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COVID will be here for a while. Are you ready?

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought the business world to a standstill with uncertainties and risks rising each passing day. Organizations had a very small window to react to the fast pace of changes to sustain service levels and maintain operational status. IT operations and BCP readiness has been put to test in an unprecedented way.

We measured over 300 IT organizations across 5 dimensions to evaluate their long- term response to COVID-19. Less than 9% of organizations or digital champions as we call them- Less than 9% of organizations were COVID Proof going into this crisis with well prepared, elastic, resilient and secure digital work environment.

Key Takeaways from this Report

  • Provide an overview of COVID-19 projections & workplace implications

  • Identify the capabilities and approach of a COVID & pandemic-proof IT operation or ‘Digital Champion’

  • Provide data-driven perspectives and best practices in business continuity, applications & data, IT operations & cybersecurity, organizational readiness & customer engagement processes

  • Provide recommendations for IT organizations to transition into COVID & pandemic-proof IT operations and Its Business Impact

Survey Methodology

Trasers has conducted surveys from March 2020 onwards covering 20 major industries and every region in the world that has been touched by COVID-19

We have spoken to over 310 leaders in IT departments in large and medium companies worldwide to understand their alignment, preparation and management of various dimensions of business continuity and security in this crisis.

We aggregated thousands of data points collected to produce a targeted report exclusively covering COVID-19 readiness, BCP execution, the features of a Covid & Pandemic-proof IT organization, and the path to becoming one.

This report is exclusively available on Trianz.

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