Benefit from our enterprise experience standardization expertise to offer consistent and harmonious user experiences
If customer experience is driving your digital transformation efforts, so should enterprise experience. After all, if your employees are not happy in their roles, how can you expect them to deliver consistent experiences to your customers?
Promoting enterprise experience is a transformative organizational challenge, and we believe the key to overcoming this is standardization - of tools, of resources, of processes. And if you’re not a fan of the term standardization, just think of it as standards.
User-centricity calls for high standards
Instead of saying customer-centric or employee-centric, why not just go with user-centric? In the digital world, everyone is a user, both inside and outside the organization. And today’s users demand high standards when it comes to experience. It is no different for your employees, vendors, executives and partners than it is for your customers.
It’s natural that you want to put all your time and energy into reaching such high standards for those who provide your revenue: your customers. But you can’t do this while neglecting to meet the same standards for those who generate your revenue: your internal teams. This failure can be detrimental to a company’s success for multiple reasons:
Inefficient, disharmonized, or poor enterprise experience equates to employee dissatisfaction
Dissatisfied employee users are less likely to give their best performance
When it comes to enterprise experience, companies that lack standardization are more likely to miscommunicate, make errors and disagree with colleagues and leadership
Web fragmentation is disruptive
When large enterprises grow or shift quickly, it is easy for internal teams to become disharmonized given the constant start/stop of project investments, shuffling around of employees, partners entering and leaving the picture, as well as countless new tools entering the market every year. This creates a chaotic environment as different teams use different and even incompatible frameworks and tools to work on common or related tasks.
Trianz’s approach to harmonization
Trianz has the expertise to harmonize chaotic enterprise environments. Our experts will start by mapping out a web of all your different internal stakeholders, their ongoing projects, communication channels, the enterprise applications they favor, the processes and frameworks they count on, even down to how they send their emails.
Within a 3-to-6-month period, we will have your entire organization on the same page, using tools that meet their standards of intuitiveness, elegance and reliability - what they need to get the job done.
By the end of our intervention, your employees, partners, vendors and executives will feel empowered, productive and satisfied with their user experience.