application Firewall, Application and host level Logging – ELK Stack, OSSEC, Security Incident Event Management – OSSEC, Cloud API log – AWS CloudTrail, PAM, EndPoint protector, Managed Detection and Response,  Alert notification – AWS Simple Notification Service, IP whitelisting – AWS VPC Security Group, Layer 7 – Web Application Firewall, Host level firewall – iptables Vulnerability assessment – VAPT (OpenVAS + Nessus), Data in Transit encryption HTTPS – SSL Certificates THE APPROACH Suggested and implemented a templatized cookie cutter model for predictable deployment on AWS Cloud due to the repetitive nature of audit requirements with the banking business Made significant changes to the application architecture to accommodate compliance controls at various layers of the platform and to facilitate platform scalability Leveraged a combination of various AWS services, open source solutions, and third party solutions to achieve the necessary compliance Redesigned and redeployed the environment on AWS Used Angular framework for building scalable web applications TRANSFORMATIONAL EFFECTS Reduced deployment time from 12 weeks to one week Highly scalable environment Option to deploy the platform as is for clients similar to banks in a cookie cutter mode With the latest Memcached technology, able to solve many problems facing large data caches Republished: 2023-03-16

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Trianz enabled a scalable integration platform leveraging the AWS Cloud capabilities and enabled the business connectivity between multiple systems. Background and Business Challenge One of a large mutual life insurance company in the United States is looking to modernize their existing policy administration systems. In order to address significant IT risks such as network security, technical debt, etc., posed by the aging policy administration systems (PAS) for Institutional Annuities (IA) as they approach end-of-life, and to support business growth, the client has conducted the due diligence and research with industry analysts and other insurers to modernize the current system to a vendor-bought product. Being a trusted partner, client engaged Trianz to develop the key integration components and its deployment. Trianz Approach Trianz performed the due diligence focused on assessing the client’s existing AWS blueprint and established the foundational architecture for Integration between multiple systems. Trianz conducted a POC followed by the development of the Integration components. The integration architecture layer is designed to be vendor-agnostic and reusable. The design was based on client-approved AWS services with recommendations from the Cloud Governance team. Technology Components AWS VPC RDS. Glue S3 Lambda Cloud Watch Code Build KMS Transformational Effects The new platform allows to offer additional business capabilities via configurable workflow, a self-service portal, enhanced correspondence, and reporting layer. Established seamless connectivity between systems to facilitate smooth business transactions. Enabled the operations with clear dashboards and Logging mechanism. Eliminated the IT risk and significantly simplified the technology ecosystem with a cloud-based vendor-supported platform, and integration architecture layer. Published: 2023-03-15 Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Client Overview FlyRemit is a digital remittance management solution for outward remittance. As one of India's leading remittance management platforms, the company aims to make all modes of overseas payments hassle-free by ensuring smooth documentation, compliance, and payments. Business Challenge FlyRemit was looking to gain a competitive advantage in the financial services market by achieving operational efficiency for their AWS infrastructure. Trianz was enlisted as an AWS Managed Service Provider to manage and monitor FlyRemit's AWS environment, applications, and services on a 24/7 basis. To manage the scope of the project, Trianz was to deliver Cloud Ops with certified and skilled SMEs capable of identifying and troubleshooting performance issues across their AWS resources. The Solution Trianz' team of on-shore/off-shore system engineers and solution architects conducted a comprehensive study of FlyRemit’s AWS infrastructure. After defining the processes, workflows, and SLA responsibilities, Trianz provided FlyRemit with a client support portal for streamlining communication and documentation. Scope of Managed Services AWS Support System Monitoring Network Monitoring Database Administration User Management Log Monitoring Security Operations Backup & DR Proactive Managed Services DR and HA Infra for Db and application layer has been planned and shared the costing and architecture diagram to the client Recommended WAF to protect applications from DDOS attacks Proactive uptime monitoring has been set for client URLs Periodic Well-Architected Framework Reviews and suggest cost optimization improvements Critical Managed Services Activities Scheduled daily EBS snapshot backups to handle disaster recovery Managing Role-Based Access Controls Routine disk frees up tasks. Log aggregation and reporting Review VPC flow logs Review Database permissions sets Manage Database schedule jobs Data Synchronization across Servers Database Archival/Backup, Restoration & Purging Database Security/User Provisioning AWS Services Used Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Amazon EC2 Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Elastic Block Store (EBS) AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) AWS CloudTrail AWS CloudWatch Transformational Effects Improved Operational efficiency: Performance monitoring, health checks, and automation ensured the platform's efficiency. Reduced Downtime: With proactive and improved monitoring, unexpected downtimes were eliminated. Compliance: By leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) security and compliance framework, Trianz maintained regulatory needs for the infrastructure.safeguarding the access credentials and restricting access to information to authorized personnel only. Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Actions: Ensured incident reporting accuracy by providing root cause analysis and documentation for problem management operations. Published: 2022-08-02 Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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TSYS is a leading provider of payment processing, merchant and related payment services to financial and non-financial institutions. The company operates in the credit card issuers market, ranking third in payment processing in the US. In September 2019, Global Payments Inc. (NYSE: GPN), a leading worldwide provider of payments technology and software solutions completed its merger with TSYS, forming the premier pure-play payments technology company with an extensive scale and unmatched global reach. The Business Challenge The client wanted to build a dependable, robust and secure technology infrastructure that could: Facilitate script automation to eliminate manual process-related errors. Reduce the cost of operations as more bandwidth means more complexity and increased operational expense. Minimize downtime to prevent revenue loss as network outages significantly disrupt business operations, adversely impacting customer loyalty. Protect enterprise data to tackle the ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks and data breaches incidents. Scale the network to equip it for future 'on-demand' growth to manage changes in real-time. Enhance network performance through agile applications that can handle dynamic bandwidth needs and network topology changes. Technology Components AWS Organization structure separated to departments with service control policy AWS-S3, EC2, AIM, Snapshots, EIP, NAT, AWS-VPC, Public-Private Subnets, NACLs, VPN, VGW, Endpoint Security Groups, IAM, Roles, Policy, MFA, SAML, AD Federated AWS WAF, AWS DDoS CloudTrail, CloudWatch Other Platforms: Jira 7, Splunk, Git bucket, Jenkins The Approach TSYS selected Trianz to build a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, which can automate the entire code deployment process. Additionally, Trianz implemented the following solutions: Created PoC for multiple cloud framework models to meet business requirements for multiple lines of business. Developed the cloud agnostic automation process (Infrastructure as a Code) through scripts like Terraform, Python, Cloud formation, etc. Improved deliverables' efficiency, monitoring and infrastructure management. Enabled continuous delivery with built-in DevOps capabilities; integration with Jenkins and platforms/ tools identified and leveraged by the client within a cloud deployment. Guided the client on implementing industry best practices while meeting deliverables' timelines. Periodically reviewed architecture and provided necessary feedback towards (cost) optimization as per best practices and industry recommendations. Provided cloud support portal login to help the client raise support requests and get access to relevant information about the supported environment. Transformational Effects Streamlined the new hire onboarding process using a single self-service offering and auto-routing of those requests, reducing manual effort. Implemented Enterprise Splunk on the cloud. Integrated on-prem cost model tool (Apptio) on the cloud using tagging technology. Enhanced visibility to software-hardware allocations and capacity monitoring. Operation Automation: The new CI/CD pipeline uses GitHub, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline to remove friction while deploying the new code. As a result, TSYS is now able to push small, incremental updates to its software, version control and documentation updates to match the pace of innovation. Enhanced Security: Organization and department segmentation with multi-factor authentication, active-directory federation control and least privilege access for developers. High-Availability: The implementation of Auto Scaling Groups, ec2, and network to handle spikes in traffic, snapshots and AIM usages to tackle immediate deployment or disaster recovery issues.

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Modernizing Enterprise Reporting A Fortune 500 financial services company approached Trianz seeking assistance with legacy report migration from SAP Business Objects. The client wanted to improve its enterprise reporting capabilities, integrating new visualized reporting functions and improving interactivity with reports for stakeholders. The end goal was to reduce costs, gain greater talent availability, and reduce disruption during platform upgrades. Technology Components Used for Legacy Report Migration The client had an SAP Business Objects instance that it used for business reporting workflows. Apart from experiencing inefficiencies in reporting capabilities, their current version of SAP Business Objects was nearing end-of-life and would no longer be maintained or supported by the developer. Instead, the client was looking to leverage the following platforms: Snowflake is a cloud data warehouse platform used to store datasets and support data-intensive applications. It has no operational burden, meaning users can focus on data management and integration rather than maintaining servers. The platform manages security and data governance to help enterprises comply with GDPR, CCPA, and FedRAMP regulations. Looker is a visualized business intelligence and big data analytics platform. It allows users to analyze big data sources in real time, and generate actionable insights that can be shared across the entire business. Looker does not require specialized IT knowledge, which means employees at all levels can generate reports to increase talent availability. The objective was to migrate SAP Business Objects assets over to a Snowflake database and integrate visualized business intelligence (BI) features on the Looker platform. This would greatly reduce data storage costs, as well as increase reporting throughput to conduct more reports in the same timescales. In addition, more employees would have access to BI capabilities, with visualized reporting enabling the creation of dashboards and monitoring pages. Platform Upgrade Challenges Using SAP Business Objects Maintaining the SAP platform had become a massive burden for the client. Upgrade cycles were untenable, mandating significant investment just to remain in compliance with product support requirements. The client preferred seamless, automatic upgrades using Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for its database, and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) for its reporting. SAP is technical software, requiring specialist knowledge to operate. The complexity of SAP meant there was a lack of reporting talent, with siloed report creation making it hard to share reports across the business. Assessing and Developing a Roadmap for Legacy Report Migration to Looker First, Trianz collaborated with BI teams to identify a full range of active subject areas and reports pending migration. Contained in the SAP platform were 121 active subject areas, and 800+ reports pending migration. These assets would then be migrated to Looker with a focus on efficiency and cost reduction. Using DevOps principles and Looker APIs, our engineers developed heavy automation workflows designed to reduce the time to create a single BI report. The Agile team followed an iterative plan based on continuous improvement to maintain pace throughout the project. As a result, Trianz was able to deliver full legacy report migration for the client in eight to ten months. This is in sharp contrast to the original three-to-five-year migration timescale. Transformational Effects after Migrating SAP to Snowflake and Looker With the migration of 121 active subject areas and 800+ SAP Business Objects reports, the client was able to offload infrastructure maintenance, increase reporting capabilities, as well as realize the following: Migration costs were much lower than intended in the initial plan. This reduced costs to the equivalent of a single SAP Business Objects upgrade cycle. The client could now set a timeline for SAP Business Objects to be decommissioned by early 2022, removing the licensing costs associated with the platform and enabling IT personnel to focus on more business-critical tasks. With Looker, the client now had significantly improved business intelligence reporting capabilities. This is namely due to the introduction of reporting visualizations such as graphs and charts, and greater interactivity due to lower skills requirements in Looker. Now, anyone can access these reports using a web browser, and no infrastructure or software maintenance is required. Siloed reporting was eliminated, meaning all departments in all locations of the business could now access reports. The 121 active subject areas were condensed into a single report, greatly reducing reporting complexity. Snowflake and Looker both offer automatic platform updates, givingy7 the client painless, fast upgrade cycles that cause minimal disruption to business operations. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Global Retail Chain Seeks Legacy Migration and Operationalization of Modern Analytics Platform on AWS Trianz was approached by a global retail chain that processes billions of yearly transactions. To improve retail operations, the client needed help with modernizing its legacy systems to acquire advanced analytics insights capabilities. The retail chain would use the insights from its new omnichannel sales and marketing analytics and customer 360 analytics to improve customer loyalty and increase digital sales. The Business Challenge for the Global Retail Chain The retail chain lacked the ability to enable machine learning use cases to help them better understand customer behavior and form personalized marketing campaigns. To improve customer loyalty, increase footfall, and personalize digital campaigns with new product launches, the client needed to migrate its legacy data and analytics platform to a modern cloud architecture on AWS. Technology Components Used in the Migration Strategy After analyzing the client's current state data and analytics legacy landscape, Trianz defined the target state architecture using the following technology components: AWS API Gateway was used to act as a reverse proxy to accept all API calls, aggregate the various services required to fulfill them, and return the appropriate result. AWS Lambda was introduced to enable serverless, event-driven compute workloads. AWS Glue was selected as a serverless extract-transform-load (ETL) solution for data crawling, data catalogs, and data transformation workflows. Python/Spark was the programming language chosen to enable machine learning and real-time streaming analytics. Amazon EMR was used to simplify running big data frameworks and process and analyze vast amounts of data. AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) was chosen as a scalable and configurable data storage platform. Amazon Redshift was chosen as the cloud data warehouse to store structured and unstructured data. Snowflakewas the cloud-agnostic SaaS solution chosen for query optimization. Tableauwas chosen as a data visualization and business intelligence platform to create more valuable insights by converting raw data into visual dashboards. Power BI was used to facilitate both regular reporting requirements and ad-hoc analytics. The Trianz Approach to Legacy Data Migration Trianz' consultants sat down with the retail chain's leadership to understand their unique business needs and challenges before collaborating with AWS to enable the modern architecture in an incremental fashion per the defined priorities. After a thorough analysis of the existing architecture, Trianz chose to leverage Evove — our proprietary tool and methodology that utilizes high levels of automation and reusable components to drive accelerated and high-accuracy migrations of legacy data. This accelerated the migration of the client’s legacy data, database, ETL, and BI layers from the current state to target state architecture on AWS. Once the cloud architecture was ready as per AWS well-architected framework, Trianz got to work accelerating the implementation of use cases for machine data. This enabled the retail chain to integrate digital sales data in real-time, organize data for self-service and machine learning, and deliver multiple data products/analytics to its sales and marketing teams. Transformational Effects After Building a Modern Analytics Platform on AWS With advanced data and analytics capabilities, the global retail chain was able to refine market basket analysis to analyze purchases that happen together. This enabled them to identify relationships between items in the target of the analysis, allowing them to improve customer segmentation and enhance digital marketing efforts. Through machine learning and marketing automation, the client was able to optimize product offerings, resulting in an increase in digital sales and higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Cloud, Analytics


Client Profile Restaurant Brands International (RBI) is a global fast-food company and one of the world's largest quick service restaurants chains managing over 29,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries. The company owns a few of the world's most prominent and iconic quick service restaurant brands, that are independently operated and serving their respective guests, franchisees and communities for decades. RBI was looking to enable analytics for omni-channel sales and marketing by migrating and integrating data from various source systems (3rd Party vendors, customer data platforms, POS systems et. al.) and accelerate analytics centric innovation in customer, store and product initiatives. They were looking to implement strategic initiatives targeting several “ground-up” analytics capabilities to enhance business growth, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and retention. Business Challenges Existing data platform had fragmented datasets and needed to be modernized through integration of near real-time data to understand customer behavior, patterns, preferences and develop personalized campaigns. Customer data and insights were not being used effectively for product innovation. Effective loyalty data usage for enhanced customer engagement was lacking. There was a need to consolidate customer purchase history, guest survey and/or call center records to share insights to restaurants on issue root-cause and enable resolution. Minimal integration existed with 3rd party delivery aggregators to understand speed and fulfilment. Advanced analytics use cases could not be enabled due to the lack of robust data foundation. Solution Highlights The analytics platform was modernized on the pillars of AWS’s Well Architected Framework. A comprehensive data foundation (Data Lake) implementation integrated data from heterogenous sources. Designed and implemented the customer identification and segmentation solutions and built the Customer 360 golden record to generate 360-degree view of the customer. The team applied architecture patterns like serverless and event-based computing, leveraging the AWS Lambda service for event driven code execution. This enabled near-real time automated data processing & data propagation from source to AWS S3 storage, Redshift using AWS Glue and Informatica jobs. Data Encryption was enabled using AWS KMS service. Anonymized sensitive data using Hash Key functions. Implemented application and platform monitoring using AWS CloudWatch. It was used to monitor Glue job status through CloudWatch logs as well as for monitoring Infrastructure like EC2 instances for CPU and memory availability and utilization, triggering events to SNS topic in failure scenarios. Great Program Management, overall supervision of literally 50+ tracks we are running, and Kiran is on the top of all. He has been managing the entire program, resources, milestones, communications at various levels and ‘war room’ specialist. Trianz always thinks pro-actively on projects risks, missed milestones and put pro-active measures in place to mitigate the risk. Director, Data & Analytics TCO Analysis Realized significant cost gains of over 30% by analyzing the current spend and recommended switching to Reserved Instances for EC2 & EMR servers. Reduced the turnaround time for issue identification and resolution by 20% leveraging automated monitoring and notifications of cloud resources. Transformational Effects End-to-end data storage and automated data ingestion framework using AWS services that enabled a flexible, scalable & secure platform. The modernized analytics platform enabled 15+ unique data products like Customer 360, Store 360, Product 360, Prime+Profitability among others that are giving the business teams valuable insights and helping them improve customer loyalty and engagement and retention. Integration of 3rd Party aggregator data and POS data has enabled rich insights into delivery times and customer order patterns. Enabled Metrics like ACR, SOS etc., for Business and franchisee teams in making quicker decisions on improving speed of service. Published: 202-11-24

