Creando una organización preparada para el futuro

La industria manufacturera ha logrado un enorme progreso en la migración de su infraestructura, aplicaciones y análisis a la nube. Sin embargo, la industria se encuentra en un nivel promedio en términos de su estado actual de análisis y por encima del promedio en el estado actual de la digitalización en lo que respecta a la transformación digital y empresarial. Esto indica que la industria debe buscar aumentar el gasto en análisis y crear una hoja de ruta clara para crear una estrategia de transformación a prueba de futuro.

Para alcanzar a su mayor potencial disruptor, la industria tecnológica, los fabricantes deben seguir acelerando sus capacidades analíticas. Nuestros datos muestran que la futura intrusión de la industria tecnológica tiene el potencial de alterar las propuestas de valor de la industria, ya que estas empresas se encuentran entre los mayores inversores en analítica.

>Transformación digital en un mercado altamente competitivo

Top Concerns for CEOs in the Manufacturing Industry

While transformation through analytics will help the manufacturing industry mitigate the risks of encroachment by tech, CEOs will first need to address these top 5 concerns to keep momentum moving forward.

Regulatory and Compliance Issues

Regulatory and Compliance Issues

For manufacturing CEOs operating in multiple countries and jurisdictions, it is increasingly important to be compliant across international markets. If CEOs fail to ensure their organization is meeting compliance requirements, it can be held accountable for compliance breaches, often resulting in a hefty fine. Compliance must be woven into business operations at every level to ensure regulatory requirements are meeting the guidelines set forth by the FDA, EPA, SEC, and others.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions

The manufacturing industry is reassessing their strategies and are looking to mergers and acquisition to realign their portfolios in order to create value. While the prospects of mergers and acquisitions may seem exciting to provide faster returns and expansion into new sectors, CEOs will have to remain disciplined to ensure the deal works out in their favor.

Talent Acquisition

Talent Acquisition

Companies are breaking from traditional learning methods as they explore innovative approaches to address the increasing talent and skill gaps. While automation is helping to fill many roles in the manufacturing industry, CEOs will need to adopt new education models if they are to recruit and upskill a more technology-savvy workforce.

Changing Business Models

Changing Business Models

Evolving customer experience and new entrants have intensified competition in the manufacturing sector as they threaten to disrupt existing business models. CEOs will need to adopt a data-driven culture to create new product and service offerings and improve customer relationships by reinventing their direct-to-consumer models.

New Supply Chains

New Supply Chains

The pandemic has presented significant challenges for manufacturing supply chains globally. Staff shortages, increased product demands, and skyrocketing commodity prices have led many organizations to seek out autonomizing their operations to increase supply chain resiliency. CEOs will have to seek out investments in supply chain technologies like AI and robotic process automation — while retraining and reskilling employees — if they are to meet up with consumer demand.

Pace of Digitalization in the Manufacturing Industry

The manufacturing industry is moving at average speed in all aspects of digital transformation. High Tech, in addition to leveraging the speed of cloud in provisioning, has dramatically altered its new product development cycles through Agile, CICD, and DevOps. This gives tech a disproportionate acceleration in launching new products and services. It also influences the customer-focused and the disruptive nature of these companies.

While the manufacturing industry is realizing product/service launch acceleration as benefits from the initial cloud infrastructure investments, the industry must continue to increase their infrastructure investments to reduce related costs at an enterprise level.

CIOs in the manufacturing industry must aggressively accelerate their spending on digital technologies, especially cloud and analytics to lower costs, better understand customers, products/services, and loss/damage patterns by segment and geography.

CIOs strategies should revolve around forecasting demand, improving product development through customer-generated inputs, supply chain improvement, stock keeping, and customer awareness. Collaborating with partners like suppliers, transporters, digital media, and sales partners are equally important to provide customers the connected experience they require.

The Most Successful Digital Transformations Are Powered by Analytics Capabilities

Our benchmarking services are powered by over 1.5 million data points in addition to our primary research and data collection capabilities. With access to leaders across more than 40,000 companies in various size segments, industries, and geographic locations, we can quickly gather additional data to address how your business is performing against the competition.

A graph showing which industries are investing the most in digitalization.

Source: Trasers

Data analyzed in this report comes from 4,000+ responses. For the manufacturing industry, data from 505 companies have been used.

Our manufacturing industry experts can offer insights into the following sectors:  

  • Paper, Rubber, Wood and Textile Equipment Manufacturing

  • Plastics, Chemicals, and Mineral Products and Equipment Manufacturing

  • Machinery And Industrial Equipment Manufacturing

  • Electrical And Electronics Equipment Manufacturing

  • Transportation Equipment Manufacturing

  • Metal Equipment and Mining Manufacturing

  • And More


Our Technology Transformation Practices:

We help bring our clients’ digital visions to life by providing end-to-end tech capabilities through our technology transformation practices.