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Accelerating Decision-Making for a Global HealthTech Provider Challenge The client whom we will call GlacierPeak is a global medical technology and digital solutions innovator, enabling clinicians to make faster, more informed decisions through intelligent devices, data analytics, applications, and services. When the pandemic outbreak hit, GlacierPeak’s digital transformation process was accelerated by implementing an agile culture, work and organizational philosophy based on collaboration, and iterative processes oriented to providing quality solutions to serve changing customer needs. They were looking to build a highly available, scalable, resilient data analytics platform for their various teams based in Europe and the US. The platform must be fault-tolerant, secure, and compliant with the company and industry standards. They also saw an opportunity to invest in infrastructure automation to eliminate manual process-related errors and scale the applications to equip them for future on-demand growth to manage changes in real-time. At the same time, to address problems caused by monolithic applications, they wanted to leverage containers to build a microservices architecture for faster automation, scalability, availability, and fault tolerance. Our Approach Working with GlacierPeak, our team first focused on learning more about their existing needs and operating processes. Our goal was to replace as many repetitive tasks as possible through DevOps and by building continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows to deploy Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud components, which can automate the entire lifestyle of the infrastructure deployment. We identified automation opportunities and created a complete roadmap with a business case illustrating the potential economic impact. Once the identified processes were approved, we seamlessly synchronized the implementation of systems software configuration/patching automation pipelines to adhere to the firm’s compliance and security controls. To enable GlacierPeak to enhance security access permissions for the AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets – the object storage built to store and retrieve any data from anywhere - we implemented the auto-remediation of public access using AWS Lambda with Amazon config and CloudWatch events. Integration with Prisma Cloud further complemented cloud governance, compliance, and security. The team continued to focus on continuous innovation and improving existing processes while exploring new trends and solutions. We implemented a tool called New Relic for infrastructure and application monitoring for GlacierPeak. Transformational Effects Within a few months, through automated IAC (infrastructure as a code), GlacierPeak’s teams were able to manage the entire cloud Infrastructure and systems configuration and deploy various platform environments across geographies. The CI/CD pipelines that we built using GitHub, Jenkins, and Terraform to provision the infrastructure, now eliminate manual, error-prone creation of cloud resources within minutes instead of hours and achieve repeatable infrastructure provision. Our decision to implement specific management tools like Azure Bastion to run containers prompted GlacierPeak to adopt more suitable tools and services for the new container framework. They also saw significant operational excellence through automated system patches, cloud resource monitoring, and automated ticket assignments to their platform in case of threshold and metrics deviations. Perhaps, the most notable outcome of Trianz engagement has been the overall security through organization and department segmentation with multi-factor authentication using GE OneIDM Single Sign On (SSO) for least privilege access for developers using distribution lists. As all the tools were integrated with GE OneIDM SSO, the firm could manage security access using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) groups. Automation also reduced costs and improved efficiency by auto-scaling groups and network implementations to handle spikes in traffic and snapshots, as well as leverage advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to tackle immediate deployment or disaster recovery issues. Now, as a more efficient organization, GlacierPeak can engage its application teams to educate them on the cost analysis using reports extracted from AWS offerings like Trusted Advisor and Cost Reports/Explorer. Additionally, they can leverage chargeback by tagging resources with specific tags by team or project and use confluence pages to record the findings and action items. We also trained their teams on the usage patterns and downsizing AWS resources for potential cost savings. Today, GlacierPeak is focused on accelerating its search for new ways to better serve customers, with a focus on continuous improvement. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology experiences and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to learn more.

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Cloud, Analytics


Accelerating Business Efficiency with a Centralized Enterprise Data Repository Trianz was approached by a packaging and shipping supplies provider based in North America. The client wanted to combine siloed data repositories into a single-source-of-truth (SSOT) to promote data integrity, validity, and accuracy. Business Challenges for the Shipping Supplies Provider with Data Management The client was dealing with data siloes across the business, meaning there was no SSOT to derive insight from. This created inconsistency between departments as they used analytics and business intelligence (BI) tools to generate insights, leading to inaccurate insights that negatively impacted business decision-making. To resolve this, the client needed a new centralized enterprise data repository that combines these siloed datasets into a SSOT. This would improve capabilities around data validity, verification, and integrity monitoring, leading to more accurate data and more accurate insight from analytics and BI tools. Technology Components Selected for the Shipping Client by Trianz After a comprehensive assessment of the shipping client’s IT infrastructure and services, Trianz selected the following technology components: Informatica was chosen as an end-to-end data operations platform for data engineering, integration, governance, and quality assurance processes. SQL Server was used as a relational database management system (RDBMS), chosen for integrations and live connector optimizations with PowerBI. Lastly, PowerBI was chosen as a Microsoft ecosystem solution for BI operations, including analytics, dataset unification, visualizations, and more. How Trianz Helped the Shipping Supplier to Build a SSOT and Transform Analytics and BI Operations Our data experts started with asset discovery and analysis to formulate an end-to-end picture of business IT systems and services. This helped with the identification of appropriate technology components, ensuring compatibility and integrability. From here, Trianz took control of data operations and systematically optimized the architecture for high availability, accuracy, and validity. The target was operational availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week as part of a 99.9% uptime service level agreement. Next, existing data models were simplified to assist with downstream analysis. These models could then be used across the business to generate insights with greater efficiency. Trianz collaborated with the client’s IT department to standardize business IT applications and services, and transform IT and data governance frameworks. This would prevent unauthorized data access and improve data security as the same rules could now be applied holistically. Finally, Trianz worked within Informatica to centralize structured datasets on SQL Server. This included the configuration of optimized data connectors between SQL Server and PowerBI to streamline analytics and BI data operations. Transformational Effects After Building a New SSOT for the Shipping Client Now, the client could generate holistic, 360-degree analytical overviews of various business operations to derive insight for use in business decisions. This improved the quality of decisions, directly impacting the top and bottom line. Statutory reporting timescales were shortened significantly, improving awareness across the business in relation to mandatory government information-sharing requirements. Data availability was greatly improved alongside workforce trust in the validity and accuracy of datasets. This meant the business had access to quality data sources with sharp turnaround times when submitting queries. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Real Estate Logistics Company Seeks Dynamic Visualized Analytical Dashboards Trianz was approached by a real estate logistics client that needed assistance with visualized analytics. The client needed dynamic visualized analytical dashboards to replace an aging 100+ page PDF document that had become more of a hinderance than a help. Business Challenges for the Real Estate Logistics Company The client was storing earnings preparations in a 100+ page PDF document, which every employee and stakeholder had access to. This meant answers to questions were not readily available during public presentations. The real estate logistics company needed to replace this PDF solution with a flexible and adaptable data visualization analytics platform. This would enable faster queries compared to the PDF document and lower the barrier of entry to analysis thanks to visual dashboards and charts. Technology Components Selected by Trianz After consulting with the real estate client, Trianz decided on the following technology components: Tableau was selected as an analytical reporting and visualization tool. This would allow stakeholders and employees to take structured data, visualize it, and share insights with colleagues. AWS Virtual Cloud Servers were chosen to provide virtual machines in the cloud that could be interfaced with using Denodo, acting as compute nodes for analytical querying workflows. Snowflake was chosen as a data warehousing and data lake solution. Denodo Virtualization technology enabled data abstraction, integration, and virtualization in partnership with AWS Virtual Cloud Servers using Snowflake as a data repository. How Trianz Helped the Real Estate Logistics Client to Enable Visualized Analytics in Tableau Trianz started by condensing the 100+ page PDF source file into a 3-tab dynamic analytics dashboard. This allowed teams to evaluate multiple metrics across multiple dimensions, geographies, and timeframes, greatly improving the depth and breadth of generated insights. Next, operating parameters were established to enable employees to create dynamic dashboards that can move vertically through data hierarchies. Data availability was greatly improved using Snowflake, easily surpassing the previous PDF solution. Transformational Effects After Replacing PDFs with Tableau Visualizations After adopting Tableau and Snowflake, the real estate logistics company’s stakeholder team could generate more valuable insights around company performance, competitor trends, and product flow through the delivery pipeline. The field sales team had new access to a remote-friendly PowerBI solution, enabling mobile visualization dashboards that helped sales personnel to monitor key performance indicators relating to call activity. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Analytics, Digital Apps


Trasers Seeks to Provide Clients with Interactive and Collaborative Experiences in Real-Time With a need to develop a comprehensive digital reporting platform, Trasers, one of the world’s most extensive research services dedicated to the field of digital transformation decision support, was looking to provide a digitally immersive, interactive, and collaborative report viewing experience for its clients. What Was Trasers Looking to Achieve? The research firm required an immersive, digitally advanced multiplatform state-of-the-art report engagement and report viewing platform to support its growing client base and meet increasing demand. To achieve these goals, Trasers was interested in building a secure, AI-enabled chatbot application that would interact with its users when accessing and purchasing research reports. In addition, this application would enable users to request custom research requirements aligned to the report topics found on the Trasers platform. The multiplatform aimed to help Trasers achieve a highly secure and scalable solution while providing more significant user contribution via survey participation, offline connectivity, real-time reporting, and smoother search functions. To strategically implement the appropriate solutions, the company partnered with AWS and Trianz’s team of analytics experts to build a microservices architecture for faster automation, scalability, and availability. How the Trianz Approach Upgraded Trasers’ Solutions Architecture Trianz’s consultants sat down with Trasers’ leadership to understand their unique business needs and challenges before collaborating with the AWS product team on the ideal solution. Then, after conducting workshops with business and IT stakeholders, Trianz deployed an Amazon S3 intelligent data lake and BDM-MDM suite, which integrated various data sources to produce the Trasers reports. Trasers Solution Architecture Trianz then identified survey and customer analytics solutions to create a set of reusable custom visualizations that could integrate into an open architecture. Once the identified processes were approved, Trianz’s team of analytics experts seamlessly synchronized the implementation of Checkbox, Qlik Sense, SPSS, and Alfresco to offer Trasers consistent, visually appealing, and differentiated reporting services. Ubercart was implemented along with the cloud-based conversational AI service, LUIS chatbot, to support several payment gateways. This increased the performance of the core application and enabled custom machine-learning intelligence to predict overall meaning and pull out relevant, detailed information for customer orders and technical support. Finally, after the application was deployed on AWS cloud, Trasers web, mobile, and desktop apps were validated against security vulnerabilities using Nessus Professional 8.0 and Burp suite. Trasers Deployment Architecture — AWS Cloud How Trianz Helped Trasers Realize Their Business Goals Trasers’ engagement with Trianz enabled them to leverage an intuitive, user-friendly, and smooth report reading experience. With advanced search functionalities, clients were provided with faster insights into multiple industries and business functions on a digitally immersive platform. They also achieved their key goal of enabling users to interact securely with their reporting services through an AI chatbot and connect with the Trasers user community to get responses from fellow community users. As Trasers also engaged with Trianz and AWS as a managed service provider, the team delivered a platform that allowed users to interact with reports and perform multiple functions in real-time. In addition, users can now access interactive reports in online and offline modes where their actions are synced up the moment they establish connectivity. The Transformational Effects and Impact With the new microservices-based architecture, the client realized a spike in productivity due to the inherent features like content negotiation, authentication, scaffolding code, and other methods to provide more efficient connections. This enabled Trasers to prioritize accelerating its search for new ways to serve customers better, focusing on continuous improvement. Thanks to the omnichannel access and streamlined checkout process, user experience improved, interactions became seamless and secure, and Trasers general audience and user base increased. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more. ×

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Cloud, Analytics


Yancoal Seeks to Evolve Their Analytics Capabilities With the recent wave of digital evolution in the natural resources industries, Australia’s largest pure-play coal producer Yancoal, was looking to maximize new opportunities by expanding their growth strategy. Specifically, the enterprise was aiming to enhance their business agility through advanced analytics and improve the efficiency of their mining operations, particularly in the area of logistics. What Was Yancoal Looking to Achieve? The enterprise sought to reduce costs, implement operational efficiencies and shared services, and provide all customers with the certainty of product quality and delivery. In order to achieve these goals, Yancoal was interested in building a strategic data ecosystem to store and analyze operational data in line with the industry best practices. This data ecosystem would support and enhance their current business operations, while simultaneously accommodating newer technologies and business strategies via futureproofing. The projected business value that Yancoal hoped to actualize included better supply and demand management, reduced fuel consumption, increased energy efficiency and consequently enhance their reputation as one of the few eco-conscious enterprises in the coal industry. In order to strategically implement the appropriate solutions, the company partnered with Trianz’ team of analytics experts. How the Trianz Approach Upgraded Yancoal’s Analytics Platform Trianz’ consultants sat down with Yancoal’s leadership to first understand their unique business needs and challenges before collaborating with Amazon Web Services (AWS) on the ideal solution. Through a thorough analysis of the client’s existing data warehouse, Trianz and AWS created migration blueprints that addressed their specific requirements, significantly improving the outcomes of the transformation. The Trianz subject matter experts created a well-integrated AWS Cloud platform to host the client’s new operational analytics systems. By working with a single vendor, Yancoal was confident that their new platform would be fully supported in the long term, because AWS provides inbuilt updates and integrations. Enabled new integrations with Yancoal's Environment Health & Safety system (EHS) system and created workloads using AWS Glue, AWS Athena and AWS Transfer family services. Finally, by engaging Trianz as their managed services partner, Yancoal was able to streamline ongoing operations support to maintain and enhance the capabilities of their analytics platform. This would ensure swift communication and issue resolutions, increasing the availability and resilience of the platform. Cloud analytics brings disproportionate benefits when it comes to costs and process efficiencies through process automation and improved decision-making. These are outcomes that would not be otherwise realizable without the support of cloud analytics service providers. Setting up the Operational Analytics Platform on AWS Yancoal’s analytics platform was built by Trianz on the pillars of AWS’s well-architected framework. The team implemented AWS Transit Gateway, Managed Active Directory and Single Sign-On, deployed infrastructure as code, enabled automation using DevOps including continuous integration and development, and used services like CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and Terraform for migration. The Trianz team further applied architecture patterns like serverless and event-based compute, leveraging the AWS Lambda service for event-driven code execution. This enabled near real-time automated data processing and propagation from source to AWS S3 Storage using AWS Glue jobs. The team also leveraged lean architecture principles for data architecture design, such as data virtualization, by storing data on S3 buckets, and using AWS Athena to perform interactive queries. This eliminated the need for multiple extract-transform-load (ETL) and data movement operations, saving substantial data processing and storage costs. Trianz implemented application and platform monitoring using AWS CloudWatch. It was used to monitor Glue job status through CloudWatch logs, as well as to oversee infrastructure like EC2 instances for CPU and memory availability and utilization, triggering events to SNS topic in failure scenarios. The team made use of a market-leading data visualization tool, Tableau, to deliver key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics through rich visualizations, enabling accurate and timely insights into day-to-day operations. How Trianz Helped Yancoal Realize Their Business Goals Yancoal’s engagement with Trianz enabled them to overhaul their data and analytics capabilities by working together to construct a solid operational analytics platform. They were able to achieve their key goal of proactive supply chain management to reduce costs, enhance services, and improve their carbon footprint through increased operational efficiency. Trianz also delivered significant business impact by implementing automated, real-time, and consistent reporting, as well as standardizing data. Because Yancoal also engaged Trianz as a managed services partner, the team was also able to deliver key metrics such as 100% data and dashboard availability with no downtime, 100% response and resolution, and significantly increased customer experience. TCO Analysis Performed Monitoring of the cloud resources using Concierto.Cloud and CloudWatch automation reduced the manual effort by 20% Enabled Automation to automatically raise tickets/Incidents in Concierto.Cloud to optimized the SLA breaches and assign to the L2,L3 support teams for resolution. The Transformational Effects and Impact Thanks to the high levels of automation that were integrated into Yancoal’s analytics capabilities, the company experienced an annual cost reduction of at least AUD 300,000, a manual effort reduction of at least 50% in report generation, and sharply reduced month-end report durations. The additional integrations expanded the capabilities of the Operational Analytics platform and provided Yancoal with consistent & trusted insights into their EHS data. This enabled power users on the business teams to create reporting views in Athena which they then leveraged for creating data visualization dashboards for end user consumption. Finally, Trianz’ implementation of the AWS solution empowered Yancoal to transform into a data-driven enterprise whose robust analytics platform now provides timely, trusted, and actionable insights. Republished: 2023-07-10 Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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As the broader apparatus responsible for data analysis, business intelligence (BI) provides historical and current insights on business operations. But now, with modern technological evolutions such as cloud platforms, data warehousing, and artificial intelligence, BI can be enhanced and harnessed to empower predictive insights and proactive solutions. As a digital transformation services firm, Trianz realizes that there is nothing more important than keeping your organization’s “data brain” constantly primed and functioning at optimum levels. Our experts help clients tap into the significant advantages that these technologies can bring to your business intelligence apparatus. Cognitive computer systems are a good example. These systems are programmed and trained using AI and ML, with algorithms that can interpret and sometimes even build upon human cognitive capacity. This makes a wider range of more refined, real-time, and accurate data, analysis, and solutions available to businesses. Whether operational or strategic, our solutions elevate and streamline BI by making data more accessible to your team with user-friendly dashboards and clear insights free of data inconsistencies. We have helped numerous clients overcome challenges and impediments such as unclear, inconsistent, and confusing data, lagging testing frameworks and reporting architecture, and migrating entirely analog systems to the cloud. In bringing these enterprises’ business intelligence mechanisms up to current and even future standards, we have always adhered to our standards of excellence in execution. What follows are just a few of our case studies of business intelligence engagements: Custom BI Dashboard and Data Analysis Tool A global payments and technology company envisioned a digitization of their client’s access to data through a business intelligence dashboard and data analysis tool. The company was projecting to implement and release the tool within an aggressive time frame, so that merchants could be provided with parametrized reports, customized settings, and several other capabilities with little interruption to service. Trianz came aboard as their development and implementation partner, helping them create and launch a platform that provided an appealing, flexible experience supported by a robust, streamlined technological framework. Cloud Migration: A Business and IT Ops Transformation A Fortune 500 global insurance enterprise approached the Trianz team to streamline their business applications and infrastructure workloads onto the public cloud. After opting to migrate 70% of its information management data, the client needed to eliminate inconsistences, improve data collection and collation, and unify their data source. This meant also moving dependent apps, infrastructure, and other support programs to the public cloud. The time frame required to complete the entire migration was three years. Trianz was chosen in a competitive process from a pool of several peers, working closely with the company’s business and IT leadership, joining a program governance task force to deploy an accelerated migration using our unique execution model. Optimized ETL Testing: Better Data Management Trianz partnered with a US-based Fortune 100 insurance company to optimize their lagging extract-transform-load (ETL) testing, which was affecting their operational data storage costs and compromising data quality, security, and privacy. The enterprise also found themselves recording unusually long durations for test data prep by both quality assurance and development teams, which was delaying their release cycles. Our team worked with them to not only optimize their ETL testing, but also to enhance their product quality and decrease operational costs. Furthermore, Trianz’s in-house TDM experts continued to provide ongoing support even following the closure of the project. We hold excellence in service and execution to be core values, and our commitment to our clients means always being on standby for guidance, troubleshooting, and other support. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology experiences and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms.

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An enterprise data warehouse (EDW) can only perform at its peak if all aspects of the process – from data to analysis to reports and insights – are streamlined and purged of all confusion. Despite the rapid and continuous evolutions brought about by recent technology, many organizations still lag behind. They are weighed down by antiquated analog data collection and management systems, scattered sources of information, and inconsistent data that creates unusable insights. With the advent of the cloud, serverless data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, the enterprise data warehouse has the potential to be transformed into a thriving center of the organization’s information and analytics. Legacy and analog data can be cleaned, verified, migrated to the cloud using extract-transform-load (ETL) processing. This way, your data can be double-checked for duplication and inaccuracies, contextualized, and curated for tailored insights. A well-maintained data warehouse brings significant value as a time- and resource-saver because it can aggregate high volumes of ostensibly random information automatically. And when an organization’s data is structured in such a methodical, automated way, its growth potential expands exponentially. As a digital transformation services firm, Trianz helps clients tap into the significant advantages that technological developments can bring to your data warehouse capabilities. In bringing these EDWs up to current and even future standards, we have always adhered to our motto of excellence in execution. What follows are just a few of our case studies of enterprise data warehouse engagements. A Game-Changing Platform on an Azure Data Lake for a Global Reinsurer A large reinsurance organization was looking to build a centralized modern data and analytics platform, leveraging cloud services that not just met its current, future, functional, and non-functional requirements, but also offered a global business view into operational insights. Looking at their existing applications, systems, reports, and challenges, we recommended a federated data management solution and laid out a roadmap to finalize the cloud infrastructure with a federated architecture. Next Gen Data and Analytics Platform on AWS for a P&C Insurer A property and casualty insurer needed a scalable solution that could not only ingest and analyze new data sources quickly and efficiently, but also cost-effectively. Their goal was to spend more time on insights and action and less time on set-up. After a thorough assessment of their existing reporting strategy, alignment, and challenges, we recommended deploying the cloud force analytics platform using AWS Cloud Managed services. Data Warehouse: From Strategy to Implementation for a Nonprofit A leading nonprofit that coordinates organ donations needed to redesign and build the legacy reporting and analytics environment of. The organization had to tackle challenges posed by an aging and poorly functioning legacy environment, including weak reporting functions and limited data access, quality, and integrity. Our data experts strategized how to best meet their goals of improved information management while overcoming these significant hurdles. Trianz experts teamed with the organization to develop and test a transformative business intelligence solution. Developing a Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Environment A well-known university in the US needed to implement an updated computing system to phase out its legacy environment. They required an update to their information access, reporting, and analysis to shift from manual, analog reports to a digitalized solution. The primary task was to develop best practices and strategies for providing timely and accurate access to information. The goal was to effectively and efficiently keep track of and manage important data such as registration, financial aid, grades, grants, and financial information. Our team teamed with university staff to design and implement an upgraded warehouse and streamlined reporting environment. Elevating Higher Education with Better Reporting Architecture An internationally recognized leader in higher education based in Indiana needed to upgrade their enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and gain more visibility into the university finances. The challenges they faced included a lack of financial reporting capabilities needed for planning and operations, as well as more thorough and extensive auditing of financial information migrated into the new ERP environment. Trianz helped university staff by strategizing, designing, and developing an updated digital reporting environment to meet their goals. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology experiences and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms.

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Challenge A Fortune 100 Property & Casualty (P&C) insurer, we’ll call P&CDirect (PCD), had limited compute resources to perform analytics on second-by-second telematics data. The queries would take hours to resolve, which was negatively impacting PCD’s bottom line and reputation. The insurer was looking for a robust cloud analytics platform with real-time and complex analytics capabilities to use data as a strategic asset, putting information in the hands of the right people at the right time. PCD needed a scalable solution that could not only ingest and analyze new data sources quickly and efficiently, but also cost-effectively. Their goal was to spend more time on insights and action and less time on set-up. Having complete access to all their data would help PCD’s team uncover new opportunities and actionable insights across the business. So PCD tapped Trianz to implement an analytics platform that could offer custom solutions with more self-serve capabilities and manage an end-to-end catalog of data assets with searchable metadata and data lake assets. Our Approach PCD’s operational goal was to choose the right tools and migrate to the next-generation information management and analytics platform on AWS. After a thorough assessment of their existing reporting strategy, alignment, and challenges, we recommended deploying the cloud force analytics platform using AWS Cloud Managed services. Trianz’ goal was to help the client identify capabilities needs beyond data analytics. After extensive sessions of research and tool bake-offs, our specialists designed Proof of Concepts (POCs) to build capabilities and prepared feature comparison charts to map to client requirements. We developed a phase-wise migration approach for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) by first migrating 60 TB of telematics data to AWS. We then designed their analytics platform with a reusable code. Transformational Effects Our innovative approach yielded positive results. Queries that took hours earlier could now be executed within minutes via our new analytics platform with built-in, fail-fast capabilities. The new platform is scalable enough to handle huge data ingress in the future and flexible enough to accommodate or adapt to future technology trends. It can also easily integrate with other existing or future cloud tools. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology experiences and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. ×

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Challenge Changing customer expectations, disruption of the value chain, emerging technologies – all of these call for reinsurers to turn data into a strategic asset. That’s exactly what this large reinsurance organization, which we’ll call Pacific Atlantic Reinsurance (PAR), hoped to accomplish with an analytics platform that was efficient, effective, and addressed its data and analytics requirements. PAR was looking to build a centralized modern data and analytics platform, leveraging cloud services that not just met its current, future, functional, and non-functional requirements, but also offered a global business view into operational insights. The goals were simple. The platform should: Enable self-service discovery and analysis Offer automated architecture and governance Provide faster access to raw data sets Scale for additional lines of business LOBs Accommodate different file formats for data integration Act as both a predictive and prescriptive analytics solution Our Approach We had our work cut out for us. Looking at PAR’s existing applications, systems, reports, and challenges, we recommended a federated data management solution and laid out a roadmap to finalize the cloud infrastructure with a federated architecture. Next, we built a data lake using Azure to consolidate all the client’s information in one place. We chose a data lake over traditional database management because of PAR’s need to capture internal data beyond predefined formats. This requirement was an ideal use-case for data lakes. For PAR to stay ahead in the game, it was imperative to capture diverse types of data, generate comprehensive insights, and integrate data with decision-making. With these new insights, the client could pursue their goal of becoming a customer-driven reinsurer with the ability to predict and address customer needs. Trianz specialists devised and executed a framework for reporting platform implementation approach. We also built the foundational analytics capabilities, extended the security framework for the federated solution, and fine-tuned the data governance and quality controls for data governance. Subsequent execution initiatives included deploying a regional data information model and analytics capabilities and introducing DevOps to automate the data pipeline and reporting deployment . Transformational Effects Building a global data lake turned out to be a transformative business enabler for PAR. The robust analytics platform with extensive capabilities has been delivering solid operational insights for the business. The comprehensive framework we devised for the client can be extended to handle complex data types and advanced machine learning applications for regional and global users. This also helped them gain insight into the global business view. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology experiences and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. ×

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Cloud, Analytics


Client Profile Trianz was approached by a leading global healthcare provider that wanted to leverage cloud infrastructure to build a new secure, scalable, and industry-compliant cloud IT platform. This included migrations and Its internal teams would use this platform for large-scale and complex analytics in the US and EU geographic areas. Business Challenges Infrastructure is too complex to manage and maintain their physical servers, storage, networking equipment, and data centers Scaling of on-premises applications was too challenging and was not able to modernize the environment Security of on-premises applications involves implementing appropriate security controls, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access management mechanisms Lack of automations to run the operations Complex Software Updates and Patching Solution Considerations Trianz proposed to perform workload migrations to AWS cloud using rehost strategy by architecting a new secure, scalable, and industry-compliant cloud IT platform. This solution helps the client internal teams to use secured platform for large-scale and complex analytics in the US and EU regions. TCO Analysis 25% reduction in operational expenditure (OpEx) for cloud infrastructure, including virtual machines (VMs), storage, networking, and data transfer costs Optimal spend on cloud subscriptions Application migration to cloud with near zero downtime Solution Highlights Migration Trianz follows cloud adoption roadmap (prepare, assess, plan, deploy, modernize, manage &maintain) to support healthcare client's cloud transformation journey. Governing principals, such as billing management, cost optimization, security operations, etc.., established early in the cloud journey roadmap to ensure successful adoption. Streamlined the migration process to validate the deployments/migrations before we take them to the production environments. Trianz has leveraged an enterprise migration tool (Carbonite) for workload migrations to AWS cloud with near zero downtime Operational Excellence Migrated large-scale and complex analytics application from US and EU geographic to AWS cloud with Zero downtime Transformational Effects Robust and scalable Analytics platform running on AWS Cloud Analytics platform is now scalable to huge data ingress in future, flexible to future technology trends. Workflow based Migration Planning Automation and Governance Workflow based Migration Execution Enabled Automations for Patch Management Enabled Fin-Ops for cloud spend planning, budget forecasting, controls and alerts, comparative analytics between clouds, and triggers for controlling spend Published: 2023-07-17

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Needing Data Insights to Forecast and Adapt A company we’ll call TeraDebit needed an analytics platform that could scale with its growing data, and handle data ingestion and transformation processes. Their key objective was to provide a comprehensive business intelligence capability for portfolio leaders to evaluate and compare program performance using on standard KPIs. A major financial services corporation, TeraDebit’s primary business is to process payments between the merchant banks and other debit card issuers, had partnered with various financial institutions, governments, and NGOs to leverage its core digital technologies. Its hope was to advance agriculture, transform informal to formal financial distributions channels, and increase the reach of health services by providing visibility into the overall value chain. TeraDebit was seeking to use analytics to foresee and adapt changing customer service expectations and need. However, TeraDebit’s heavy reliance on the merchants and banks to share information limited its capacity to generate actionable insights. Their existing analytics process was not robust or scalable and was therefore unable to support their external reporting needs. Like many companies undertaking digitalization and business intelligence initiatives, TeraDebit found the time-consuming process required to gain insights prohibitive. Additionally, an incomplete and inconsistent view of data/insights made results prone to manual errors, which could impact the client’s reputation. Business Challenges and Our Approach To summarize, we validated the client’s issues and challenges as: The existing analytics process was slow, not robust, and not scalable. There was little to no view of data. Insights were inconsistent and prone to manual errors. The existing platform couldn’t support external reporting needs nor accommodate projected growth. The client was dependent on merchants and banks for data, which further slowed insights. After a thorough analysis of the client’s existing analytics platform, we shared our perspective on Azure solutions and recommended Azure Data Lake Analytics as one of the options best-suited to the client’s needs. Working within a tight timeline requirement, we started by moving the client’s on-premise data using ADF V2 to Azure Data Lake Storage. Our specialists identified best-in class tools in the Azure environment for the extract, transform, and load (ETL) operations. For a powerful and all-encompassing view of the actionable insights generated, we rewrote canned reports using Power BI and further developed a user portal using MS.Net and Angular.js. These tools helped render the Power BI reports and enabled the client to have a clear and transparent view of key performance indicators based on the user role access. Tools & Technology Stack To make the client’s analytics process robust, we leveraged Azure’s Databricks service to perform advanced analytics and ad-hoc querying. We also introduced Azure AD service with service principal multi-factor authentication and database authorization to make the complete process secure. To achieve an end-to-end automated build and deployment process, we implemented Azure DevOps, creating a CI/CD pipeline. Finally, to enable an “always-on” service, we used Azure’s monitoring service to monitor the service and infrastructure health and availability. Transformational Effects Our innovative approaches yielded tremendously positive results. Our solution included an end-end automated deployment process leveraging DevOps, which increased the frequency of the data availability to business and enabled data consistency and removal of manual errors during key sections of the data flow. Our comprehensive data security framework leveraged cloud-based encryption techniques to secure the PII and other sensitive data using different levels of user access roles. The client’s users are now able to quickly generate actionable insights in real-time using PowerBI. Implementing a data lake with Azure Analytics was unique and instrumental in engaging the client’s business throughout the entire journey of solution design and build. The client has realized far better performance results and their analytics platform’s robust scalability. The Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology experiences and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms.