Migrations & Operations

Design, build, migrate and support clients cloud initiatives across data, applications, and infrastructure


Analytics & AI

Acquire, integrate, store, and process data in the eco-system. Deliver easy to understand predictive and prescriptive insights


Experience & Modernization

Conceptualize, design, and deliver full stack, cloud-native applications; and modernize legacy applications


Securing the Enterprise

Ensure a safe and secure digital enterprise using an AI and automation-based security infrastructure

Disruptive Technologies in the Manufacturing Industry

With manufacturers trying to keep pace with consumer demand for high-quality products, companies must adopt data-driven technologies. This includes leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR), 3D printing, and industrial internet of things (IIoT).

The areas of progress in conjunction with foundations of these technologies will improve production process through tracking and automation, while focusing on increasing throughput as well as output. Keep in mind, their use only scales when a strong technology foundation is laid — otherwise, new technology investments will be limited to specific initiatives.

Only 7% of Companies Are Delivering on Their Transformational Initiatives

Our research has shown that 30% of companies will fail to survive this decade due to an inability to evolve digitally. To address this negative trend, we have developed the Digital Enterprise Evolution Model™ (DEEM).

Digital Enterprise Evolution Model™

An image showing the stages of analytics capability evolution.

Copyright © 2022 Trianz

DEEM allows our clients to recognize digital evolution patterns, implement benchmarking and prioritization strategies, and initiate application management protocols to satisfy stakeholder and market requirements.

El Internet industrial de las cosas (IIOT) aún no es una prioridad para la industria manufacturera. Solo el 8 % de las organizaciones de la industria manufacturera no consideran que la nube sea una prioridad para las aplicaciones del IIOT, y solo el 19 % de las organizaciones se encuentran en la etapa de justificación o análisis comercial.

Con una mayor demanda de personalización, mayores expectativas de los clientes y la creciente complejidad de la cadena de suministro internacional, los fabricantes necesitan analizar seriamente el IIoT para encontrar formas más innovadoras de seguir siendo competitivos.

El IIoT puede ayudar a los fabricantes a maximizar el valor de su negocio mediante la reducción de costos, un menor tiempo de comercialización, tiempos de producción en marcha, mayor seguridad y una mayor personalización de las operaciones de fabricación. Al aprovechar los datos del IIoT, los fabricantes pueden mejorar la previsión de la demanda, comprender mejor los procesos de la cadena de suministro y mejorar la experiencia general del cliente.

Gestión del capital humano (HCM) en empresas manufactureras

Los líderes de la industria manufacturera planean realizar importantes inversiones futuras en análisis avanzados para la gestión de servicios de compras y capital humano. Si bien la mayoría de las transformaciones digitales en estos dos grupos son reacciones a acciones competitivas o impulsadas por los clientes, el análisis predictivo determinará cómo, cuándo y en qué medida se realizará la transformación en el futuro.

Al adoptar plataformas de gestión de capital humano basadas en la nube para brindar análisis, los fabricantes no solo podrán mejorar la experiencia de los empleados, sino también aprovechar las métricas operativas para ayudar a las partes interesadas a comprender mejor las contribuciones de los empleados.

Esto ayudará a los fabricantes a darse cuenta de la urgencia de mejorar las habilidades de sus empleados y de abordar la brecha de habilidades de estos. Además, los líderes reconocerán la necesidad de transformar las funciones de aprendizaje de los empleados y crear nuevas capacidades para atraer, incorporar y retener a los empleados.

Experimente la diferencia de Trianz

Trianz permite la transformación digital a través de estrategias efectivas y excelencia en la ejecución. En colaboración con líderes empresariales y tecnológicos, ayudamos a formular y ejecutar estrategias operativas para lograr los resultados comerciales previstos mediante la incorporación de lo mejor en consultoría, experiencias tecnológicas y modelos de ejecución.

Con el respaldo de nuestros conocimientos, investigaciones y perspectivas, ayudamos a nuestros clientes a transformar sus ecosistemas empresariales y lograr un rendimiento superior aprovechando los paradigmas de infraestructura, nube, análisis, seguridad y tecnología digital. Comuníquese con nosotros para ponerse en contacto o para obtener más información.



El equipo de Trianz trabajó codo a codo con nosotros para transformar nuestras operaciones de ventas. Ahora tenemos una visibilidad completa de todo, desde nuestra cadena de suministro hasta las ventas y los precios. Nuestra asociación con Trianz ha sido excepcional.

Director – Contabilidad y Costos,

Un proveedor nacional de alimentos para ganado

El compromiso de Trianz de asumir la responsabilidad integral del desarrollo de la aplicación web de comercio electrónico es ejemplar. Su participación dedicada fue clave para que pudiéramos aprovechar las ventajas del desarrollo de conjuntos de pruebas automatizados y las pruebas manuales.

Vicepresidente de Marketing,

Empresa global de sistemas de almacenamiento y gestión de datos


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