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A Fortune 500 Storage Systems and Software company was looking for a next-gen Data Integration & Analytics platform to process device diagnostic data to enable product and customer support. Business Challenge Storage devices (from ~75% of the install base) around the world sends configuration, performance and log information as Auto Support (ASUP) messages. The client’s legacy DW platform was unable to process this huge amount of data (1TB/wk) in time and support real-time analytics of device logs to identify issues upfront. With growing ASUP volumes, it was posing serious challenges in meeting the mission critical SLAs. Additionally, there were no customer, sales, service and support insights available for cross- and up-selling. Key Technology Components 117 Node CDH cluster with 1.15PB data. Tech stack - MD, Flume, HDFS, Hbase, Hive, Pig, Solr, Java, Config Loader, Pl/Sql, Shell Scripting, Datameer, Tableau, Pentaho DI, Oracle, SQL Server, OBIEE, MSBI Approach As a strategic partner, Trianz helped in implementing the next-gen DW platform on big data technologies, and is currently involved in promoting its enhanced usage to drive sales & services (beyond product support). Strategy/Roadmap Assessment of current state, future requirements and gap analysis through interactions with IT & Business Technology evaluation and recommendation Execution Requirements gathering and development of new platform Implemented multiple releases to enhance functionality and developed downstream applications like MyASUP and SmartSolve etc. Maintaining the platform (L3 support) since 2011 Transformational Effects Highly robust, scalable and reliable ASUP.Next platform ensured smooth and uninterrupted business operations Improved product support and customer service Huge opportunity to monetize this platform by generating actionable insights to support sales & service operations

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Creating a Single Source of Truth Using Azure Trianz was engaged by a reinsurance company to help with the development of predictive analytics applications. As part of its business, the company acquires existing books of reinsurance policies and manages claims associated with them, and they needed analytics capabilities in order to manage policy claims more effectively. Business Objectives with Predictive Analytics By developing a predictive analytics solution, the objective for the reinsurance company was to enable its legal team to detect fraudulent claims more effectively. The reinsurance firm also needed a way to predict claim settlement amounts before dues are paid, assisting with financial planning and cashflow. Finally, a new alerting system was required to proactively alert employees upon receipt of high-risk or high-value claims, ones which would require a significant cash windfall for full settlement. Data sources were mixed and siloed on the IT network. The company shared information using large documents with attachments and non-standardized file formats, creating an accessibility challenge. The reinsurance firm had no data warehouse to act as a single-source-of-truth (SSOT), leading to data credibility concerns and technical bandwidth limitations during data analysis. Most critical were the manual data input workflows, where hundreds of documents and files were manually uploaded to the system to be analyzed. No automated ingestion method existed on the reinsurance firm’s IT network. Technology Components Highlighted Trianz worked closely with the reinsurance provider to identify suitable technology components for its predictive analytics project: Azure Data Lake was chosen to act as a data repository and SSOT from which all IT resources could reference and verify the validity of data. Azure Data Factory was chosen as an extract-transform-load pipeline solution operating on an economical pay-as-you-go model. Databricks was chosen as a data management platform using the Lakehouse architecture for simpler data infrastructure operations. Azure Data Catalog was selected to store metadata relating to data sources and simplify data asset discovery. Azure DevOps was used to orchestrate agile software development, create and manage continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and facilitate source control. Python is the coding language used to build the predictive analytics algorithm model for the reinsurance firm. R-Shiny is an open-source, code-first data science platform that helped with deployment of data-based web applications, referred to as Shiny Web Apps. Docker was used to host serverless containerized applications and resources in tandem with Kubernetes. Spark Natural Language Processing (NLP) was adopted to annotate conversational audio and text files with relevant metadata using machine learning (ML) and Python. DataRobot Prediction Server sits in a Docker container acting as an execution environment for DataRobot model packages (.mlpkg files). Word2vec is a technique for NLP. It consists of an algorithmic neural network that learns word associations to create meaning using cosine similarities between vectors. Jira was adopted to track issues and keep projects on track for DevOps and data science teams, using agile development methodologies. Enabling Predictive Analytics and Reducing Manual Workflows Trianz worked with the reinsurance company to recruit a team of cloud architects, data scientists, data architects, and data engineers. The team consisted of native and overseas personnel in different time zones, meaning a point of contact was always available for the reinsurance company. As part of the roadmap, Microsoft Azure technology components were developed first, forming the data science foundation for applications and datasets. The predictive analytics application was enhanced to include entity recognition, NLP, custom analytics models, and robotic process automation (RPA). Finally, a cloud-based data mart was established with production-ready data models and processes to support data querying operations, analytical reports, and data monetization initiatives. The Agile development methodology was customized to suit the reinsurance company’s needs. This supported data pipeline development, predictive analytics modelling, and CI/CD deployment and testing during the development phase. Transformational Effects of New Data Mart and Analytics After adopting the new technologies, the reinsurance firm experienced tangible transformational effects: RPA saved time and effort for the data science team by consistently and effectively automating previously manual processes and workflows. New data models enhanced scoring capabilities to improve predictive forecasting, mitigating risk, and smoothing cashflow when dealing with reinsurance claims. Entity explorer graphs were used to identify people and create relations between people, places, and business datasets. The purpose was to detect fraud and mitigate risk to the business. NLP can now drill through phone conversations, email conversations, and other datasets to proactively alert legal teams when claim numbers increase sharply and suddenly, which also serves to mitigate risk. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Trasers Seeks to Provide Clients with Interactive and Collaborative Experiences in Real-Time With a need to develop a comprehensive digital reporting platform, Trasers, one of the world’s most extensive research services dedicated to the field of digital transformation decision support, was looking to provide a digitally immersive, interactive, and collaborative report viewing experience for its clients. What Was Trasers Looking to Achieve? The research firm required an immersive, digitally advanced multiplatform state-of-the-art report engagement and report viewing platform to support its growing client base and meet increasing demand. To achieve these goals, Trasers was interested in building a secure, AI-enabled chatbot application that would interact with its users when accessing and purchasing research reports. In addition, this application would enable users to request custom research requirements aligned to the report topics found on the Trasers platform. The multiplatform aimed to help Trasers achieve a highly secure and scalable solution while providing more significant user contribution via survey participation, offline connectivity, real-time reporting, and smoother search functions. To strategically implement the appropriate solutions, the company partnered with AWS and Trianz’s team of analytics experts to build a microservices architecture for faster automation, scalability, and availability. How the Trianz Approach Upgraded Trasers’ Solutions Architecture Trianz’s consultants sat down with Trasers’ leadership to understand their unique business needs and challenges before collaborating with the AWS product team on the ideal solution. Then, after conducting workshops with business and IT stakeholders, Trianz deployed an Amazon S3 intelligent data lake and BDM-MDM suite, which integrated various data sources to produce the Trasers reports. Trasers Solution Architecture Trianz then identified survey and customer analytics solutions to create a set of reusable custom visualizations that could integrate into an open architecture. Once the identified processes were approved, Trianz’s team of analytics experts seamlessly synchronized the implementation of Checkbox, Qlik Sense, SPSS, and Alfresco to offer Trasers consistent, visually appealing, and differentiated reporting services. Ubercart was implemented along with the cloud-based conversational AI service, LUIS chatbot, to support several payment gateways. This increased the performance of the core application and enabled custom machine-learning intelligence to predict overall meaning and pull out relevant, detailed information for customer orders and technical support. Finally, after the application was deployed on AWS cloud, Trasers web, mobile, and desktop apps were validated against security vulnerabilities using Nessus Professional 8.0 and Burp suite. Trasers Deployment Architecture — AWS Cloud How Trianz Helped Trasers Realize Their Business Goals Trasers’ engagement with Trianz enabled them to leverage an intuitive, user-friendly, and smooth report reading experience. With advanced search functionalities, clients were provided with faster insights into multiple industries and business functions on a digitally immersive platform. They also achieved their key goal of enabling users to interact securely with their reporting services through an AI chatbot and connect with the Trasers user community to get responses from fellow community users. As Trasers also engaged with Trianz and AWS as a managed service provider, the team delivered a platform that allowed users to interact with reports and perform multiple functions in real-time. In addition, users can now access interactive reports in online and offline modes where their actions are synced up the moment they establish connectivity. The Transformational Effects and Impact With the new microservices-based architecture, the client realized a spike in productivity due to the inherent features like content negotiation, authentication, scaffolding code, and other methods to provide more efficient connections. This enabled Trasers to prioritize accelerating its search for new ways to serve customers better, focusing on continuous improvement. Thanks to the omnichannel access and streamlined checkout process, user experience improved, interactions became seamless and secure, and Trasers general audience and user base increased. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more. ×

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Client Overview A leading media and entertainment firm is pioneering in the media sector with its innovative approach to movie production. Striving to maintain its cutting edge, it sought to enhance its production processes, focusing on efficiency and creativity in pre-visualization, a critical phase in movie creation. Business Challenge The traditional pre-visualization process in movie production is notably time-consuming and cost-intensive. It involves multiple iterations of scripting, character design, and scene setting before actual filming begins. The client aimed to streamline this process, seeking a solution that would reduce costs and enhance creative flexibility, allowing for easy revisions and alterations in the movie's script, setting, and character designs. Trianz Solution Approach To address these challenges, the client partnered with Trianz, an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner specializing in GenAI solutions. Trianz proposed a comprehensive solution leveraging the power of Generative AI (GenAI) to transform the end-to-end movie production process. Script Creation and Revision: Utilizing the script generation LLM on Amazon EC2 instances, the solution automated the scriptwriting process, converting a book into a movie script. This GenAI tool facilitated easy modifications to the script based on new prompts, allowing for dynamic changes in context, location, and more, enhancing creative freedom and reducing manual effort. Character Design and 2D Avatars: The next phase involved creating detailed character descriptions and generating 2D avatars using a text-to-image generation model on AWS Bedrock. This step provided a visual representation of characters early in the production process, fostering better decision-making and creative planning. 3D Avatar and Scene Generation: Leveraging a combination of visual development platform for virtual production, 3D modeling tool, and other tools, the solution enabled the creation of 3D avatars and scene generation. This integration of advanced software and GenAI technologies on AWS infrastructure allowed for realistic and flexible pre-visualization of movie scenes. Technology Components AWS EC2 & AWS Infrastructure: Hosted the core GenAI models, providing scalable compute resources. GenAI Tool for Scriptwriting: Automated scriptwriting and revisions. GenAI Model for 2D Avatar Creation: Enabled rapid 2D avatar creation. 3D Modeling Software & GenAI Tools: Used for 3D avatar creation and scene generation, integrating seamlessly with the GenAI outputs to produce high-quality visualizations. Transformational Outcomes Cost Reduction: The GenAI-driven solution significantly reduced the costs associated with the pre-visualization phase by automating several processes that traditionally required manual labor. Enhanced Creativity and Flexibility: The ability to quickly revise scripts, change character appearances, and alter scenes enabled a more dynamic creative process, leading to richer storytelling and visual experiences. Time Efficiency: What used to take months in the pre-visualization process can now be achieved in a fraction of the time, allowing for faster decision-making and iteration. Innovative Production Process: By being one of the first in the industry to adopt a GenAI-driven approach to movie production, the client is setting a new standard for innovation and efficiency in media and entertainment. Conclusion The partnership between the client and Trianz has set a new benchmark in the movie production industry. By harnessing the power of GenAI technologies within the AWS ecosystem, the client has optimized its pre-visualization process and opened new avenues for creative storytelling and production efficiency. This effort serves as a testament to the transformative potential of GenAI in revolutionizing the technology, media & entertainment, and telecommunication industry.

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Client Overview A financial services company, known for its commitment to exceptional customer service and innovation, sought to revolutionize its contact center operations. Facing the challenges of managing high call volumes while ensuring personalized customer interactions, the company aimed to leverage technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its live call agents performance and post-call information and documentation processing. Business Challenge The firm's contact center faced several challenges, including inefficiencies in handling customer inquiries, difficulties in understanding customer sentiment during calls, and a time-consuming post-call information and documentation processing . These challenges hindered the company’s ability to deliver personalized customer experiences and operate with optimal efficiency. Trianz Solution Approach Partnering with Trianz, the firm embarked on integrating Generative AI (GenAI) solutions powered by AWS to address these challenges head-on. The proposed solution / use case focused on two main areas: Live Call Agent Enablement: Real-time Translations and Transcriptions: Leveraging AWS services, the system provided instant translations and transcriptions during calls, enabling agents to understand and serve customers in multiple languages effectively. Sentiment Analysis and Behavioral Cues: GenAI tools analyzed customer sentiment and behavior in real-time, allowing agents to adjust their approach dynamically for a more personalized interaction. Intelligent Recommendations: Based on the ongoing conversation, customer history, and sentiment, agents received real-time prompts on products, solutions, or responses likely to meet customer needs and enhance satisfaction. Post-Call Enablement: Call Summarization: Automatic summarization of call transcripts, highlighting key points and action items, significantly reduced manual documentation efforts. Customer Email Preparation: GenAI-generated draft emails based on call summaries and historical data expedited follow-up communications, ensuring consistency and accuracy. Sentiment Analysis and Reporting: Comprehensive sentiment analysis of calls, combined with insights from historical interactions, informed continuous improvement in service strategies and agent training. Technology Components The solution utilized a wide range of AWS technologies, including Amazon Transcribe for real-time transcriptions, Amazon Translate for instant language translation, Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis, and custom GenAI models for intelligent recommendations and content generation, all seamlessly integrated within the compamy’s existing contact center infrastructure. Transformational Outcomes Enhanced Customer Experience: Real-time GenAI capabilities enabled personalized, efficient, and linguistically inclusive customer interactions, significantly improving customer satisfaction. Increased Operational Efficiency: Automation of post-call documentation and follow-ups allowed agents to focus more on customer interaction rather than administrative tasks, increasing overall call handling capacity. Data-Driven Insights: Sentiment analysis and behavioral insights informed strategic decisions around service offerings, agent training, and customer engagement strategies, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Conclusion The financial services company’s partnership with Trianz to integrate GenAI solutions within its contact center operations resulted in a paradigm shift in how customer interactions were managed and analyzed. By leveraging the power of AWS-powered GenAI, the company not only achieved operational efficiencies, but also elevated the customer service experience to new heights, setting a new benchmark in the financial services industry for customer engagement and support.

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CLIENT OVERVIEW Big Behavior is full service digital agency comprised of award-winning experts in website design and iOS and Android app development. They design and build custom software, databases, and API's. They are dedicated to helping businesses grow by providing online marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and website maintenance plans. Big Behavior is based in Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Los Angeles California, and service clients around the world. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE Multi-tenant design for Intelligent Virtual Call Center Agents platform Construct a business model for estimating cloud consumption per campaign and client. Feasibility of platform design based on cloud-native services along with integration compatibility with third-party call-center and CRM solutions. Platform design for unified portal for clients and administrators. Control plane design for client and campaign onboarding-based provisioning. Roadmap and effort estimate for platform build. THE APPROACH Focus on creating the set of guiding principles to ensure that platform assessment yield successful outcomes that aligned to original goals and objectives Conducting holistic assessment combining below methods: Evaluate the platform's technical architecture, performance, security, and scalability. Evaluate the platform through the lens of the user experience, assessing usability, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction. Evaluate the platform based on its ability to achieve its Intelligent Virtual Call Center Agents goals and objectives. Conduct details feature analysis for client and admin portals, voice bot, transcription, and dialog scripts against cloud-native services. Create cost estimation for all cloud-native services identified for platform build. Theme of Trianz Services Analysis of pilot functionality for the platform to identify and map to cloud-native services. Feature analysis for client and admin portals, voice bot, transcription, and dialog scripts against cloud-native services. Perform required cost estimation for cloud-native services. Integration design with CRM for outbound lead nurturing and third-party call center for transfer to live agent DevOps design for orchestrating deployment per client of the high-volume outbound campaign for Development and Production accounts per campaign TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Call center software CRM software Transcription software Key-value database Second-level Cache Security Solutions DevSecOps solutions Storage Integration Network Monitoring and Load Balancer Backup and Disaster Recovery Transformational Effects Business model and case for Intelligent Virtual Call Center Agents platform based on cloud-native managed services. Landing zone design for organizational cloud operations Roadmap for end-state architecture of the platform. Clear understanding of areas for cost savings and how they are achieved. Design for security, operational, and DevOps posture with cloud-native solutions Design that enables fault tolerance and disaster recovery capabilities Published: 2023-12-22

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Creating a Functional Salesforce Environment Trianz was approached by one of the world’s largest payment card companies. The enterprise required application support and maintenance (ASM) for a range of Salesforce-based business-to-employee (B2E) tools. The goal was to reduce IT workloads and response times, while adhering to a strict service level agreement (SLA) to deliver better internal services. Business Challenges The payment card company had a high dependency on its internal IT team. This included application support, service desk requests, and general answers to employee queries. Furthermore, the company was dealing with segmented sales channels such as direct and third-party distributors (TPD). This setup drove complexity in the sales process with different audiences for different sales channels. The client’s Salesforce business analysts (BA) were not readily available to provide responses. As sales operations depended on such responses, the company was missing sales and growth opportunities during the downtime. Finally, a range of unstructured operational functions were running on this Salesforce instance. At a foundational level, these functions contained defects that required long-winded workarounds, causing a detriment to sales workflow and process efficiency. The Trianz Approach The existing Salesforce environment was inconsistent and unpredictable, leading to incorrect execution of sales workflows, ultimately affecting the bottom line. First, the client wanted to implement a strict service level agreement (SLA) model for B2E service delivery via Salesforce. This would drive consistency and predictability in execution, supporting sales operations. Next, documentation was written to clearly define Salesforce processes. Internal teams could reference these documents to understand and learn processes, with employee self-service being the ultimate goal. All documents are centralized in an internal knowledge base, with search and index functionality to help employees find the right information faster. Another important step was the creation of visualized reports and dashboards. The visualizations would provide a weekly and monthly snapshot of all sales operations data, giving stakeholders the insight needed to steer the sales ship. The top priority was monitoring team performance to help employees achieve sales targets. Transformational Effects Overall, the new SLA was clear and actionable, leading to much greater service level compliance. With clear expectations defined for service delivery, the strict SLA model greatly reduced sales operational challenges. Salesforce application support requests were resolved quickly, with faster ticket resolution times and query responses. The client also gained new proactive and predictive analytics capabilities to see and sort problems before they impact sales operations. New email monitoring capabilities allowed user prioritization based on business needs. This means high priority requests with a detrimental impact on sales operations are resolved first. Lower priorities are redirected to the new self-service option to reduce the IT burden. Trianz provided continuous 24/7 support for the client’s B2E Salesforce applications. During this time, our Salesforce engineers improved operational process maturity to increase efficiency and reduce low-level tasks via automation. This resulted in the client consistently delivering high sales volumes on its payment card network, while gaining confidence to scale operations in the future. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Real Estate Firm Seeks IT Infrastructure Modernization Trianz was approached by a US-based tier 1 real estate debt and equity investment client that needed assistance with its digital transformation initiative. The company had a dependence on physical documentation and manual workflows, which was leading to duplicated efforts for employees and data inconsistencies during data entry. Business Challenges for the Real Estate Client with Manual Processes and Paper Documents The firm was struggling to communicate with external clients due to its aging email system not being fit for its purpose. Employees similarly could not collaborate on client work, as emails went to individual inboxes rather than shared inboxes accessible by the entire department. Paper documentation was leading to knowledge access problems, and the client lacked a content management system (CMS) to host any converted documents. Inconsistent datasets meant that business intelligence workflows were outputting inaccurate insights. This reduced visibility into the deal lifecycle for the client and led to misinformed investment decisions based on poor insight. Technology Components Suggested by Trianz for the Real Estate Firm After consultation, Trianz identified the following technology components for the client: ASP.NET was chosen as an open-source framework for creating web applications and services using .NET and C# programming languages. SharePoint was chosen as an internal CMS to host files, documents, and facilitate collaboration between team members using intranet services. Custom Controls were also established and implemented due to the sensitive nature of real estate communications and sales processes. How Did Trianz Streamline IT Operations for the Real Estate Client? Trianz started by implementing a centralized business process management system. This new system captured pertinent data across deal submissions, deal funding, and other sales workflows to streamline the deal lifecycle. Next, digitalized workflows were introduced as a framework for administration teams. This assisted with real estate loan management workflows from inception through to completion. SharePoint hosted a new documentation repository. This involved the conversion of paper documents to digital formats. Then, employees could use search functions to find policy documents and similar, with extended sharing capabilities to communicate digital documents with external parties. Digitalized calculators were introduced using ASP.NET, helping the client to accurately estimate costs and revenues when working with external parties. This assisted with deal lifecycle management and improved accuracy when calculating yields. Employees could also access this calculator easily thanks to a web application architecture that is compatible with all devices. Finally, an online self-service portal was created to assist borrowers. The client’s customers could now access historical and current financial statements. Similarly, stakeholders had a centralized view of all statements, improving risk management and chase-up procedures. Transformational Effects for the Real Estate Client After Digital Transformation After Trianz completed the project, manual processes were eliminated, improving accuracy during data entry and overall process efficiency. Stakeholders and employees had greater visibility into the status of each transaction throughout the deal lifecycle. This allowed for proactive measures such as follow-ups, chasing payments, and nurturing prospective customers to drive up sales numbers. Similarly, the capacity to handle deals increased for the client. It could handle more transactions at once without additional human resources, and new deals could be acquired and processed more quickly in the new system. Stakeholders had a new centralized and unified view of all real estate operations, leading to more predictive action and risk mitigation thanks to greater insight and awareness. This also improved the quality of decisions relating to investments. Finally, new collaboration features enabled the client to share documents and communicate with external parties in a digital-first manner. This streamlined communications and improved response rates, expediting deal closures. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Proactive Part Number Monitoring A leading data storage company in the US approached Trianz for help with a part number auditing system. The client wanted to automate this part number auditing process with robotic process automation (RPA) technology to reduce manual workloads and the prevalence of human error. Business Challenges for the Data Storage Company with Part Number Auditing The client’s part number creation process spanned across numerous disparate systems with different stakeholder owners for each. Products were also being made available before part numbers had been uploaded to the auditing system, namely due to cumbersome manual processes rather than automated auditing. Technology Components Suggested by Trianz for the Data Storage Company Trianz decided on the following technology components for the data storage company: UIPath was selected as a robotic process automation (RPA) vendor, as it streamlines processes, uncovers efficiencies, and provides insights to help with automating workflows. A number of existing software application were automated using UIPath, including Lotus Notes for email and an Agile to SAP migration. How Trianz Approached the Part Number Auditing Project for the Data Storage Company A specialist team from Trianz identified the manual steps involved in the data storage company’s end-to-end part number auditing process. During this phase, Trianz highlighted the business benefits and estimated returns on investment (ROI) with the RPA solution to business stakeholders. Next, an outreach program took place to communicate the benefits of RPA to all departments and educate employees. Finally, a pilot scheme to test automation playbooks was created within ten days. This offered a proof of concept for stakeholders reflecting the value of the technology and approach. Transformational Effects for the Data Storage Company After adopting the new RPA solution, the data storage company experienced reduced cycle times by over 80% in their part number auditing system. This was driven by improvements to accuracy through the omission of manual human input to the system. The solution resulted in fewer missed or late part orders, as a reactive audit process was now possible using RPA. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Digital Apps


Partner Centric Sales Driven with Centralized CRM Trianz was tasked with helping a Fortune 100 life insurance provider that works with individuals and families of all income levels and backgrounds. They are predominantly an asset management firm, helping individuals and families manage their asset portfolios. Challenges for the Life Insurance Provider in Sales Operations The life insurer had multiple sales channels operating simultaneously, including third-party distribution and agency sales & services channels. Due to this complexity, the system was struggling to process workloads consistently and efficiently. The life insurance provider needed a single, centralized platform to manage all sales goals and daily targets. With multiple source systems, converging these environments would be difficult due to the customized extract-transform-load (ETL) processes it uses — in addition to the 900+ end users heavily reliant on this service-system across the entire business group. Technology Components Trianz identified and implemented the following technology components to help the Fortune 100 life insurer reach its IT objectives: (SFDC) is the sales operations platform of choice, enabling customer relationship management (CRM), sales orchestration and subscriptions, marketing automation, sales and customer analytics, and custom app hosting or development. Informatica is an enterprise cloud data management platform powered by artificial intelligence. It was chosen as a centralized data warehousing solution, with stringent data governance and risk management, automated data discovery and preparation, large-scale analytics using serverless compute, and centralized 360-degree elucidation of business data operations. Data Interfaces were created specifically for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Representational State Transfer (REST) request fulfillment. This was particularly useful for data integration and orchestration between Salesforce and Informatica. How Trianz Helped the Life Insurer to Enable Digitalized Sales Operations and End-to-End Data Orchestration Due to the scale of the project, our data experts identified digital champions across the business to assist with development and project support. This coincided with key stakeholder meetings to garner support for the sales and data digital transformation project. Next, a scalable team structure was established. Knowledge assets across all sales processes were documented and centralized in a knowledge base. A new dedicated team was onboarded with the help of our data and sales experts, educating personnel to use the new system with competence and confidence. A governance model was established to protect data security and comply with regulations like PCI-DSS and GDPR — an essential measure considering the 900+ end users on the platform. The engagement model was transformed to accommodate the new technologies, adhere with service level agreements (SLAs) and prioritize support for business-critical customers. Finally, a distributed support team was deployed to enable 18-hour, 6-day per week customer support globally. Transformational Effects with SFDC and Informatica The new system offered predictable delivery and continuous engagement with potential customers: a key target for the digital transformation project. This greatly improved platform adoption for the life insurance company. As the new system was future-proofed in terms of both technicality and capability, multiple business departments were confident to adopt and utilize the new system in their daily operations. Rather than custom solutions, Trianz stuck to an out-of-box-experience (OOBE) in Salesforce and Informatica. This meant the business could rely on the new platform’s long-term existing functionality, rather than perpetuating a cycle of redevelopment and troubleshooting with custom solutions. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Digital Apps


Enabling 24/7 Application Availability for a Property and Casualty (P&C) Insurance Provider Trianz was asked to manage a corporate application suite for a property and casualty insurance services provider. The client’s Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) needed a digital transformation to enable 24/7 availability and reliably high-performance despite a high number of globally distributed internal stakeholders and external users. Challenges for the P&C Insurance Provider in Request Management and System Stability The client was encountering system stability challenges that required constant software updates. This resulted in persistent downtime as applications were taken offline for updates. There was no standardized approach to request management, leading to complicated user requests with excessive follow-up communication. Responsibility for upstream and downstream systems was stakeholder-dependent rather than documented and divided among the workforce. Stakeholder unavailability meant this people-dependent approach was unsustainable. Frequent system errors, outages, and failures led to unavailability, unreliability, and poor quality of digital service delivery. Technology Components Recommended by Trianz for the P&C Insurance Provider Trianz worked closely with the P&C insurance provider to identify suitable technology components: An existing 50+ enterprise applications and 15+ technology solutions were active on the corporate IT network. These applications and technologies needed reconfiguring and integration to achieve reliable 24/7 operations. Java, Mainframe Modernization, Oracle Human Resources, Informatica, Documentum Captiva, UNIX, and Linux were major technology areas to adapt and adopt. How Trianz Enabled 24/7 Application Availability for the P&C Insurance Company To start, Trianz created virtual processes to enable enterprise-wide workflow automation. A full assessment of existing technologies and applications allowed our application performance management experts to systematically identify and develop targeted improvements. This included a high number of permanent fixes, improving on earlier recurrent temporary fixes. For problems that could not be immediately resolved, repeatable workarounds were identified and modelled to improve customer satisfaction when requesting support. The new technology platforms were integrated with the ETS. This included Informatica to streamline enterprise cloud data management, and OpenText Documentum to centralize and create a single-source-of-truth for corporate content assets. A metric-driven framework was developed to accurately measure successes and failures in real time on the ETS. Finally, iterative functions were added to promote competency in regular tasks. Transformational Effects for the P&C Insurance Provider with 24/7 Application Availability The client was pleased that total cost of ownership for the ETS was significantly reduced. Customer satisfaction rose considerably due to better system uptime, service level optimization, and faster incident resolution times. Customer experience was also streamlined as a result. Incident resolution playbooks improved clarity and consistency in remediation efforts, both automated and manually executed by IT personnel. Generally, processes were simplified to improve service maturity and impact while minimizing process overhead on the ETS. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Digital Apps


Web-Based Cash Logistics Development for a Cash Logistics Company Trianz was enlisted to help an armored car transport, ATM servicing, currency and coin processing company with its business IT applications and cybersecurity. Specifically, our custom development experts built a centralized web-based cash logistics system to streamline data management workflows for the client. Challenges for the Cash Logistics Company in Data Management The cash logistics company was encountering problems with data management, data retrieval, and database operating costs. It was leveraging an end-to-end solution called oneSystem but the solution was not meeting business requirements. As a replacement, the client wanted a centralized data management system that all business departments could use simultaneously. New Technology Components for the Cash Logistics Company Trianz worked to implement these technology components for the cash logistics company: .NET Framework was used in tandem with C# (C-sharp) to develop the web application within the ASP.NET framework. This included .NET Framework Data Providers to interface with the database solution. Oracle Database 10g was the database solution of choice. It supports enterprise grid computing, offering the cash logistics company great flexibility and cost reductions compared to other database solutions. How Trianz Helped the Cash Logistics Company to Build a Centralized Data Management System Our data experts started with software development, creating a web-based cash logistics system using the .NET Framework and C# under the ASP.NET web application development framework. This enabled the creation of dynamic real-time services for data ingestion and retrieval. Data itself was loaded into Oracle Database 10g, an enterprise grid computing solution that offers superior flexibility and cost-savings when running web applications. It creates large modular storage pools in the cloud, distributing data with a focus on throughput, latency, and cost reductions. Trianz started with a waterfall development approach, developing a plan of action and sticking to it. From here, our data experts observed that the scope of work was wider than planned, which led them to shift to an agile development methodology. In a span of two years of development, Trianz presented a production-ready version of the product to the cash logistics company. During this time, our experts also trained system users. The project was finalized with a dedicated Offshore Development Center. Its purpose was to orchestrate engagement with development and delivery teams, and the logistics company itself. Transformational Effects with the New Data Management System and Oracle After project completion, the client possessed automated cash logistics information processing on Oracle 10g. It could manage data operations using the ASP.NET web application from anywhere with an internet connection. Sensitive account details for the client’s customers and partners were protected by new data governance policies and encryption both in-transit and at-rest. Further protection was enabled with Role-Based Access Controls, preventing unauthorized access to datasets. In summary, the client’s aging system from 2004 was replaced by Trianz, who became its Technology Partner of choice. This ongoing partnership means development work continues to maintain and improve upon the data management system, via our data experts. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Digital Apps


Healthcare Insurance Provider Seeks to Develop a Center of Excellence for Robotic Process Automation A leading healthcare insurance provider in the U.S. was looking to develop a Center of Excellence for their existing Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Their intention was to drive consistent results across digital IT applications and services using automation rules, thereby reducing IT support workloads. What Was the Healthcare Insurer Looking to Achieve? The RPA Center of Excellence sought to resolve issues with automation playbook rules for greater consistency and accuracy. The playbooks would lead to greater efficiency and productivity within the confines of pre-defined automation rulesets, helping the healthcare insurer process more tasks daily. Challenges for the Healthcare Insurer’s RPA Center of Excellence The healthcare insurance company used an unfocused robotic process automation (RPA) process to drive multiple efforts across different business departments. Automation playbook rules were not standardized, resulting in unfocused and detrimental workflow executions, with little consistency between departments. The result was a great deal of manual work after automation had taken place, negating the benefits of RPA itself. Technology Components Used for the RPA Center of Excellence Trianz explored the following technology components to determine the best solution for the healthcare insurer client: Varying Robotic Process Automation Solutions were assessed for congruence with the healthcare insurer’s automation objectives, including players like BluePrism, Automation Anywhere, and UIPath. Everything on its cloud network needed to interface with the RPA solution, enabling centralized automation orchestration. Application Technology Automation was configured to enable direct connections from web users to the server mainframe, specifically including .NET and Java technologies used for its digital insurance services. How the Trianz Approach Upgraded the Healthcare Insurer’s RPA Capabilities Trianz RPA experts started by identifying high-priority automation pathways that would have the most significant business impact. This involved engagement across all business modalities, determining the insurer's return on investment (ROI) with internal Trianz calculators. Trianz established best practices and client-specific scenarios for different business contexts to streamline operations and configure and test continuous deployment capabilities. As part of the RPA Center of Excellence, an outreach service was established to share knowledge and enhance the adoption of RPA across all business areas. This also provided a centralized body to govern automation playbook rules, driving greater consistency. Transformational Effects and Impacts After implementation, the healthcare insurance provider had a Center of Excellence for Robotic Process Automation (RPA). This allowed them to research and develop new approaches well into the future, innovating on automation with a dedicated and centralized repository for relevant data and playbooks. The healthcare insurer increased its bot deployment numbers to scale and grow its operations using the Center of Excellence for RPA, increasing productivity and throughput. Finally, the solution helped the healthcare insurer experience zero business disruptions or delivery gaps after adopting a centralized approach to automation. This is because tried-and-tested scenarios were already saved, providing a solid foundation to adapt and test new automation rules with full compliance and security protection. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Digital Apps, Cybersecurity


A global leader in the security and protection industry was interested in digitizing their B2B customer interactions to improve their customer experience, increase revenue, and reduce the cost of both, infrastructure maintenance and administration. By not having an intuitive system in place, the company’s customers were experiencing inconsistent interactions and turning to other sources. The client partnered with us to build self-service portals and region-specific marketing sites. A responsive design allowed the company to provide a seamless user experience and further integrate their content management system. A user management system and SSO with multi-factor authentication was enabled to secure access across devices and locations. We also facilitated infrastructure sizing, consolidation and hosting for multiple countries with seamless monitoring, logging, and reporting. Finally, analytics were employed to track customers, interactions, and marketing metrics while improving overall Customer Experience. The Business Challenge Customers around the globe were experiencing inconsistencies on the client’s websites and portals while authentication processes provided only limited accessibility. This combination of issues resulted in pileups of unresolved issues and spikes in service calls. Technology Components Liferay, Oracle, Okta – SSO, BizTalk, Dynatrace (monitoring, logging, and reporting), Apache Ant, Eclipse, Liferay MVC portlet The Approach Developed geo-specific marketing portals leveraging content management system Hosted environment in a centralized Liferay 6.2 for seamless experience Enabled application integration including complex workflows Used federated identity management for secure access Build portal interface using ESB pulling information from downstream systems Developed responsive design to support access from multiple devices Built real-time reports and analytics Transformational Effects Redesigned online interactions improved user experience, increasing daily site visits by 30%. The number of help desk calls was reduced 60%, dropping the number of expired credentials tickets by 90%. 25% lower infrastructure costs paved the way for new technology like instant alerts for suspicious activity.

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Digital Apps


e-Government authority in the Middle East required a large scale e-Governance platform that enables citizen self services. Received best m-Government service award from Prime Minister of UAE Shortlisted for the United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA) Awards THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE Government to Citizen: To provide information focusing content on city details, rules, jobs, education, recreation public safety etc. Government to Business: To provide information on economic development, trade regulations and licenses, tax rules, business grants and loan schemes Government to Government: Providing information on, state data, economic development plans, disaster management & public safety norms, response management Internal Efficiency to Effectiveness: Using best practices in government operations – supply chain, HR documentation flow, Finance management TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Filenet, Documentum, Liferay, SharePoint , Data Migration, Data Analytics, Creation of Content Stores, Managing Content Stores THE APPROACH Developed a success measurement metrics framework that focuses the execution team on its mission Analyzed internal and external variables that impact the e-Government implementation cycle Representation of the future state covering client’s e-government capabilities, processes, delivery channels, technology infrastructure and organizational models. Developed execution strategy and plan, incorporating contingencies, decision making framework, team structure and governance model. Mobilize technology and process re-engineering team and execute based on selected plan to deliver prioritized capabilities Review success of the initiative based on adoption and performance improvement

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Cloud, Infrastructure


Client Overview One of the leading insurance companies specializing in auto, home, and umbrella coverage. Renowned for its customer-centric approach, it offers a wide array of coverage options and services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clients, with a strong emphasis on convenience and personalized service. Business Challenge The current cloud architecture of the client lacks sufficient security and scalability. Most servers are still on-premises, and critical business applications built on legacy systems are not easily scalable to handle increasing traffic demands. There is a continuously rising cost associated with managing on-prem resources. Additionally, there are challenges in managing existing ESK clusters in standalone AWS accounts, as they do not conform to the required security protocols. Trianz Solution Approach Trianz's leverages its proprietary cloud transformation platform Concierto's discovery capabilities to meticulously assess over 600 On-Prem and 50+ AWS Cloud resources. The solution emphasizes a detailed workload analysis from both On-Prem and AWS Cloud, providing tailored migration recommendations. By harnessing Concierto's hyper-automation, the strategy is finely tuned to suggest either Re-Host or Re-Platform options, ensuring optimal AWS Infrastructure Licensing and precise rightsizing. Application architects contribute with a hands-on assessment, delivering an in-depth analysis of application stacks, pinpointing improvement opportunities, and devising modernization strategies that align with a DevSecOps model. The outcome is a detailed recommendation report for Move Groups, blending insights from Concierto Migrate with a manual architectural review. The approach is rounded off with the deployment of a Landing Zone Accelerator for Cloud Foundation Services, the migration of brownfield workloads using Concierto Migrate, and a bespoke AWS Account Vending Automation, complete with a self-service portal. This holistic approach not only streamlines the migration process but also sets the stage for ongoing innovation and growth in the cloud environment. Technology Components TCO Analysis was performed by considering the following attributes: EC2 Instances for App Servers EC2 Instances for DB Servers EBS Storage AWS CloudWatch EFS Storage for File Servers Foundational Services (AWS VPC, ALB, Security Hub, CloudTrail, KMS, AWS Config) The ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) estimate for migrating servers to the AWS Cloud was determined. ARR is considered based on a one-to-one or AWS equivalent mapping of on-premises servers with EC2 Instances. As part of the final estimate summary, we have projected the monthly cost and total cost for 12 months. Transformational Outcomes The Trianz solution provided a secure and scalable landing zone and cloud foundational services that adhere to the insurance regulations. The solution has also facilitated a faster migration and a reduced total cost of ownership by 30%. Moreover, the solution has enhanced the client's resiliency by configuring highly available and disaster recovery environments. These transformational outcomes have improved the client's operational efficiency, agility, and competitiveness in the market. Conclusion By partnering with Trianz, a leading insurance service provider overcame the challenges of an insecure and non-scalable cloud architecture. Utilizing Concierto's proven assessment methodologies and tools, Trianz facilitated the client's transition to AWS cloud, resulting in significant improvements in security, scalability, cost-efficiency, and resiliency. This solution not only modernized the client's IT infrastructure and business processes in a compliant and efficient manner but also enhanced their ability to adapt to evolving market conditions and customer needs with increased agility and innovation.

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CLIENT OVERVIEW Trasers is a leading go-to source for digital transformation data and insights research provider, that provides role and various industry insights leveraging the power of 1.5 million data points. Trasers is dedicated to the study and dissemination of knowledge and insights on business transformation due to digitalization across private and public sectors. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE Trasers, a provider of global business transformation insights, developed an immersive and digitally advanced report engagement and viewing platform to empower business leaders. However, the existing implementation of the platform fell short in meeting customer expectations regarding performance, scalability, and security due to the platform's omnichannel nature. The organization wanted to establish a managed infrastructure environment by partnering with an MSP provider who would extend proactive and reactive support to manage the former’s platform, application deployment and production. THE APPROACH Trianz conducted a series of workshops with client's business and IT stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of their challenges. To ensure a thorough assessment, Trianz's subject matter experts conducted a detailed analysis of the client's current platform infrastructure, focusing on various aspects such as Cloud Adoption, Networking, Operating Systems, Databases, Release Automation, Compliance, Security, and Backup & Disaster Recovery. Based on the findings from the analysis and considering the future scalability and performance requirements of the platform, Trianz proceeded with the deployment of the application on the AWS cloud. As part of the deployment, an Amazon S3 intelligent data lake and BDM-MDM suite were implemented, effectively integrating multiple data sources to generate Trasers reports. Furthermore, the web, mobile, and desktop applications underwent rigorous security validation to identify and address any vulnerabilities. Additionally, the performance of the core application was optimized by integrating it with microservices and chatbot endpoints. Trianz implemented comprehensive security measures, including boundary defense, CIS hardening, endpoint security, credential management, multi-factor authentication (MFA), monitoring, auditing, logging, certificate and key management, and vulnerability management. These measures ensured the platform's protection against potential threats and vulnerabilities, in line with industry-leading security standards. TRIANZ CLOUD MANAGED SERVICES Trianz provided service activities that included proactive and reactive support to manage the operating system and middleware. As part of the managed service engagement, Trianz was responsible for the following 24/7 support services: Incident Management Network Operations Server Monitoring & Maintenance Server Backup / Restoration Database Administration Database Archival/Backup, Restoration & Purging Log Monitoring & Management Security Operations The Trianz managed services encompasses a clearly defined scope, outlining specific roles and responsibilities for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 associates. TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Front end technologies: Mobile native android, Swift for iOS application Backend Applications: Drupal, Micro Services AWS Services: EC2, Elastic Load Balancer, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Relational Database Service (RDS), S3, Route53 TECHNOLOGY EFFECTS Trianz successfully implemented a robust and reliable Trasers' platform architecture on AWS, utilizing a managed services model. Leveraging AWS's capabilities, the architecture adopted a Microservices-based approach, resulting in enhanced stability, scalability, and security. This approach facilitated higher productivity through features such as content negotiation, authentication, and scaffolding code, while also ensuring the architecture remained flexible and highly available. As a result, the events load was significantly reduced, and the core Drupal server witnessed improvements. The overall performance and efficiency were notably enhanced, contributing to a highly available research platform. Furthermore, the implementation optimized costs, improved SLAs (Service Level Agreements), and effectively met client’s security requirements. The managed services team at Trianz delivered cost-effective IT support services, serving as an arm to monitor, maintain, and manage the client's application infrastructure, ensuring swift response to any issues that arise. Throughout the continuous 24/7 management and maintenance of application infrastructure on AWS, the client benefited from uninterrupted operations, experiencing zero downtime and achieving 100% availability. This allowed Trasers to concentrate on enhancing its core research offerings and furthermore application features for its customers. Published: 2023-05-31

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Client Overview An independent supply chain management and distribution arm of a large QSR leader has set a goal to become a software platform organization, rather than focusing only on a single concept. They plan to launch a SaaS platform that expands their support for multiple concepts in the QSR industry by utilizing their current experience and expertise in supply chain operations. They aim to start by modernizing the platform to meet specific geographic clients' needs and then scaling it to a flexible, scalable, subscription-based model. The client is partnering with Trianz to create a responsive web, mobile, and tablet analytics application that provides a great user experience and serves as a one-stop-shop in a single view. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE To transform the powerful Supply Chain Management platform into a modern SaaS platform that provides best-in-class, industry-leading offerings. This includes developing: A modern SaaS product experience based on the latest user-centric design to help improve supply chain management that customers would buy and pay for Assist and guide the overall transition to becoming a SaaS platform, and focusing on solving QSR industry pain points in managing the supply chain with strong customer support. The MVP focuses on multiple regions and concepts while considering the needs of new potential concept customers. THE APPROACH To achieve this goal, Trianz laid out the product vision of a SaaS product. PRODUCT VISION The Product Vision covers many distinct concepts that includes: A product experience that is well-aligned with current and future customer expectations to help manage supply chains. Evolving the platform from today’s product in phases with minimal initial costs and consolidated technology usage. Building greenfield while taking benefit of leveraging existing capabilities A flexible, configurable, and scalable multi-tenant architecture that can support a growing customer base. Trianz conducted an initial assessment to document the SaaS-based architecture and roadmap and created an initial MVP that included multi-tenant support for multi-regions and concepts, with the creation of a new platform based on a sound user experience to help improve productivity in managing supply chains. They built a configurable platform that allows for the seamless onboarding of new customers combined with speed to launch to enable organizational agility. Trianz built the right technology architecture that can support flexible attributes in a database for concept customization, connect to any systems, provide security, availability, reliability, and scalability. They designed the architecture to take advantage of horizontal and vertical scalability, with centralized logging and monitoring for resource utilization. The platform architecture is focused on multi-tenancy, configurability, and facilitates iterative improvements for the complete end-state vision of the platform. To achieve the highest modularity and rapid evolution, the platform application architecture hinges on three key areas: modular services, micro-apps, and deployment strategy. Core to the platform is the value proposition of an end-to-end multi-tenant capability isolating the data for each concept across components of the architecture building trust across concepts. The platform brings data from multiple sources together, with a consumption model built on a commercial construct. Tenant data security and configurability are core to the overall business use case. Trianz delivered an end-state platform architecture focused on deploying a secure and scalable SaaS infrastructure that provides tenant isolation for data at rest. The MVP scope delivered the much-needed foundational capabilities required to deliver the product vision. TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS TypeScript - Angular, HTML 5, SCSS C# - .NET CORE AWS Cognito as IdP AWS WAF, CloudFront, S3, Route 53, ACM, Secrets Manager, Parameter Store OAuth 2 – ConnectID AWS ECR, ECS, Lambda, ELB, NAT Gateway AWS SQS AWS CloudWatch and CloudTrial AWS Control Tower AWS CDK, CloudFormation, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, Code Deploy Aurora, RedShift TRANSFORMATIONAL EFFECT As a result, the independent supply chain management and distribution arm was able to benefit from a modern SaaS product user experience that optimized customer retention and recurring revenue, with an intuitive user experience that improved usability for performing tasks. The platform operates with 99.95% uptime, with zero technology debt, and consolidated technologies. The developer operations for the application were also benefited by reduced cycle time and improved time to market for new features. A modern SaaS product user experience that optimizes customer retention and recurring revenue The application serves intuitive User Experience with improved usability to perform tasks The platform operates with 99.95% uptime with zero technology debt (.Net Core X) and consolidated technologies (PostgreSQL) The developer operations for the application are benefitted by reduced cycle time and improved time to market for new features Published: 2023-04-03

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Client Profile The client is a Fortune 100 global leader in property and casualty insurance having presence in more than 29 countries and economies around the world. Trianz was approached by this giant insurance company who wanted to leverage cloud infrastructure to build a new secure, FEDRAMP and NIST compliant cloud IT platform. This included the Cloud build setup, DEVOPS build and DB Migration (from DB2 to PostgreSQL to Redshift). Trianz performed Application discovery to assess the existing applications and servers before taking the decision on the required infrastructure. Trianz created the landing zone templates and added security rules according to the FedRamp and NIST compliant. Trianz has utilized the existing Landing zone setup to create new OU’s and deployed the new rules into it. Trianz rehosted the workloads from On Premise (DB2) to AWS Cloud and modernized the legacy databases to AWS Aurora (PostgreSQL) DB instances. Trianz had implemented the automation mechanism for post-migration activities such as automated backup, restoration and other database management tasks. Business Challenges Existing Landing zone setup was not properly deployed. AWS Organization configuration, creation of OU & Account structure also not configured up to the mark. Database migration to the AWS Cloud was challenging to establish connectivity. Scaling of on-premises applications was too challenging and was not able to modernize the environment. Security of on-premises applications involves implementing appropriate security controls, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access management mechanisms Existing setup was done manually and Lack of automations to update the LZ setup. TCO Analysis Establishing a landing zone and configuring it to support the cost, operational, and security governance capabilities we will need. We can see the Good percentage of Reduction in the overall cost compared to the On-Prem to Cloud. Optimal spend on cloud subscriptions (Pay as you go Model). DB migration to the Cloud was faster with near zero downtime. Solution Highlights Trianz did analysis on the existing the Landing zone setup to understand the control tower and account structure. We have provided the solution to make the current Landing Zone setup to the compliant environment. Trianz implemented the AWS Accelerator solution to deploy the New Landing Zone setup in an automated way using the AWS CodePipeline. Multiple issues occurred during the deployment of Landing zone due to the existing LZ setup. Amazon CloudWatch was utilized to monitor the overall deployment process. Transformational Effects FEDRAMP AND NIST Compliant Landing zone deployed in the Customer AWS env. Preventive and Detective Security Rules, Guardrails are enabled in all the accounts. Deployed the defined Policies and IAM roles to access the services in the environment. Configured the IAM roles to SSO to grant the access to their respective roles. Configured the CodePipeline to update/upgrade LZ setup or Control tower rules in automated way. Defined a workflow on the Database Migration and Replication to Redshift using DMS. Published: 2023-06-16

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Cloud, Infrastructure


Overview On a mission to transform healthcare through data and advanced analytics, a leading HealthTech innovation company, approached Trianz to manage its AWS infrastructure. Trianz, an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner and Managed Services Provider, was enlisted to manage client’s AWS environment to achieve optimal levels of efficiency in Infrastructure, Network and Security Operations, and maintain high availability and reliability. What Was Client Looking to Achieve? Client sought a strategic solution provider to maintain and ensure its cloud platform operations run optimally and continuously. Maintaining 24/7 infrastructure support and availability was crucial as the cloud platform is responsible for consolidating a patient’s complete medical and behavioral profile through aggregating their medication, lab, genomic, device, EMR, and wearable data. To manage the health and availability of the platform, client selected Trianz for continuous monitoring and support, ensuring security controls, and maintaining HIPAA/HITECH regulatory compliance requirements. How the Trianz Approach Ensured Client’s Analytics Platform Remained Secure and Compliant On-boarding & Assessment: Trianz consultants sat down with client’ leadership to understand their unique business needs and challenges. The Trianz subject matter experts then performed a detailed assessment of client’s AWS footprint in the areas of Cloud Adoption, Networking, Operating Systems, Databases, Release Automation, Compliance, Security, Backup & Disaster Recovery. Define Scope & SLAs: All the audit outcomes were categorized into buckets depending on the criticality & client’s Priority. Then the scope of managed services was defined, and roles & responsibilities were identified for Level 1/2/3 associates. Standard Operating Procedures were outlined and were presented to clients’ leadership team. Trianz adopted AWS and standard industry best practices for security and compliance to implement agreed security controls. In addition, internal security policies and procedures were jointly evaluated to safeguard access credentials and restrict access to information to authorized personnel. Engagement: Concierto, a Trianz multi-cloud operations platform and ticketing engine, has been onboarded to manage the client’ AWS Environment proactively 24/7. In addition, client could also reach Cloud Operations Center (Trianz CLOC) for additional support. Managed Services Activities Trianz Device Managed Services provided service activities that included proactive and reactive support to manage the operating system and middleware. As part of the managed service engagement, Trianz was responsible for the following 24/7 support services: Incident Management Network Operations Server Monitoring & Maintenance Server Backup / Restoration Database Administration Database Archival/Backup, Restoration & Purging Log Monitoring & Management Security Operations Technology Components Managed Services Platform (Concierto): During the lifecycle of the managed services engagement, Trianz used the Concierto Support Portal for client communication, user administration, catalog incident, change & event management, and infrastructure health checks and compliance. High-level features of the cloud portal included: Planned Activity (PA) Approval Workflow for Change Management Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Approval Workflow for Problem Management Scheduled Activities Infrastructure Monitoring Document Repository Reporting of SLA / Availability Information AWS Services: Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, AWS WAF, AWS Certificate Manager, AWS Shield, AWS IAM, AWS Security Hub, Key Management Service, Redshift, Amazon Connect, Lex, Pinpoint, Amazon VPC, Amazon EC2, Amazon EC2 autoscaling, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon s3, Amazon EBS, Amazon Route53, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon CloudTrail, AWS Config, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon RDS, AWS Lambda. Transformational Effects By successfully allocating resources between an on-shore/off-shore team of Level-1 Cloud Operations Engineers, a Systems Engineer, a Senior Systems Engineer, and a Solutions Architect. Trianz managed services team provided the cost-effective IT support arm to monitor, maintain, and manage client’ IT infrastructure for rapid issue response. During the 24/7 management and maintenance of the AWS infrastructure, client experienced zero downtime and 100% availability, better enabling the HealthTech company to focus on providing earlier diagnosis, better treatment outcomes, and improving the quality of life for patients through advanced analytics. Published: 2023-03-09 Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Onboarding Affiliates with ITSM A leading healthcare data center company (which we’ll call DeltaAlphaHealth or DAH) had a vision to streamline and deliver consistent processes across all its affiliates and organizations. However, they needed to maintain data separation between different business entities with shared infrastructure services support. Trianz was brought in to help DAH onboard several of their affiliates with ITSM capabilities in a different hierarchy level by leveraging ServiceNow domain separation. Affiliate Integration Challenges DAH reported a lack of unified business processes across their multiple tenant affiliates. This led to redundant data scattering across multiple systems, with no proper security controls. Additionally, their affiliates were using various ITSM tools that were not integrated with each other, leading to delays in approvals and request fulfillments. As a result, DAH was experiencing increased support and licensing costs, along with a lack of ownership and accountability in the event of any outages. With these pain points in mind, DAH turned to Trianz for a number of key deliverables. DAH wanted ITIL process definition and implementation of Incident, Problem, Change, Request, Asset, and Config management as well as defined domain hierarchy with better data access security controls and business process segregation. In addition, the company sought predefined templates to onboard new affiliates to minimize their efforts. DAH also needed to deploy automated data center service catalogs in the global domain for their affiliates’ use. Finally, they wanted defined global business processes for better manageability and easy maintenance. Delivering a Multi-tenant Architected ServiceNow Instance After investigating other technologies, DAH made the decision to leverage a ServiceNow domain separation implementation through Trianz. Trianz first conducted workshops with various business units to gather the critical project requirements. The much-needed multiple domain hierarchy was implemented with data access controls along with data encryption providing highest level of security. ServiceNow Multitenant Platform using Domain Separation Trianz was then able to develop and implement the change and configuration management process based ITIL best practices. Workflows were configured to clearly define their cross-domain approval process. Automating the entire process removed the issues caused by the poor integration of legacy ITSM tools. Better Multiple Affiliate Management – Transformative Impact For DAH, the results were clear. With the newly improved and automated data center, they have now established business processes with a global UI for better manageability and easy maintenance. Their incident request creation, change and request approval, and SLA configuration have been automated, resulting in improved efficiency. DAH’s approval process now has better transparency with faster affiliate onboarding using Trianz’s ServiceNow prebuilt processes and core capabilities, allowing affiliate users to track the progress of their own requests. This ServiceNow domain separation enabled DAH to greatly improve their full audit capabilities, providing them with seamless and effective audit practices with minimal or zero-non compliances. Additionally, the domain separation optimized their license and support costs, significantly reducing the costs from the original use of the old ITSM tools. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting services, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more. ×

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Transforming Business and IT Operations Trianz was approached by a Fortune 500 global insurance company that sought to migrate the majority of its business applications and infrastructure workloads to the public cloud. Business Challenges for the Fortune 500 Insurer in Process and Data Orchestration The client was using inconsistent manual processes to input data, and this data was spread across numerous siloed data repositories at the department-level, and more widely across country borders. With data spread across multiple platforms and geographies, manual collation and reconciliation led to inconsistency in datasets, reducing the accuracy and validity of real-time revenue and profitability insights. Technology Components Selected by Trianz for the Fortune 500 Insurance Company After close collaboration with stakeholders and business departments, Trianz decided on the following technology components: Informatica PowerCenter was chosen as a scalable, high-performance solution for data integration and data lifecycle management. IBM PureData System for Analytics (PDA) was chosen as an advanced data warehousing and analytics operations solution. Qlik was chosen as a visualized data analytics solution to enable the creation of interactive, visually represented reports and dashboards. Aginity works as a data catalog for analytics workflows, enabling the reuse of SQL code to return tried-and-tested query results faster. IBM Cognos Framework Manager was chosen to create collective business models using metadata derived from various singular data sources. Cognos Active Reports was chosen to supplement business intelligence workflows with interactive reports containing data insights. How Trianz Helped the Fortune 500 Insurer to Eliminate Manual Processes and Transform Visibility Trianz started by identifying business use cases, as well as assessing the complexity and value of migration to the cloud for each use case. Next, our data experts defined a conceptual cloud architecture that would meet business and IT objectives on the AWS cloud. Then, migration prioritization took place, ensuring low-effort and high-value migration milestones were prioritized first for a faster return on investment. After this, data analysis took place to generate profiles for each geographic area and line of business. During this process, workshops took place to facilitate decisions and agreements on common definitions between business department stakeholders and select digital champions. Finally, a proof of concept was developed for two specific, high-priority countries. After validating the concept, it was then expanded to ten other countries. Transformational Effects After Eliminating Manual Processes and Improving Data Visibility Trianz finalized the project with a roadmap established around business use-cases and incremental development work on AWS. The client would use this as guidance to maintain and upgrade the platform in the future. A return-on-investment model was also created for the global enterprise data warehouse in IBM PDA. By eliminating manual processes, the client mitigated data quality risks proactively to improve the value of its datasets. Business definitions established in Aginity guided operations across countries and departments, promoting analytical consistency. Finally, business users were now able to analyze and unearth insights on revenue and profitability in congruence, regardless of country or department—a critical milestone in the project. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Implementation of service catalogs for improved cloud infra ops A leading data center hosting services company was finding it difficult to support its IT processes & efficiently manage changes in its IT infrastructure. The client was looking to have service catalogs that can automate workflows and approvals for the cloud operations to improve the customer experience, accelerate service delivery and reduce operational costs without writing codes. Business Challenge The client was looking to have service catalogs that can automate workflows and approvals for the cloud operations to improve the customer experience, accelerate service delivery and reduce operational costs – without writing codes. Technology Components ServiceNow Service Catalog Approach Implemented several best practices -- from gathering clear and specific requirements from the organization’s business and IT teams and detailing the plan considering both processes and tools -- to implementing the service catalog. Transformational Effects Empowered the business and technical users to interact and order the services they need to do their job Brought transparency into the approval process and allowed users to track the progress of their own requests Service Catalog enabled client to deliver standardized services, capture data for an array of department services, coordinate transfer pricing between departments, and improve internal controls with full audit capabilities Provided services that are relevant, reliable and easy to understand (more intuitive) Provided more seamless automation and data sharing with most ITSM functions now residing on ServiceNow (Incident, Problem, Change, Asset) Provided thought leadership in driving efficiency and best practices Delivered IT services through a single IT operations portal Improved data center efficiencies through automation Created automatic incident requests, approval and SLA configuration, resulting in better efficiency with minimal effort Automation through orchestration resulted in better efficiency

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Managing All Servers, Desktops, and Laptops Within a Single Console Trianz was approached by a managed services provider (MSP) that wanted to build an endpoint management system. As part of the FinTech 100, this client represents the best in financial technology implementation and managed service provision. Business Challenges for the FinTech Managed Services Provider With hundreds of clients and dozens of servers to manage with each client, the managed services provider needed a way to automate server patching and security management workflows. Disparate tools were in use, creating inconsistencies between different managed service plans delivered to each client. This complicated reporting and implementation procedures and did not support automation resulting in manual patch updates. How Trianz Built a New Centralized Endpoint Management Solution Trianz worked with the managed services provider by conducting workshops to educate personnel on new automation tools. Then, a plan was created to deploy automations in a phased manner according to the managed service provider’s customer requirements. IBM BigFix Patching was implemented to convert manual patch processes into tried-and-tested automation playbooks. Realize Orchestration is a modern workflow automation platform that was combined with BigFix to create new virtual machines on-demand with up-to-date software and security patches. A new process for detecting the host operating system vendor was designed and implemented, helping the managed service provider to deploy the right updates to the right environment. By automating the orchestration of new virtual machines, the managed service provider could deliver the latest software patches at a much faster rate than previously seen with its manual build processes. A new software distribution automation solution was created containing fixlets, or software management scripts. This allowed automated fixlets to conduct installations, updates, and uninstallations without human intervention. Transformational Effects for the Managed Services Provider with a New Automated Patching Solution The managed services provider now has a centralized and automated solution that can patch all servers, including operating systems and installed applications. It is now possible to orchestrate updates and view servers through a unified management console, greatly simplifying client endpoint management for the MSP. This led to efficiency improvements in patch deployment, software deployment, and server automation, promoting higher standards of managed service provision to its customers. Newly built servers were also covered with an automated approach for server updates, including Sophos virus definition updates, pattern updates to heuristically detect malware, and agent updates. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Global Data Center Provider Seeks to Forecast Incidents and Generate Trend Reports Trianz was approached by one of the world’s largest data center and co-location service providers. The company provides fast compute services for application performance, low latency network routes worldwide, and a digital ecosystem of financial, content, media, and enterprise cloud networking services. Business Challenges for the Global Data Center Provider The client lacked visibility into problematic infrastructure components as part of its IT operations management strategy. This meant it could not gain any insight necessary to guide infrastructure capacity expansion plans with its current monitoring solution. In action, this led to a high number of IT incidents which negatively impacted business service availability. It also could not proactively forecast incidents and event trends, leading to a reactive remediation approach that lowered overall service quality. Technology Components Installed During the Project by Trianz for the Client Trianz implemented the following technology components for the client project: R System and Kaggle were used to enable QA testing, advanced analytics, machine learning, and data science workflows. This was needed to build statistical models for the client. PowerBI was used as a data visualization layer for interactive dashboards and reports relating to IT operations management metrics and KPIs. IT Operations data was merged, centralizing data from numerous monitoring tools in a single unified location for ease of reporting. How Did Trianz Approach the Predictive Analytics Project? Trianz conducted workshops with business and IT stakeholders to understand critical inter-departmental challenges relating to IT operations management and infrastructure visibility. Sample data was then collated from numerous monitoring tools to provide insight on how to configure the new predictive analytics solution. Data preparation took place alongside data cleansing within a Proof-of-Concept environment, showing the value of the new predictive analytics solution ready for stakeholder approval. Then, three statistical models were created—ARIMA, Negative Binomial and Zero Inflation — to assist the client when predicting IT operations management incidents. Next, data correlations were formed based on the Pearson Correlation Coefficient to derive linear relations between each cloud IT system. Kaggle was then integrated with Microsoft PowerBI to enable interactive and visual dashboards that could be accessed on desktop and mobile. Finally, the completed solution was presented to key stakeholders across the business. Transformational Effects for the Global Data Center Provider Following this initiative, the global data center provider could forecast incidents and generate trend reports relating to IT operations management processes on its global server network. It could also proactively forecast disk usage, network utilization, and memory usage when planning capacity expansions on its network. Network events and IT incidents were continuously analyzed to generate patterns and trends, providing visibility and insight for future IT network improvements and mitigation efforts. Finally, incident and event correlation offered unprecedented insight into the relationships between servers, networking equipment, software, and other areas. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Client Seeks to Promote Auditing Transparency, Accuracy, and Accountability Trianz was approached by a client that was looking to streamline its auditing processes. It had already identified ServiceNow GRC as a suitable candidate and needed assistance in implementing, configuring and launching the solution on its IT network. Business Challenges for the Client in Auditing, Governance, and Regulatory Management The client wanted to empower its internal auditing teams by developing a single, centralized governance risk compliance (GRC) platform. This platform, hosted on ServiceNow, would help the audit team to plan and execute engagements, collaborate with other departments, view audit report findings and monitor enterprise-wide compliance against requirements outlined in HIPAA and PCI-DSS 3.0. Before, the existing GRC system lacked transparency and accountability. There was also a lack of time tracking functionality, reporting capabilities, and historical data access. Finally, the client wanted its manual dependencies replaced as they were increasing the duration of audit executions. Technology Components Implemented by Trianz for the GRC Project Trianz implemented the client’s requested technology components: ServiceNow was introduced as a foundation, offering future expandability with its workflow optimization and orchestration features. ServiceNow Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) was the focus, improving business resilience with real-time GRC visibility, greater productivity with auditing procedures, and tools to streamline stakeholder risk communications. How Did Trianz Install ServiceNow GRC for the Client? First, a specialist team at Trianz conducted interviews with key stakeholders across the business. The focus was on process owners so that Trianz could understand current GRC processes, controls, sources, and exemptions. From here, the team identified internal and external Active Directory policies, controls, and exemptions to determine the current state of governance, risk, and compliance on the IT network. Next, profiles were created for specific scenarios helping to establish risk and compliance indicators and govern role-based access controls. Finally, auditing processes were assessed and mapped, allowing audit findings to be closed automatically using automation playbooks. Transformational Effects After Adopting ServiceNow GRC for the Client After adopting ServiceNow GRC, the entire GRC process was automated, offloading manual processes from the auditing team to drive productivity. Audit engagements and executions could be performed within a centralized system rather than department-specific repositories, improving risk and compliance awareness. The internal auditing team reduced the time spent on managing audits by 50%. GRC workflows benefitted from greater transparency and accuracy, with analytics and reporting functions enabling accountability monitoring relating to process compliance. The client could now access real-time dashboards for various processes and compliance workflows. Process compliance was automated with findings being supplied within familiar employee workflows, reducing manual processing requirements. Improvements to processes and tighter GRC worked together to eliminate a number of redundancies and exemptions, streamlining auditing procedures. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Healthcare Systems Provider Seeks a Modern Endpoint Inventory Solution A leading integrated healthcare delivery systems provider approached Trianz as it was struggling with poor infrastructure discovery processes. It also had imperfect application affinity mapping, causing a lack of awareness and visibility into IT system and software dependencies. Business Challenges for the Healthcare System Provider in Infrastructure and Application Visibility The healthcare delivery systems provider needed a modern endpoint inventory solution to overcome its problems with infrastructure discovery and application affinity mapping. A lack of infrastructure visibility makes it difficult to understand how their servers, networking equipment, and client devices worked together. Similarly, application affinity mapping was needed to organize ideas and insights related to software used by the provider during service provision. The objective was to accurately assess the impact of critical incidents, as these incidents were leading to a loss in transactions and general business engagement numbers. Technology Components Selected by Trianz to Map Dependencies and Assist with Discovery Trianz chose a selection of targeted solutions that would help the client meet its objectives: Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM) was chosen for its excellent automated infrastructure and application dependency mapping capabilities. Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed [TAD4D] monitors for distributed hardware assets, software assets, and metadata from software applications on the network. BigFix Inventory acted as a centralized repository to store software and metadata asset information, improving network security and preparing the client for future auditing procedures. How Trianz Implemented New Discovery and Dependency Mapping Tools for the Client Trianz started by developing an execution roadmap for the project, outlining processes and prioritizing implementation stages to meet the client objectives and adhere to project timescales. From here, Trianz conducted workshops so business and IT stakeholders could better understand the business challenge, and how the new solution would impact existing processes and workflows. Next, all existing processes, tools, integration points, and data sources were assessed to ensure they were compatible with the new technology solutions introduced through the project. This was also an opportunity to remove dead weight with redundant or inefficient IT solutions. An architectural design for TADDM was created, including five secondary storage servers and 14 discovery servers to uplift network visibility. This would enhance discovery capabilities and provide redundancy if one or multiple discovery servers were to go offline. A new standardized method for processing incidents and service requests was discussed with stakeholders before being implemented across the entire business. This reduced service desk workloads and improved response and remediation times. New monitoring solutions were installed with a focus on reducing event noise and duplicate incidents. The monitoring solution also tracked operational efficiency across software products. Transformational Effects After Implementing Discovery and Dependency Tools The client was able to migrate from TAD4D to BigFix Inventory, enabling bundled rules and software exclusions for more targeted discovery processes. Application performance and health monitoring was initiated through application affinity mapping functions in TADDM, providing valuable insight into IT performance. The accuracy of sub-capacity reporting in BigFix Inventory increased, improving invoicing processes. The new discovery tools collectively identified thirty-three thousand servers and forty-five-thousand network components, with automated weekly refresh cycles to keep the asset list updated. Business processes and workflows were optimized and improved, and customer satisfaction increased measurably for the healthcare systems client. This was possible while still reducing operating costs through a carefully executed metric-based improvement approach. Scan errors were reduced from relatively high numbers, all the way down to an incidence rate of less than 3%. Finally, administration and support processes were streamlined to optimize day-to-day engagements between the client and healthcare service users. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Challenges for a Healthcare Consortium Trianz was engaged by a big-three managed healthcare consortium in the US who at that time had over 7,000 beds, 209,000 employees, 21,250 physicians, and 39 medical centers in operation. 700 full-time IT support engineers managed its IT infrastructure. Manual Process Management, Siloed Data and Tools The healthcare consortium was using manual processes at-scale on its IT network. This resulted in long waits – often three days in duration – to resolve critical IT incidents. Furthermore, a backlog of over 1000 work requests indicated an overworked IT department. The healthcare client had multiple tools in-use and siloed data repositories, leading to a lack of centralization and integration. This included configuration management databases (CMDB), and incident logs. A lack of consistency between departments led to difficulty diagnosing and remediating first-time incidents, with no notes or logs to reference if the problem reoccurred. IT staff were perpetually reactive, fighting fires rather than extinguishing the fuel source. This prevented proactive measures such as process improvement, knowledge management, and remediation playbook creation. Business Objectives: Customer Satisfaction, Reduced Manual Processes, and Healthier Infrastructure The healthcare consortium approached Trianz to achieve the following business objectives: Achieve greater customer satisfaction by reducing the number of manual workflows and operations on the network. This would ensure the timely remediation of incidents in adherence with committed service level agreements (SLAs). Increase capabilities around reporting and visibility with SLA metrics. Eliminate the aging backlog of IT support requests with a combination of remediation and incident redundancy solved by wider system and service improvements. Reduce the prevalence of human error with manual tasks. This would involve the digitalization of workflows and processes, enabling consistent remediation through automation runbooks. Integrations would also be stress-tested, redeveloped, and monitored to reduce incident prevalence. Recommended Technology Components Trianz worked with the healthcare consortium to adopt new technologies and redevelop old services and systems: A new centralized Event Management System (EMS) was created consisting of IBM Netcool for network event management, BMC Remedy for IT service management events (ITSM), and ServiceNow as the centralized integration and orchestration layer. IPSoft was implemented to enable auto-remediation based on events in the EMS. IBM Tivoli enabled self-healing using machine learning (ML) to proactively remediate first-time incidents and escalate a service request only if remediation required human intervention. Correlation rules were developed within IBM Netcool to de-duplicate system events, reducing event noise and fatigue among IT personnel. Custom automation logic for IPSoft was developed to meet business objectives as defined in Scope of Work (SoW) documents. This also supported continuous ongoing development of automation scripts and playbooks. Automating Processes and Reducing Incident Prevalence Trianz worked closely with stakeholders, conducting workshops to identify problems employees were experiencing with current IT processes and tools. Desired outcomes were established and used to guide the digital transformation project. A future-state of architecture and end-state visualization was supplied to promote stakeholder buy-in, showing the benefits of the new integrated solution. The IT support desk was supplemented by temporary employees, including Trianz employees and re-assigned client employees, to reduce the backlog of past system incidents. Infrastructure monitoring and management was delivered as a managed service, offloading IT operations management (ITOM) workloads from the IT department to prevent backlogs from recurring. Transformational Effects for the Healthcare Consortium As a result, the mean-time-to-remediation for incidents was greatly reduced, ensuring the healthcare consortium could maintain adherence with all business SLAs. The backlog shrank by 91% over the course of five months, thanks to a combination of managed service offloading and streamlined incident responses. Overall workforce efficiency was improved approximately 20%, improving service quality and the overall customer experience (CX). Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Business Service Health Monitoring and Event Correlation to Minimize MTTR Trianz worked with a global insurance provider to enhance its infrastructure analytics and AI-powered remediation capabilities in the cloud. The insurance provider delivers services and products to individuals, families, and corporate customers worldwide. Challenges for the Insurance Provider with Cloud Visibility The insurance provider was struggling with excessive mean-times-to-repair (MTTR) incidents on its network. Gaining visibility into business service health and co-dependent services was difficult, and manual thresholds and rule-based alerts were not fit for purpose. This led to event noise and inefficient IT operations management (ITOM). The client used a diverse multi-cloud architecture but lacked cross-cloud insight, leading to a lack of infrastructure visibility. Trianz was enlisted to build an IT Operations (ITOps) platform with intelligent monitoring algorithms, which would reduce the client’s service incident levels using data-driven analytics and AI remediation playbooks. This would bridge the current multi-cloud canyon, centralizing monitoring for the entire IT network and reducing the mean-time-to-detect (MTTD) incidents through better data correlation. Technology Components Trianz worked with the insurance provider to implement the following technology components: BMC Cloud was used to orchestrate the insurance provider’s multi-cloud IT environment. This included cross-cloud spooling of IT resources, ingesting and centralizing monitoring data, cost management, dependency mapping, inventory management, as well as independent software vendor (ISV) relationship and licensing management. Splunk ITSI was included to enable IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) for the insurance provider. This solution enabled end-to-end service visibility and streamlined incident resolution using real-time event correlation, automated incident prioritization, predictive analytics, and other ITSM orchestration tools. How Trianz Helped the Insurance Provider to Enable Multi-Cloud Analytics and Insight on BMC with Splunk Trianz started by conducting workshops across all business departments, helping key stakeholders to understand the present IT challenges and the plan-of-action to remediate using BMC and Splunk. From here, our infrastructure experts prototyped a solution using the requested technology components before seeking feedback from the insurance provider. After approval, the system was developed further. Sample operations data was collected across numerous monitoring solutions to develop correlation policies for event de-duplication. This eventually constituted a custom algorithm for incident and event correlation, developed in-house by Trianz for the insurance provider’s specific business context. Next, Splunk ITSI was integrated with the BMC multi-cloud platform to enable the collection and analysis of event and incident data, removing IT silos in the process. Visualized dashboards in Splunk enabled customizable monitoring and alerting, accessible by employees on device, or deployable to TV displays for greater IT awareness. Finally, the completed system was stress-tested to demonstrate the final incident prediction model, which uses historical events and trends to proactively predict IT incidents. Transformational Effects The insurance provider experienced tangible transformational effects after adopting the new BMC Splunk platform. To start, root cause analysis (RCA) was greatly simplified and much more efficient. This enabled the insurance provider to quickly and competently remediate IT problems using AI, analytics, and system log data. Anomaly detection acted as a safety net for un-predictable IT events, while the proactive incident remediation algorithm automated a large percentage of incident response workflows. This freed up time for the IT department without sacrificing IT service quality. A centralized, consolidated view of critical key performance indicators (KPIs), server metrics and business service health metrics led to greater awareness, faster incident responses, and a better understanding of the correlation between service health and underlying systems. Historical trends, patterns, and problem areas were tracked and archived, acting as a fuel source for the custom machine learning algorithm to perform incident remediation and event correlation. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Managed Services for IT Operations Management Trianz was enlisted to help a global insurance company that provides products and services to individuals, families, and corporate customers worldwide. The client needed a managed service that involved handing off management responsibility to a third party, as well as develop an IT operations management (ITOM) toolset digital transformation. Business Challenges The insurer was experiencing trouble with its IT service desk ticketing software, leading to backlogged work requests stretching back to 2014. IT Service Management (ITSM) and IT Operations Management(ITOM) operated independently, creating data silos that reduced agility and awareness. This led to complications when staff performed manual incident resolution workflows, with inaccurate insight leading to inconsistencies when applying a fix. Coupled with the scale and frequency of manual tasks within the business, this opened up a significant risk for human error. Technology Components Trianz consulted with the insurance company and decided upon the following technology components: Citrix Intelligent Traffic Management (ITM) was proposed to optimize inbound and outbound network traffic using real-time data analytics, applicable across web apps, digital software applications, content delivery networks (CDNs), and similar platforms. Tivoli Netcool or OMNIbus was chosen as a service level management (SLM) system. It provides real-time, centralized monitoring of multi and hybrid-cloud networks, feeding relevant data back to helpdesk systems, databases, and remote systems. The end-state enables automatic response triggers to incidents and events on the network and monitors the adherence to proposed service level agreements (SLAs). IPSoft was selected as an autonomic, cognitive solutions platform. IPSoft automates IT and related business processes using conversational AI, which is ideal for external customer queries and internal knowledge sharing with employees. BMC Helix ITSM(previously BMC Remedy) was chosen as an industry-leading, next-gen service management platform that upholds and evolves best-practice ITSM principles aligned with business requirements. How Trianz Helped the Insurance Company to Reduce Human Error, Eliminate ITSM/ITOM Data Silos, and Digitally Transform the IT Service Desk Trianz started by running workshops across all business departments, cultivating the understanding of present IT challenges among key stakeholders. Our infrastructure experts then developed a prototype environment using Citrix ITM, Netcool, IPSoft, and BMC Helix. This established a centralized event management system, providing a single source of truth for AI when executing automated ITSM and ITOM workflows. Data and insight correlation policies were developed and tested so the insurance company could de-duplicate events and reduce event noise fatigue among service personnel. IPSoft was integrated with the event management system to enable remediation playbooks and automated incident resolution. This process involves the creation of Scope of Work (SOP) documents, and configuration of automation scripts aligned with business workflows. The final step was validating the automation script parameters and generated outputs, ensuring everything aligned with the insurer’s expectations. Transformational Effects for the Insurance Provider After Enabling Automation After implementing the new system, the insurance company experienced tangible benefits. First, incident remediation timescales were significantly improved using IPSoft automation playbooks, improving mean-time-to-remediation (MTTR) metrics. This indirectly supported SLM and the upholding of SLA agreements. The prevalence of human error was significantly lowered, namely due to consistent and repeatable automation playbooks through IPSoft. This meant the workforce had more time to focus on high-value tasks, rather than low-level workflows. End-customer confidence levels soared exponentially due to improvements in service quality and reliability, driving business growth and supporting revenues. IT service desk backlogs were reduced by 91% with the support of auto-remediation AI over a five-month period. Staff well-being improved with this change thanks to lower workloads. Finally, around 90% of SLA metrics and reports were automated to simplify management and reduce human error. Overall, this meant that 50% of business-wide reporting needs were met through the new system. Experience the Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology expertise, and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and experience, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Cloud, Cybersecurity


Trillium Targets Secure, Compliant Cloud Infrastructure With cloud computing rapidly phasing out legacy and on-premise applications and infrastructure, one of the leading payment services and mobile payment gateway providers in the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region – we’ll call them Trillium – recognized the need for a secure, fully compliant hybrid cloud environment for their e-wallet application. This application, that required lifting and shifting into the cloud, would serve all of Trillium’s e-wallet users in the Egypt area, with a full data migration that needed to be conducted within the short span of a year. Because Trillium had an existing relationship with Trianz, they turned to us to handle the e-wallet application’s platform migration, rearchitecting, and data governance. Addressing Cloud Challenges In June 2018, Trillium was looking to ensure that their cloud platform was up to standard, with a customized architecture to handle their approximately 300 vendor management systems (VMS) and appliances, as well as the more than 300,000 transactions made through the app in a day. This was especially important considering that these applications were financial inclusion products used by a large segment of Egypt’s population lacking access to full-scale banking services, as well as by small businesses. In addition to this, Trillium needed to establish multiple front-end and back-end connectivity for the customers and for failover, while also having an environment that was compliant and secure according to PCI, SOC, and ISO 27001 regulatory standards, at all times. Trillium required a thorough cloud security posture management (CSPM) process to help them detect misconfigurations, encryptions and inappropriate permissions, while also ascertaining regulatory policy compliance, monitoring suspicious activities, and enabling real-time protection for the cloud. The Trianz Approach to CSPM As an enterprise with considerable experience in the areas of cloud security and CSPM, Trianz partnered with Trillium to revamp their hybrid cloud environment. Our cloud experts sat down with the Trillium team to conduct a thorough cloud security posture audit. This included discovering how and where their resources were being consumed, investigating the types of transactions that occurred on each resource, and identifying who accessed them. A Secure Pathway To Data Access Copyright © 2021 Trianz When the teams were able to procure this information and identify Trillium’s cloud security needs, the Trianz consultants leveraged Azure Security Center, Key Store, and Defender – as well as other technologies like Sophos and Checkpoint – to monitor data access activities and configure alerts that would detect suspicious behavior. With these alerts, Trillium’s hybrid cloud system would be able to automatically detect anomalies, firewall rules changes, and IP address ranges. Coupled with these upgrades, Trianz also worked with the client to perform a thorough assessment of their cloud platform misconfigurations. Now armed with a deep understanding of the issues at play, the Trianz team was able to resolve Trillium’s key cloud platform misconfigurations in such a way that they achieved 100% in Azure’s Security Benchmark, as well as hitting their regulatory compliance targets. The Technical Takeaways Along with helping Trillium obtain their goal of being fully adherent to SOC, ISO 27001, PCI, and DSS data governance policies, Trianz was able to maintain their cloud environment misconfiguration-free, along with generating regulatory reports whenever requested. Furthermore, our team was able to protect the cloud platform from data leakage by automatically blocking downloads to their infrastructure, as well as rejecting uploads of any malicious files. This was a clear step forward in terms of Trillium’s data security. Impacts to the Business Through our engagement with Trillium, we were also able to help them realize several impactful changes to their business. As a result of the increased security and higher data quality, the accuracy of insights improved, as did customer relations. Higher regulatory compliance further strengthened the company’s reputation, while simultaneously lowering incident rates and consequently, the resources and hours wasted on resolutions as well. This would also guarantee smooth, uninterrupted service delivery to customers. The hybrid cloud environment’s scalability meant that the e-wallet platform went gradually from being able to handle 300,000 transactions daily to 3 million, allowing them to onboard even more customers – whether private individuals or small businesses. All this, while remaining fully secure. Furthermore, Trillium needed their data to be fully migrated and secured in the new cloud environment within the span of a year (i.e. by July 2019). By partnering with Trianz, they were able to achieve this goal and avoid the significant financial penalties that would come with a delay. The Transformational Effects By bringing their application platform and data from a legacy warehouse into a hybrid cloud environment that met their business needs and global regulatory compliance standards, Trianz was able to help Trillium become more a more cloud-native, customer-focused, and digitally empowered organization overall. The Trianz Difference Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology experiences and execution models. Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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Digital Apps, Cybersecurity


A global leader in the security and protection industry was interested in digitizing their B2B customer interactions to improve their customer experience, increase revenue, and reduce the cost of both, infrastructure maintenance and administration. By not having an intuitive system in place, the company’s customers were experiencing inconsistent interactions and turning to other sources. The client partnered with us to build self-service portals and region-specific marketing sites. A responsive design allowed the company to provide a seamless user experience and further integrate their content management system. A user management system and SSO with multi-factor authentication was enabled to secure access across devices and locations. We also facilitated infrastructure sizing, consolidation and hosting for multiple countries with seamless monitoring, logging, and reporting. Finally, analytics were employed to track customers, interactions, and marketing metrics while improving overall Customer Experience. The Business Challenge Customers around the globe were experiencing inconsistencies on the client’s websites and portals while authentication processes provided only limited accessibility. This combination of issues resulted in pileups of unresolved issues and spikes in service calls. Technology Components Liferay, Oracle, Okta – SSO, BizTalk, Dynatrace (monitoring, logging, and reporting), Apache Ant, Eclipse, Liferay MVC portlet The Approach Developed geo-specific marketing portals leveraging content management system Hosted environment in a centralized Liferay 6.2 for seamless experience Enabled application integration including complex workflows Used federated identity management for secure access Build portal interface using ESB pulling information from downstream systems Developed responsive design to support access from multiple devices Built real-time reports and analytics Transformational Effects Redesigned online interactions improved user experience, increasing daily site visits by 30%. The number of help desk calls was reduced 60%, dropping the number of expired credentials tickets by 90%. 25% lower infrastructure costs paved the way for new technology like instant alerts for suspicious activity.

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A leading provider of identity-based data security imperatives to global enterprises, financial institutions and governments needed a comprehensive end-to-end security solution. Trianz deployed a single identity and security profile across the entire identity management, provisioning, infrastructure, workflow, auditing, reporting and self-service capabilities spectrum. Centralized session management was introduced, including support for idle and session timeouts, and real-time user revocation. We also facilitated easy administration and deployment with N-level delegation administration and rules-based access (open and interoperable based on industry standards). Finally, we designed fully conformant interoperable SAML 2.0 identity federation capabilities to provide seamless integration, apart from extending continuous L1, L2 and L3 customer support. THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE Increasing demand for data privacy, mission-critical need to ensure appropriate access to resources across increasingly heterogeneous technology environments, and a need to meet rigorous compliance requirements within critical time-to-market deadlines. TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Technologies: Core Java, Servlets, Java Sockets, Jax RS, C++, SSL/certificates, SAML, SOAP, Tomcat, Angular JS, and Axis web services. Repositories: Oracle, MS SQL server, and LDAPs. Tools: Eclipse, JIRA, OpenSSL, GIT, vSphere, Wireshark, etc. THE APPROACH Periodic maintenance and enhancements to stay abreast of evolving technologies and security needs Enabled single sign-on moving from SAML 1.0 to SAML 2.0 Architectural changes to support common deployment tool for the product (supporting multiple platforms and webservers) Revamped GUI for enhanced user experience Enhanced the product to support other single sign-on frameworks - OAuth and OpenID support Rolled out deployments (onsite), post-development maintenance, and enhancements TRANSFORMATIONAL EFFECTS Roadmap established based on business use cases and incremental development of AWS services ROI model developed for the global enterprise data warehouse initiative Risks mitigated from addressing data quality issues upfront Common business definitions established across regions and countries Enabled business users to analyze and unearth insights on revenue and profitability across LoBs Developed an ROI model for global enterprise data warehouse initiative

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Our Success Stories


Our engagement with Trianz has now exceeded three years, and together we have delivered many significant initiatives in that time. Many of our successes could not have been achieved without our partnership. In many ways, Trianz has already put our products ahead of the curve.

Director of Quality Assurance

Top 10 US Life Insurance Company

The white glove approach, agility, and flexibility of the team helped us to tap opportunities in the ever-changing business environment.

Director of Customer and Partner Services

A Leading Global IT And Networking Organization

Trianz team worked side-by-side with us to transform our sales operations. Now, we have complete visibility into everything from our supply chain to sales and pricing. Our partnership with Trianz has been exceptional.

Director – Accounts and Cost

A National Cattle Feed Supplier

The team at Trianz worked tirelessly to propose a system that overcame our business challenges. Rising to the occasion, they simplified our processes, enhanced the system and increased productivity. There’s no doubt; our ongoing success was enabled by our partnership with Trianz.


A Leading Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance Provider

Trianz commitment to taking end-to-end ownership of developing the e-commerce web app is exemplary. Their dedicated involvement was key to us garnering the advantages of automated test suite development and manual testing

VP of Marketing

Global Storage Systems And Data Management Company

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